27. Gank the Bitch

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In the time it took Dean to instruct Felicity on how to use the gun, they had lost the guy. But the brothers didn't seem too fazed, at least Dean didn't Felicity observed. Sam on the other hand was a little more difficult to read as he conferred with his brother. At any rate their shooting glances didn't boost her confidence. Her brow furrowed as she watched their conversation deepen, Sam seemed rather angry about something.

"Felicity, I have a favour to ask of you!" Dean shouted out above his brother's words, casting a sidelong glance at Sam as he said it. Felicity hadn't seen Sam look quite this pissed since the first time they had met, and that was after he had been jumped. She waited for him to explain as he moved forward with confident steps and placed his hands on her shoulders. "Listen, I wouldn't ask this of you if I wasn't a hundred percent sure you'd be safe." She was pretty sure she knew where this was going but she listened on anyways, as his confident gaze held her on the spot.

"Dean, this isn't a good idea-" Sam started but Dean looked back at him with what Felicity could only suspect was a glare. His words fell dead and he turned back around to address her once more.

"This guy is out here trying to convince himself that he's not the monster that killed that girl last night. That's what he's searching for right now, that's what-"

"You need me to pretend to be, a victim of the wolf?" Dean shifted uncomfortably, seemingly thrown by the prospect that she knew exactly what she was getting herself into. "I did go to MIT remember? More than just a pretty face," she added with a slight smirk at the look on Dean's face. 

"You two and your schools, damn!" he murmured, letting her shoulders go as he looked between his two younger siblings. 

"So how exactly do you propose I pretend to be bait? We don't exactly have a monster here and we're beginning to lose light."

"All you need to do is wait til Sammy and I are off the trail," Dean looked around, "I'll be right over there, and Sam will be somewhere over there," he said, indicating the general area of trees on either side of them. "Then you scream. And with any luck buddy will come running in hopes of catching wolf boy in action - and then we gank the bitch," he finished. Felicity looked at him uneasily and then glanced at Sam who had by this point unwillingly made his way over. She eyed them carefully, rolling the thought over and over in her mind. 

"Fine, but I'm keeping the gun." Dean scoffed.

"Of course you are! What the hell kind of animal do you think I am?" Dean retorted frowning, "You're my little sister!"

"It's true," Sam added, "He's only a jerk part of the time."

"Bitch," Dean murmured back and Sam grinned. 

"Weirdos," Felicity said, taking in their giant grins. Sam laughed but his face fell a moment later as a loud crack snapped nearby. 

"Alright, Felicity do your thing," Sam instructed, his voice lowered as he listened.

She stood stock still as her brothers disappeared in the trees and suddenly their plan didn't seem like such a good idea. "Trust them Felicity, they're your brothers," she murmured to herself before taking a deep breath and letting out a high pitched scream.

Sam stood frozen and waiting, his eyes scanning for signs of life outside of their trio. He hated using bait, especially bait that came in the form of someone who hardly knew how to fight back. Felicity's scream fell silent and they listened a moment before Dean leaned around a tree and gestured for her to continue. She screamed again and this time, they got the reaction they had been expecting - sort of. 

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