14. Meta-wolf

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Sam flashed the homeland security badge and gave the woman his most serious face. "Hi, I'm Special Agent Reid and this is Special Agent Rossi," he said confidently, gesturing to himself and Dean. "We work for Homeland Security, we were wondering if we might be able to ask you some questions about what happened here last night?" The woman eyed them curiously, her hair curled into retro waves and her dark eyes taking them in with suspicion. She leaned heavily against the counter, her elbow the only thing keeping her upright, an air of authority surrounded her. They deduced nearly as soon as they had got here that this must be the famous 'Ms. B' of Ms. B's 24hr Diner.

"What's got Homeland Security so interested in a vandalism case?" she asked them, eyes narrowed as she snapped a piece of bright pink gum between her lips. Sam chuckled at her ignorance and carefully closed his fake identification before stowing it back in his jacket. He thought over his words carefully as Dean's head turned back and forth on a swivel, taking in everything.

"Ma'am if you don't mind me asking, have you looked at last night's footage?" he wondered, finally looking back up at her. She snapped her gum again and Dean tightened with the urge to smack the strawberry mess from her mouth, the sound grinding on his nerves.

"Not my problem, a copy went to the Starling City blues," she said nodding towards a nearby police cruiser. "And another was sent off by my assistant to insurance. I trust my employees, they tell me someone jumped through the window, I believe 'em!" Sam tried not to laugh out in disbelief of the woman's ignorance and reduced himself to a tight lipped smile.

"Yes, well, we have reason to believe that the incident here is related to another larger scale attack and may pose a deeper threat. We'll need to get a copy of that footage if we can to compare the incidents. In the meantime though, would you mind if we took a look around?" The woman shrugged lazily and jerked her head in the general direction of the mess.

"I'll get you a copy, go ahead and look around. I'd say don't break anything but that seams kind of useless now, doesn't it?" she pushed herself off of the counter and walked towards the kitchen, leaving the brothers to investigate. There wasn't much there they hadn't seen themselves in the moment, but they looked anyways while they waited.

"Does it not seem a little odd," Dean started, turning from the shattered window that had been crossed off with police tape to look at Sam. "That this is the third time this creature has gone directly for Felicity? If what they said before was true it's attacked her vehicle, the basement when she was there alone and now this. Sam, that thing jumped right through the window she was sitting beside!"

Sam scoffed and looked at his brother, "are you saying the thing's targeting her? Dean, she could hardly hurt a fly. Who the hell could she piss of so much they want her dead?" his brother seemed to consider this as Sam took another look under the table they had sat at the night before. There was blood and shards of glass everywhere around them but no bullets and no other evidence they didn't already have.

"Either of you got a flash drive?" the woman's casual drawl called out from behind the counter, her head visible through the service window.

"Uh, yeah," Sam patted his pockets until he felt the small shape and dug it out. He came around through the kitchen doors and followed the woman back, handing over his flash drive as they reached the back office. He stood awkwardly in the doorway of the small room while the woman leaned over the computer and slowly clicked around the screen.

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