Waking Up....

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Dakota's point of veiw:

After we talk to the doctors again we find out she may not wake up in till in the morning so we all go home. I go home and take a shower and put on some sweatpants and a black t shirt and a snapback. I walk into the living room and say to dad "I am going to grandma and grandpa's house to talk to them."

"Ok. Are you going to ask them about Parker?" He says.

"Yes and then Duane Lee."

"Good luck son."

"Thanks dad. I love you"

"I love you too Dakota."

I grab my keys and go to my truck and drive to grandpas. When i get there i walk inside and see Grandma and Grandpa at the table and I walk over and sit down and say "I need to talk to you guys."

"Whats wrong honey?" says Grandma.

"Nothing is wrong but i need to tell you something."

"Ok go ahead."

"Well i have known for a while but after what happened i can't ignore the feelings i have for Parker. Dad said i should talk to you about it."

"Oh honey, that's great. Have you talked to her?"

"I want to when she wakes up but i wanted to make sure I had your blessing."

"Listen grandson, I think you to would be great togther but if you do this you have to be commited. You will be her world. Her mom is dead and her dad is who knows where. You have to stay togther. You can't break up just because a litte fight. I am not saying you won't have fights but she is tough as a bull. She is hard headed just like her mother. With ths being said you have our blessing because you are a chapman and you are commited." says Grandpa.

"thanks." I say.

"You should go talk to Duane Lee though before you say anything to her. It has been a short time but she is like a daughter to him. They talk about everything. You need his blessing."

"okay. I love you guys."

"We Love you too." They both say.

I head to the turck and drive to Duane Lee's and walk inside. He is sitting on the couch crying. I walk over and hug him. I say "Can we talk?"

"Sure." he says.

"Well i have known for a while but after what happened i can't ignore the feelings i have for Parker. Dad said i should talk to you about it"

"I knew that you did."

'i want your blessing to ask her to go on a date when she wakes up."

"You hae my blessing because I know that is what she wants."

My heart skips a beat. She feels the same way. "How do you know?"

"Because she is like my daughter and she tells me everyhing."

"That's what grandpa said."

"Well my dad knows best."

"She is going to be okay."

"I know but if i would have been there things might have been diffrent. I am in charge of her and i am expected to take care of her. I failed when she got hurt."

"Uncle Daune this is not your fault. Bounty hunting is dangerous and there is nothing you could have done today."

"Thankyou Dakota."

"I am going to go spend the night at the hospital, do want to come?"

"Yea let me grab some stuff."

"I will be waiting in the truck."

I go to the truck and tell dad that i am going to spend the night at the hospital and i will drop by to grab some stuff. Daune Lee comes out with a bag and a pillow. He hops in and we go to my house. I walk in and pull out my backpack. I put a change of cothes, my phone charger, headphones, tooth brush and my latop in. I shove my blanket inside and grab my pillow and sweatshirt. We ride t the hospital and go up to her room. There are two roll in beds by the window. I put my stuff on one whle Uncle Daune puts his on th other. It is close to midnight so we go to bed.

When I wake up I see Duane Lee standing over her bed talking to her. I blinka couple of times to make sure i am seeing what i seeing. I get up and walk over to the bed and she smiles at me. Duane Lee leaves the room so we can talk.

"I am glad that you are awake." I say.

"me too."

"Parker can we talk?" All the sudden my heart beats aster and feels like it is about to pop out of my chest.


I grab a chair and pull it beside the bed and say "Parker i have feelings for you. I like you. Actually I like you a lot. I want to know will you let me be your boyfriend?"

She smiles and says ....................................

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