Author's Note

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A/N - Ugh! Ok guys I hate posting author's notes as chapters but I feel like I need to keep you in the loop. You may have seen my status update about the change in update frequency, making it a little ironic that I'm posting this now but I wanted to explain.

As you all know updates on this story happen generally 3 times a week, sometimes more if I owe a bonus. You also may or may not know that I write to post. None of this story is pre-written. I write, edit and post every chapter as it comes up. I love the schedule, it keeps me preoccupied and I know you guys like seeing new chapters. Unfortunately, my body isn't taking this update schedule any longer.

Basically what it comes down to is that I work a desk job. Which means that I sit and type on a computer at work for work, but also in the down time write for you guys. Then I go home and I write more for you guys AND work on my own original stories and ideas. Think Nanowrimo all mos. haha! Pretty much writing all day, everyday for more than a month. This has recently caused some unsettling symptoms that are clearly leaning towards Carpal Tunnel. 

I now have muscle strain from my fingers up to my elbow. Imagine like you've lifted weights and the next day you're a little sore and a little strained and the movements you make just seem to irritate it. That's basically what it feels like with or without movement. Because this is the first sign, I want to take precautionary measures to hopefully prevent it from progressing. This means eliminating the stressors- primarily 'constant repetitive movement' aka typing. 

I know this sucks, and I'm hoping that this is only a temporary setback but I can't be sure. For now I'm going to treat it as such and take it week by week. Until further notice there will only be one update per week (excluding this week because the next chapter is already half done). I will keep you guys posted as usual with the update schedule from my profile on a weekly basis.

Sorry guys! :( I hope you're all having a good week! NO SAD PANDAS! Don't be sad pandas, winter is almost done! <3


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