Saying it...

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(A/N thanks for reading everbody. I was going to stop writig this but some readers told me not to so i dedicate this chapter to @ShelbyWofle5, @lakarie, @Anpr994, @Aloha808, @usmclover95, @Mooneygrl90. Thank yu guys so mch for believing in me. Comment what you want to happen or something i could do better please.)

Parker's point of veiw:

Dakota says "Will you be my girlfriend?"

At first i think that it is a bad idea because of my baggage or becausewhat if it desn't work out. We work together. But then i feel happy becuse i have wanted him to ask me this for a long time. So i smile and say "Yes, I will."

He wraps me in a hug and then kisses me, so gently. He pulls away and then he opens the door. Whn he opens the door, all of the Chapmans nearly fall down because they were listening in. They all say "Congradulations." to Dakota. They all ask me how i feel. I say "Ready to go home."

Duane Lee comes and sits on he side of my bed. The doctor comes in and says "I need to do a checkup so everyone needs to leave, execpt your father."

"I'm not her father." Daune Lee says. It hurts a little to hear him say that but i will talk to him later about it. The doctor says "She might pass out again but you need to wake her up. If she passes out call me. You should keep a close eye on her at all times for the next day or so. Work her back into bounty hunting."

"You got it sir."

"Thankyou. Here are the forms you need to sign and then you can take her home."

He signs them and thn he hands me a big shirt, from his closet, and my favorite pair of sweatpants. I go in the bathroom and change. When i get out daune Lee pushes the wheel chair down to the truck and puts me in it. We start driving home when i say "I know your not my dad but you are the closet thing i have ever had to it. So in my mind i am your daughter and you are my dad. I know you have only had me for a month or so but i feel like we have this bond that i have never had before. So you are my dad and i am your daughter in my mind."

He starts to cry and says "I wanted to say you were my daugther in there but i didnt know how you would feel about it. From now on i am your dad and you are my daughter. I love you Parker."

"I love you too."

We get home and he carries me inide to his room and turns on the tv. He lays down beside me and says "What do you want to watch?"

"You don't have to watch me every second."

"Yes i do, it's the doctors order. I am your dad remember, we protect our daughters."

I smile and say "Let's watch a movie."

We watch Captin Phillips, Iron Man, and Mean girls. Even though he denies it, i am pretty sure he likes the movie mean girls. He makes me soup and we eat while watching football. I check my phone, which i haven't done all day, and i see a text from Dakota. It says "I hope you are feelng better."

"I am eating soup and watching movies with Daune Lee." I say.

"Sounds like fun, well i better sleep but i hope you have a god night babe ;)"


Daune Lee puts our bowls in the sink and does the dishes. When he comes back i fall asleep. I wake up the next morning and feel pretty good. I take the medecine the doctor gave me and eat a apple for breakfast. I take a shower and get out. Daune Lee has to work today so i go to the office with him. When we get there everyone is there. We walk into the meeting room and everyone smiles and says "How is are you feeling this morning?"

"Good." I say.

Duane Lee says "But not good enough to go on a bounty."

I let out a sigh. Daune Lee says "She is going to stay here with the staff while we all go out."

I sit on the chouch and listen about thier latest bounty. They all mount up and leave. Dad, Daune Lee, kisses me on the forehead. I go to his office and sit down at his computer. I move the mouse and it turns on. It is password protected so i text dad and say "What is the passwrod to you computer, i wanna play games."

He texts back "It is Parker."

I type in my name and it comes up to the desktop. I decide to watch netflix insted. I watch Pretty Little Liars and start wth episode one, even though i have seen all of them. Once i get through about 6 episodes they come back. Dad finds me in his office. He picks me up and carries me on his back to the meeting area. He throws me on the couch. I laugh and he sits next to me. Dakota sits on the other side of me. I lay my head against his shoulder while my feet are on Duane Lee, AKA dad. Beth takes a picture. We all go home. We go to bed after dinner.

We wake up and i wake up dad and say "I can bounty hunt today!"

"Yes you can, but your are staying with me because he said you have to slowly work you way back into it."


"Get ready and we will leave. I curl my hair and put it into a ponytail. I put on some makeup. We ride to the office. Duane Lee walks in and i tie m shoes. I get out and Dakota hugs me and says "Would you like to go on a date with me tonight?"

"Yes i would."

We kiss and walk inside hand in hand.

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