11. Everything Will Change

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Felicity was eyeballs deep in her research, three coffees in and not getting any closer to the end of the Winchester madness. It seemed that wherever they went, they left a trail of death and peace behind them. Two things that didn't seem to make sense together. There were numerous open cases with the Winchester name on them for a list of charges that only seemed to be growing longer with every passing minute.  

"Alright, this is ridiculous," Barry finally declared from the other side of the room. "This rap sheet is half a mile long and we just keep finding more. How is that even possible? It's like they've been doing this since they were kids."

"Had to have been, I've never seen anything like it." Joe concluded, sifting through sheets of notes. "There's everything here from shoplifting to murder!"

"Felicity, maybe Oliver's right, maybe we can't trust these guys." Felicity wanted to argue, there was just something in Sam that made you trust him. She didn't feel quite the same about Dean, still unsettled by the way he had just appeared out of thin air. Her brain was raging a war on itself, the facts and her feelings clouding her judgement far too much.

"Stealing from an evidence room, disturbing a crime scene..." Barry's voice became a buzzing in her ears and she stood abruptly, her chair skittering on it's wheels away from her. He stopped and looked up at her with surprise written across his features. "Felicity? Are you ok?"

"Uhm, Yeah," she lied, pressing her eyes closed and shaking her head in a halfhearted attempt at clearing it. "I just need some air, too much coffee," Joe eyed her curiously, but she managed to slip out of the basement without another word. What she really needed, she decided, she wasn't going to get from the screen of her computer. She was nervous as she slipped out the backdoor and scrambled her way clumsily down the fire escape, her heels making the descent all the more awkward. 

The crisp air seemed to have brought a gust of wind through her thoughts, clearing them in a swift blow. She looked out into the night and began to walk towards the sidewalk, her eyes trained on the cracks in the pavement. She needed to talk to these Winchesters alone.

"You know, you're absurdly like him," she stopped abruptly, her head searching frantically for the source of the voice. A man in a fine, black suit leaned against a nearby light post, his arms crossed casually over his chest as he studied her. He appeared to have been inspecting his nails before she happened upon him and he returned his glance to them once again, if only for a moment. 

"Like who? I'm sorry, who are you exactly?" A sinister air seemed to surround him as he dropped his arms and pushed off the light post. He moved closer with an arrogant stride, a smirk playing at his lips. She took a step back which only seemed to encourage him, his smirk then widening to a grin. 

"The name's Crowley," he said, extending a hand. Felicity eyed it carefully, withdrawing further from the strange man. 

"Crowley?" Felicity repeated, letting the strange name roll off her tongue. He seemed pleased with the sound of his own name which made Felicity inwardly cringe. She slipped her phone from her pocket and stood, her finger hovering over Oliver's name.

"I can give you the information you've always wanted to know."

"And what information is that?" Felicity asked, her voice quivering as she took another half step back. He was wearing a full Cheshire grin now and she could feel the hairs raise up on the back of her neck.

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