A true hunt

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Dakota drives us back to the office. when we get there he says "this is a true bounty hunt."

We head inside to the office and meet everyone inside. we sit down on the couches and dog says "where else could he be?"

I am handed his file and I look through it and under hobbies he lists "girlfriend."

I nudge dakota and point at it and he speaks up and says "Grandpa. We should try the girlfriends house."

"ok. Let's go." Dog says.

We get back in Dakotas truck and drive to the adress. He says "You will be in the back and if the fugtive tries to run, stop him. spray mace if you have to. Chase after him if he gets away from you."

"okay. I got it." I say.

"two minute warning." Leland says over the radio.

We pull up in the driveway and i run to the back. I stand in the back and I hear Dog and Leland knock on the front door. then the back door flies open and the fugtive is coming straight for me. I yell "Frezze, you are under arrest."

She doesnt stop and she is close to me. I pull my mace out and squezze the trigger. It gets in her eyes and in mine. she knocks me to the ground and starts to run. i get back up and jump on her back. She flings me off and i hit the ground hard. Leland runs by me and cuffs her after pushing her to the ground. Dakota runs to me and helps me stand up. He says "Are you okay?"

"yea.I think so."

he helps me walk back to the truck and he pours water into my eyes and the sting starts to go away. Then he uses the mace remover pads and my vision becomes clear again. he pulls me into a hug and says "Are you sure you are okay?"

"I just feel a little light headed." I say.

then next thing i know my vision blurs and everything goes black.

Dakota's point of veiw:

I see her fall to the ground. I try and shake her awake but she doesnt wake up. i yell for my dad and everyone comes over. Beth says "what happened?"

"She just passed out."

"I am calling 911."

The amabualnce arrives and she is transported to the nearst hospital which is thirty minutes away. Dad sees me shaking and says "Son, give me your keys,i will drive you."

I hand him the keys and on the way there he says "Son, why are you so worried about her?"

"Because I like her. I like her a lot."

"did you tell her that?"


"when she wakes up, tell her."

"First I need to talk to grandpa and grandma."


We arrive at the hospital and walk up to the room she is in. the doctor comes in and says "Well she was hit hard and she has spraiged her wrist and the passing out is nothing to worry about. She doesnt need to past out in the next 24 hours though. If she does try to wake her up and call me. She needs to be on bed rest for a day. She will also need to do some simple physical therpay for her wrist and we are going to put a brace on her wrist that doesnt need to come off execpt when she gets in the shower. somone will need to watch her for the next 24 hours or she can't go home today."

Daune Lee says "I will watch her. She lives at my house."

"Okay once she wakes up she can go home." The doctor says.

"When will that be?" I say.

"should be any time now. He says.

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