17. Angels

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She laid in the basic bed, in the basic room with nothing on the walls, an empty desk and a pentagram branded into the floor just inside her door. The pentagram terrified her. The black marks held a completely new meaning now and they stirred something deep inside of her causing a large sense of unease. She clutched the book she had swiped from the library tight to her chest, hidden under the scratchy wool blanket and stared at the ceiling. 

Sam had explained that there were markings all over the building, this particular one trapped a demon. This particular one should make her feel safe, she was protected from demons nothing could get in. Her only thought was if something got into it how would she get out? She glanced down at the mark again and re-gripped the edges of her stolen book. 

I could give you the name you've been longing to hear. 

She could practically see the stranger in her mind. 

Just like him. 

It had been easy enough to ignore her origins when it was just her mother that knew, and her mother wouldn't tell her. Problem solved, move on. And maybe one day far, far in the future when she'd given up on that part of her life, her mother would tell her. But there had been a new piece added to the match, the King was on the chessboard. The most vital piece to the game. Without the King there was no game, there was no purpose. 

She sat up, and found her glasses on the side table and pressed them onto her face before hastily getting dressed. She grabbed her phone and her book before poking her head out the door to ensure the way was clear before sliding out of her room. She used her phone to light the way in the dark halls, the soft blue glow a comforting feeling in her otherwise clammy hands. 

With the book firm in her grip she made it out to library and fumbled to turn on a small desk lamp. She opened the book again, examining the table of contents for what had caught her eye in the first place. 'Demonic Summoning'. She held her breath and with shaky fingers began flipping the pages and then stopped abruptly. Had she thought this through?

She sunk into the waiting chair and drummed her fingers on the tabletop, eyeing the book carefully. In a final spur of the moment move she leaned forward and flipped the pages quickly, eyes skimming until she found it. Maybe if she actually looked at what it entailed, it would help make up her mind? And it did. The first page was a page of ingredients, things like summoner's blood and bones from various small rodents.

She leaned back defeated, staring at the page of impossible ingredients and witchcraft like mixing. She grabbed the book then to at least take a look at the rest of it, if it was relatively easy she might find the strange ingredients in this supernatural bunker somewhere. She flipped the page, now leaning back and more relaxed in the chair, now that the possibility of this summoning was narrowing to zero. 

The second page held an incantation of sorts- Latin, she thought by the look of it. Her eyes slid down the page and she noticed different headers for different summonings. She was so far over her head, she didn't remember feeling like this since university. She couldn't believe there was so much of the world she just knew nothing about. Nothing. Her werewolf guess had been just that - a halfhearted guess. She hadn't even been able to identify the creature correctly when she had been trying to find more information on it. Angels, Sam had said and she snorted in disbelief as she thought about it now and then stopped. 

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