23. Truce

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The red headed girl had an immediately friendly air about her, also a former IT guru Felicity found comfort in finally being near someone with a mind like hers. Unbeknownst to them at first appearance, the girl herself had obviously bridged the gap between the two teams. A funny and lighthearted person who understood the dark and tormented depths of the Winchesters, however impossible that feat seemed. She served almost as a filter, filling in gaps and removing the nonsense they didn't even know existed with her tiny tidbits, streamlining the material reaching their ears.

Oliver watched on as Felicity seemed to forget about her own impending doom, deep in conversation with Charlie. "I mean don't worry about the deal," the red head snorted, "Sam and Dean have died..." she shook her head, trying to come up with a number. "Hey, how many times have you guys died?" she shouted over her shoulder. 

Sam and Dean paused and looked up from their screens, Dean tapped the end of a pencil against his bottom lip as he did so. He considered it for a moment and then started counting on his fingers, he seemed to come to a number and then he frowned. "Wait, does the trickster thing count? Cause' I don't even remember that."

"At least that makes one of us," Sam murmured beside him, a dark look coming over his face. "I'll never hear that song the same again."

"Well, there was the truck-"

"What truck?" 

"The truck Sammy, come on" Dean responded, glaring at his brother. Felicity watched on in confusion, Charlie expectantly and Oliver himself with a morbid curiosity. Sam's eyes seemed to come alight in recognition of the event a moment later.

"That truck," he concluded, looking down at his hands. Dean ticked off a second finger as he continued.

"Then there was the hell hounds," Oliver watched as a tightness came over both brothers and Dean glanced towards the sky as if in memory of someone. "Then there was that time with the reapers," Sam hummed in agreement, ticking off a finger himself. "That chick was hot," Dean added.

"Does future you count? Cause Lucifer snapped your neck that time," Felicity's mouth dropped open and she stared at the brothers. She couldn't believe what she was hearing, let alone register how calm they were about it all. Charlie groaned and turned to the screen she was working on until the image of a spreadsheet was shown to the big screen for the room to see. 

"Let's see, let's see," she murmured but Felicity was already absorbing all of the information, standing and drawing closer to the large screen. Everything was there, every detail of every death of each of her brothers. The screen changed to the second tab of the spreadsheet and Charlie leaned back, clicking the pen in her hand. "I calculate it, everything included to be at about 115 times - give or take a couple of incidents since Chuck." 

Felicity spun to look at the Winchesters and everything suddenly made sense. Every sideways glance, every weary expression and the solid barrier between them and the world. She cleared her throat as Charlie changed the screen back and locked eyes with Sam. "Is this accurate? Did all of this actually happen?" she tried to hide the staggering realization she felt but her voice still came out as a whisper. It was no wonder Dean was so bitter about her deal, the number that stood by his name was nothing short of incredible.

Oliver watched the way Felicity stared at her brothers, the way the numbers disturbed her. The information clouded his thoughts constantly, no longer able to unsee it. The similarities in the way her and Sam leaned into their computer screens, the caring nature they both exuded with every look. Not to mention the indisputable will to help people. He felt a pang of jealousy he hadn't felt before- she had more in common with these oblivious strangers than she ever would him.

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