Part 25

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I wake up in Mason's guestroom in his apartment. I quickly jump in the shower and throw on my black sports bra and black Capri. I then walk to Mason's closet and throw on one of his black compression shirts. I grab all my stuff and load up the truck. I then go back inside and brush my teeth and braid my hair. I apply light makeup and decide to join Mason downstairs for breakfast. 

He says "Is that my shirt?"


"i am getting that back later."

"sure, whatever you say."

he laughs and pulls me in for a hug and says "I have to go to work, text me later little sis."

"I will, i am heading out soon too."

He grabs his keys and leaves and i eat an apple and then decide it is time to face everyone at work. I grab my keys and lock up Mason's apartment and get in my truck. The whole way there i am getting nervous and freaking out. I know what i want to do but i don't want to do it. Whatever happens today will happen and there is nothing i can do about it. 

I pull up to the office. I slip my engagement ring off my finger and put it in the glove box. When i go into the office it is quiet. Then i hear the arguments coming from the meeting room where we all gather normally. Instead of going in i decide just to listen. I hear grandpa and dad and Dakota arguing about me. I take a few deep breaths and walk in the room. The room goes silent and i go and sit by grandpa. He hugs me and says "Do you want to just stay in the office today?"

"No. I need some good old energy rush."

"you got it kid."

He walks up to the board and shows us who we are picking up today. I try to pay attention but all i can focus on is how dad and Dakota can't stop looking at me.  After grandpa finishes, i stand up and walk to my truck and gear up. We still have twenty minutes till we are heading out. I was the only one that wasn't already geared up so they are all still sitting on the couch. I walk in and say "Dad, Dakota, and grandpa i need you to come outside with me."

We all walk outside by my truck. i let the tailgate down and grandpa and i sit on it. I say "Don't interrupt me and just listen because you are not changing my mind."

They all nod at me to continue, 

"Look Dad and Dakota, i am so beyond mad at you to think you couldn't trust me. I have ran it through my head 100 times at least and still can't figure out why you don't trust me. I came to all of you at my most vulnerable point, when i lost my mom. Dad i trusted you with telling you what happened, i hadn't ever told anybody about it.  Dakota, i thought we were getting somewhere, hell you just proposed and i said yes. This is what is going to happen, and it's the way it has to be. I will be staying at grandpa's and grandma's house. I don't know how long it will be for, but i have to get moving on with my life and deal with the news i found out myself. Dad don't expect to think things will just go back to normal because they won't, you have lost my trust and that will be hard to get back. I will be by this afternoon to get my stuff. Dakota, as you notice i am not wearing my ring. you also have lost all my trust. And no i am not calling off our engagement. I am putting it on pause and because i love you, you get a second chance to make this all up to me. And because there is another big reason. Because i took down all my walls for you and i can't do that again. I won't, your the only person for me or its no one else at all. That's all i wanted to say. Now you may speak."

"Why does he get off so easy?" dad says.

"Because i knew we would have our ups and downs like any couple would. But a DAD is supposed to be there and trust their child and never leave them in a time where they needed them most."

dad starts crying and says "Parker, please! is there anything i can do?"

Dakota says "I love you Parker!"

"I love you too but don't think you out of trouble yet but i do need one thing from you. A kiss now."

He comes over and passionately kisses me and then i say "Thats the only one you will be getting anytime soon."

I walk inside with Dakota. I go to grab my mace from the supply closet and then we load up vehicles. I look around and say "Grandpa, where is dad?"

"He went home, said he just needed some time to think."

My chest starts to hurt and i don't know how long i can stay mad at him even when i know i will have to be strong and stand my ground.

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