25. The Angels Know

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Felicity was a ball of nerves as they made their way back through Verdant. She had had no issues getting them past the bouncer, her face now as familiar here as Oliver's but pushing her way through the throbbing mess of bodies was still an issue. She grabbed onto the back of Sam's jacket, his size making him the obvious choice to get her across the floor. She held tight as he navigated towards the basement door, more than ready to get away from the music. And she felt calm as people made room for his large frame and no one dared to approach her. 

At one point Sam turned slightly and Felicity lost her grip and was swallowed by the jostle of people almost immediately. Dean grabbed her, glaring right back at the dancing couple that gave him dirty looks. Felicity decided then that people moved for everyone she surrounded herself with, just not her. Maybe that's why she surrounded herself with them? Dean's hand stayed locked on her arm as he pushed them through the crowd. When Felicity glanced back at him she was relieved to see that he looked no more comfortable there than she did.

Dean would have been more than happy to use the back entrance again if it wasn't for the large line that was wrapped around the building by the time they had got there. As he pushed both himself and Felicity out of the sweating, grinding dance floor she moved with more confidence, slipping through the door as if it was a safe haven. Dean was surprised too see Diggle meet them at the door, having lost track of him in the people.

When the door closed behind them the music quieted drastically, much to Dean's relief - he didn't understand the electronic crap this generation was into. Felicity squeezed past them all to the secondary door, the confirming beep chiming before the sound of the locks popping open. But Felicity didn't move as the door swung open, instead she stood staring. 

Slightly alarmed, Dean gave Sam a wary look and they both reached slowly for their guns as Dean crept closer. He glanced around Felicity's shoulder to see an older blonde haired woman that looked remarkably like Felicity, albeit willing to show a little more skin. She sat across from a rather amused looking Oliver who had looked up to the door as it had opened. 

"Mom?" Felicity asked, a look of shock on her face. "What are you doing here?" She asked, finally making her way down the stairs and into the basement. Dean followed, eyeing the woman in curiosity before looking back to Felicity, as if comparing the two. 

"Mom?" Dean asked not believing it as the woman stood to hug Felicity. Dean tucked his gun back into his waistband and shrugged his jacket off before flopping down in a chair. Sam frowned, and then smiled as the woman turned to greet him.

"Donna Smoak," she said, holding out her hand. Sam shook it, as was the polite thing to do.


"Winchester," she finished and the room stood still. Dean was the first to react, tearing a flask out of his pocket and splashing the woman. She stood slightly shocked as she shook her hands out. 

"Dean!" Felicity shouted, as she ran to her mother's side. 

"No, no, it's alright," Donna assured her, wiping water from her face with her perfectly manicured nails, a smile on her face. 

"How do you know who we are?" Dean demanded, but the woman shook her head and laughed.

"Well you certainly are like John," she commented and Felicity, Sam and Dean froze and stared at her. Felicity's heart raced, unsure what her mother was about to say. Dean and Sam shared a sympathetic look, would this be yet another person they'd have to retell the death of their father to? Dean was the first to break the silence.

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