Chapter 53: We Only Have Each Other

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(if you haven't noticed all of my chapters are song lyrics/titles so sorry about the frozen one I hate it too I just thought the lyric worked lol)

I woke up to Angel shaking me.

"Angel." I groaned pulling a pillow over my head.

"Come on, Scar! Wake up its Christmas!" she said. I pulled the pillow away and looked at the alarm clock. 6:47. I looked at her about to tell her to get out its too early but she looked so happy and young and innocent. I smiled. I rolled out of bed. I had on fuzzy pajama pants and Alex's flannel that was really bug and comfy. I went to Mary's crib to see if she was away. She was. She was chewing on her blanket and grinning. I smiled and picked her up.

"Hey baby girl! It's Christmas!" I smiled. Angel went to wake more people up and I chuckled walking out of my room. Everyone started filing down. Angel came downstairs grumbling and walking into kitchen. I noticed Dean wasn't here.

"Where's Dean?" I asked.

"Being uncooperative." Angel said walking out of the kitchen with a bowl full of ice and water. I held back a laugh as she went up stairs. Wait for it.

"ARGH." *Thump* "SON OF A BITCH!" He shouted. I chuckled as Angel ran downstairs and hid behind Bobby.

"Dad save me!" she squealed. Angel was better then me. She called Bobby dad when she first met him. It took me forever to call Dean dad. Dean ran downstairs drenched.

"Angel!" He shouted.

"No!" she squeaked. Bobby chuckled and moved out of the way.

"No! Dad! You abandoned me!" she shouted. Dean ran over to her and threw her over his shoulder. He walked outside where the pool was. Oh no. I followed with Mary still in my arms.

"NO! DEAN NO! ITS TOO COLD! NO!" she shouted. He didn't listen. He threw her in. She screamed as she hit the water. Dean chuckled but she came up struggling.

"Help! I can't swim!" she shouted. Dean's eyes widened and he ran over. I quickly handed Mary off to Alex and also ran over worried.

"Sorry Angel!" He shouted. He grabbed her hand and you know what happened? She pulled him in. She then laughed ad swam easily to the latter and came out. Dean came up angrily and got out. She stuck her tongue at him.

"Bitch." He grumbled. I laughed.

"Nice Dean. You got fooled. Go Angel!" I cheered. He then pushed me in. My body froze as icy cold water ingulfed me. My fuzzy pants weighed down and I found myself being pulled do the icy depths of the dirty swimming pull. I struggled to breath. My lungs felt like they were about to burst. I was still swolen from the pregnancy and I found myself to heavy to swim. I felt my eyes droop until I felt someone wrap their arms around me and pull me out if the water with all their might and set me on the edge but it was too late I found everything going black.

Dean's POV:

I pushed Scarlett in jokingly and watched as she fell in. At first she looked fine. Like she was about to come up but then she began to struggle and try to push her pants off to make her lighter. When I realized what was happening I cursed under my breath and dived in. I don't know if you've ever saved someone from drowning but no matter how small they are when they're drowning they get really really heavy and sometimes you can drown with them because they're so heavy. I struggled but pulled her up and put her in the edge where she passed out. I quickly rushed out of the pool. Alex handed Angel the baby who freaked out scared she would drop her and handed her to Sam who held her carefully and watched the situation play out concerned. Becca and Bobby stood speechless. I was going to preform CPR but the moment Mary was out of Alex's hands he was doing it. Scarlett sat up gasping for air. She looked at everyone and then Alex who sat there relieved. She grabbed his face and pulled him in. I turned grossed out when they started to kiss.

Scarlett's POV:

I sat in new clothes with blankets pulled around me and hot chocolate in my hands. The fire was on. Dean apologized many times.

"Calm down. It wasn't a big deal. It's Christmas can we not make a big deal out of it? Clearly it was an accident and we were just playing around." I finally said. He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"I'm fine daddy." I promised.

"Good." He said. Then we opened presents. Overall, even after the crazy stuff, it was a great Christmas. Everyone got equal amounts of presents and money spent on them and it was nice. I leaned into Alex and looked up at him. He smiled down at me and we kissed.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too." He replied.

"Stop it! No chick flick moments! And no kissing! Ever!" Dean shouted. I grinned and pulled away from Alex. I looked at Sam who still won't give Mary up. He's obsessed with her. It's adorable. He was playing peekaboo with her. It was great. A big manly hinter playing peekaboo with a 3 month old. Alex got up to go get some food and Becca took his spot and we smiled at each other.

"Look at how far you've come." she said. I smiled.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I remeber before you met the Winchesters when you spent Christmas being messed with by your step dad and his friends and afterwards you would sneak out to a boy that would eventually break your heart having half good intentions and half bad intentions. Now you're sitting here with a huge family that loves and respects you with a boy that I can see marrying you one day. You're so happy and Bee is dead. I checked and made sure. She's gone. She's dead. I don't see you bringing her back ever. You're so great." she said. I smiled and hugged her.

"Thank you Becca. You're such a great friend." I said with a smile.

Dean's POV:

I was watching Sam play with the baby with a smile. He's so happy. Were so happy. The apocalypse is going to start soon but this family that keeps growing has made us so much happier. It's great.

"What do you mean?" I heard Scarlett ask from next to me. I turned to see her talking to Becca.

"I remeber before you met the Winchesters when you spent Christmas being messed with by your step dad and his friends and afterwards you would sneak out to a boy that would eventually break your heart having half good intentions and half bad intentions." Becca said. She went on to say more but I turned back out. I really want to find out where this step dad of hers is in jail and kill him. Do something to him. I hate him with every fiber of my being and I don't even know what he looks like. Most of her problems is his fault. What an ass hole. I pulled Scarlett into me and kissed her head.

"Merry Christmas, daddy." she said.

"Merry Christmas, Red." I replied.

Authors note: MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!! My family needs to leave soon because they started lecturing me in the fact that I'm too in to Supernatural. I'm so mad. Why can't they just stay out of my damned business. Ugh. Anyways MERRY CHRISTMAS YOU BEAUTIFUL CREATURES I LOVE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!!!!!!

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