29. The Bigger Plan

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Dean immediately went on high alert as they arrived at the house to see the black SUV still sitting outside and the door locked. It was perhaps something that shouldn't have set off his super-senses but his skin seemed to be crawling with goose flesh. "Felicity?" he called out, rapping on the door with his knuckles. No response. Dean cast a look over his shoulder to Sam who shrugged and moved to look in one of the windows. Dean knocked again before stepping back and surveying the house again.

"Back door?" he half questioned, half stated as he turned and brushed past his brother.

"Dean, maybe she went out for a walk or something?" He scoffed and didn't bother to look back as he made his was around the house. 

"Then call her phone," he responded easily, but he already knew what the answer would be - there would be none. He waited patiently all the same, standing in the backyard as Sam dialed. A neighbour standing out on their back porch eyed them wearily and Dean plastered on a fake smile and waved.

The phone ringed and ringed in Sam's ear with no response. Dean looked back at him and must have known because he made immediately for the back door. "Hey, if you're some kind of ex-boyfriend or something you'd do well to get away from there!" the brothers started, and looked to see the neighbour red in the face and climbing down off of his porch. "I-I'll call the cops!" the brothers looked on in amusement as the overweight man waved his arm in what they assumed was supposed to be a menacing gesture. 

Dean, looking on with a bubbling mix of frustration and amusement turned back to the door and ignoring the man turned the handle. "Sammy," Dean muttered, finding the knob twisted easily under his hand. A million thoughts were running through Dean's head in that moment, and none of them very good.

"Get out of there!" the man shouted and Dean finally turned on him, pulling the big brother card as he did so. 

"That's my little sister in there!" he said jabbing a finger towards the house, "and we can't find her. So how about you leave us alone, turn your tubby ass around and march your way back up those stairs?" the man looked taken aback and Dean took advantage of it, turning back around and walking through the back door. 

He tugged on his jacket once inside, as if straightening it out would calm his nerves but it did nothing. Sam on the other hand stood awkwardly outside for a moment longer. "Sorry about him, he's... worried, that's all." And with nothing left to do but to give an awkward wave and walk away, Sam backed towards the door. "I'm just going to..." he trailed off, casually gesturing to the door just behind him. "She's not answering her phone..." he attempted to start explaining and then ducked through the door, hastily stealing away from the neighbour's accusing gaze.

"Felicity?" Dean called out, and Sam followed the sound of his brother's footsteps. "Feli-" Dean stopped dead in his tracks and Sam quickly found out why. Felicity sat curled up on the floor shaking, her face wet with tears and her phone laying three feet away. Dean crouched down in front of her and tried to coax information out of her trembling form and Sam went to grab the phone. What he saw made his mouth go dry. 

"Dean," Sam called, clearing his throat. The number that glared up at him was all too familiar and as he showed it to his brother, his shoulders slumped .

"What did you do Felicity? Please tell me you didn't make another deal," Dean said, his voice strained as he held his breath for the answer. A choking sob broke out and she leaned into Dean's chest. He froze, unsure what that meant and surprised after everything she had reached for him. Hesitant at first he just stared down at her blonde hair before eventually coming to his senses and squeezing her tight. "Alright," he said, his voice cracking, "let's get you up off the floor."

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