Getting into the groove

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We walk inside and Beth says "Good to have you back sister!"

"Good to be back" I say.

We walk into the meeting room where Dog and dad and leland are. I say "Dad, can i talk to you?"

Everyone stares and dad comes over and i say "Can i go on a date with Dakota tonight?"

"okay, but tomorrow we are doing stuff. So dont plan anything then please."

"I won't."

We walk back over to the group and Dog says "Why did you call him dad?"

"Dad, i want her to call me that. She has become a daughter to me. She has never really had a father figure and we talked about it and that's what we decided." says Daune Lee.

I smile and Dog says "Son, i don't have a problem with it. Parker, i want you to be apart of this family. Don't think any different."

I smile and hug everyone. We sit down and go over the bounty for the day. Seems like a pretty easy one but Dog says we all have to dress out. Dakota helps me strap my vest. Dad brings me my belt and mace that i left in his truck. I snap it on and i put a radio on. We load up in cars and everyne does a radio check. We start driving to the adress and dad turns to me and says "Stay with me. We will be covering the back and if he comes out the back let me get him."

"Dad, i am fine. I am healed up and i will be perfectly okay." I say.

"Parker, don't fight me on this."

"Ok i will stay with you."

"Thankyou, I love you."

"I love you too."

Beth speakes up and says "Don't make me cry."

"why would you cry?" I say.

"Because my son has a daughter and it was a moment that he held responbility for you. It was specail."

"Yes, i guess it was."

We pull up on the house and i jump out with dad and we run to the back and i stay behind him as i was told to. Then over the radio we hear "Fugtive in custody"  we walk back to the SUV's. Dad and I take a picture and i post it on instagram and twitter. We drive back to the office while Dog and Leland take the fugutive to the jail. Dad drives us home and i start getting ready. I take a shower and get out and text Dakota : What sould i wear tonight?

Dakota : we are doing something that you will need your bathing suit for.

Me: Can't wait. When are you picking me up?

Dakota: At four.

I lock my phone and go in my room and find my aztec bikin. I throw on my high waisted shorts and my favorite crop top that dad got me. It says Daughter of a bounty Hunter. I throw on my black vans and walk into the living room and get dad to french braid my hair. I put on light makeup. I pack a change of clothes into my Kavu bag. I yell "Dad? Have you seen my raybans?"

"On the kitchen counter" He yells back.

I walk into the kitchen and grab them. I walk into the living room and sit down with Dad. We start talking about the bounty today when there is a knock on the door. Dad gets up and opens it and Dakota is standing there in board shorts and a muscle shirt. He comes in and talks to dad for a little bit and then we leave.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"To the beach, because i am going to teach you to surf." He says.

Wat he doesnt know is that i know how to surf but it will be cute to watch him teach me. We arrive at the beach and we take off our shirts and i take off my shorts. We get a tourist to take a picture and then he hands me a wet suit. I pull it over my body while he puts one on to. He carries two surfboards down to the sand and sit them on it. He then explains to me how to paddle and stand up on your board. We practice for a while and once he thinks i have got it he takes us into the water. We get out far and i wait for a wave. One comes up and we both take off. I paddle hard and gain my balance and stand up and start surfing. I do a couple of tricks and Dakota wipes out trying to show off. He says "I thought you didn't know how to surf?"

"You never asked if i knew how. You just assumed."

"Where did you learn the tricks?"

"Every summer i stayed with my friend Allie in California and we took surf lessons. I just thought it was cute to see you teach me." He shakes his head and laughs. We ride a couple more waves and get out. I sit on the sand while he goes up tot the tuck. He comes back with a backpack full of food. We pig out and watch the sun start to set. I sit between his legs and lean back on him. I turn to look at him and he kisses me. We pull apart abd i feel greedy so i lean in for just one more kiss. We sit there until it is around eight. He says "I better get you home before Daune Lee gets my ass."

I laugh and we walk back to the truck. We put our clothes back on and hop in. He drives me home. We pull up in my drive way and we kiss goodbye before i get out of the truck and go into the house. I walk in and take a shower and get out and put one of dad's big oversized tshirts on. Then i throw on my favorite pair of shorts. I walk into dad's room and he says "Come here. Give me the details. Do i need to beat his ass?"

"No dad you don't. It was a perfect date."

"What did you do?"

"He took me to the beach and taught me to surf, or well at least he thought he taught me."


"I lived in cali in the summers wth my friend allie and we surfed there all the time and i even know a coulpe of tricks."

"We will have to go surfing togther then."

"Then we had a pinic on the beach and then we watched the sunset."

"Did you kiss him?"


I blush and he laughs and says "Well i would like to know who my daughter is kissing?"

"Yes we did. Are you happy now, i feel embrassed."

"My job has been accomplished."

We talk for a little while longer and then i decide to go to bed because i am tired.

I wake up to Dad ticklng me and I say "What time is it?"

"6 in the morning?"

"Why am i up so early?"

"Get dressed and u will find out. Bring your sneakers though."

 I moan and do as i am told.

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