We need to talk..Now

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I call Dakota and say "i got your text, what is it?"

"I just wanted to tell you, that I love you and you are it for me. Just always believe that."

"Dakota where is this coming from, when you texted me I got scared."

"I just needed to say it."

"ok babe, well I am tired so I am going to go to bed."

"I love you babe."

"i love you too."

I pulled up the covers and plugged my phone into the charger. I slipped into my sleep .

I wake up the next morning smelling break fast. I hop out of the bed and run into the kitchen to find Dakota and dad and grandma. I see grandma making the food and dad and Dakota going over a file on the bar. They quickly put it away when they see me. I walk over to the two of them. Dad says "hey babygirl."

"don't you baby girl me mister. What's in the file folder?"

"Nothing you need to worry about?"

"DAD, what is in it? I MEAN IT, TELL ME!"

he hands over the file and I peel it open. What I see is not what I thought it would be. I close the file and throw it down and run back to my room and lock the door. I started pacing around the room. I am panicking. How could this be happening. A knock sounds on my door. Dad says " I didn't mean for you to find out this way. Parker, will you just open up the door?"

I look out my window and see my truck parked right there. Then the idea to quietly leave pops in my mind. I grab my backpack and keys and open up my window quietly. I walk to my truck and climb in and crank it up. I pull out of the driveway and just drive. I text grandpa and say "Look don't tell anybody but I am picking you up at the office in like two minutes and we need to go talk."

I pull up to the office and he hops in. He says "what's this all about?"

"You will find out in a couple of minutes."

I decide I am going to drive to the rock cliff that over looks the ocean. A place I go to think. He stays silent and dad calling me.

I answer and say "WHAT?"

"where are you? you cant just disappear on us like that?"

"I am safe and I will talk to you later."

I hang up on him. We pull up to the rock cliff and we get out. I pull down the tailgate of my truck and grandpa climbs up.

He says "I have a feeling I know what this is about?"

"Why did you keep it from me?"

"parker, we didn't want to involve you till we knew for sure."

"well now you do know for sure , when did you plan on telling me."

"i left it up to your dad. I wanted to tell you from the beginning but I left it up to your dad."

"I just don't understand why you all felt you couldn't tell me this."

"Your dad didn't want to hurt you. Dakota didn't want to hurt you. We all care so much about you."

"Well let me ask you a question?"


"Is what I read true?"

"Yes, your dad did hire someone to kill your mom. He thought it meant he would get custody of you."

A single tear falls from my eyes. "That is the worst thing I have ever heard of."

"We are going to court next week to try to get him on murder charges. You have to go to be a key witness."

"How am I a key witness?"

"Because you were the last person to see your mom alive."

It is all sinking in now. My chest hurts. Grandpa opens his arms and fold them over my small muscular body. He unwraps his arms from around me and I say "Promise me one thing."


"That we can go on a bounty tomorrow and I won't have to ride with my dad or Dakota and that I can stay with you and grandma at your house tonight. And you won't tell dad where this is. This is my thinking place so if I ever disappear, this is where I will be."

"I promise, your dad is going to meet me at the courts with Dakota in thirty minutes, drop me off there and go home and get some clothes and here's my key. Let grandma get you ready for the military ball tonight."

"ok and by the way grandpa, I love you."

"I love you to granddaughter."

We hop in my truck and pull off. I drive him to the court house steps and let him out. I see dad and Dakota walking over and tell grandpa, "i am not ready to face them."

He walks up to them and I can hear him tell them what I want. Dakota face shows confusion and anger. Before I look at dad I drive off, deciding not to deal with it right now. I drive to grandma's to find her there waiting for me. I get out and say "let me guess, grandpa called you."

"you betta girl."

She walks up and hugs me. I say "I love you, just in case I don't say that enough."

"just in case I don't say it enough parker, I love you too."

we walk inside and she leads me to her room. Inside hanging on the closet door is a beautiful floor length red dress. It has a sweetheart neckline and a beaded band right under my boobs and the rhinestones flowed out to the bottom of the dress. I turn around and say " grandma this is like more than I could ask for."

"well I thought it would look perfect for you since we didn't go to pick one out I thought this little number would do. Now come put on this button up and sit down and let me do you hair and makeup."

"what time is Mason coming to pick me up?"

"In three hours you are taking pictures."


I put on the white button up and sit down in front of the mirror. Grandma starts to work her magic.

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