Chapter 27: Darling, I'm A Mess

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Pic in media is Scarlett (which you probably already know because she's on the cover and her picture is in other chapters lol)
Sam, Dean, and I, all walked into the comic book store. I had to restrain myself from running way from the men and going through shelves and nerding and fangirling out. That was my little secret. Of course, Sam and Dean already knew I was a nerd considering Dean's teasing but they had no idea how big if a nerd I actually was... Which I find no shame in I just really don't want to be a subject of more of Dean's teasing even if he's joking. Well, anyways, we walked up to the guy sitting at the desk.
"Uh, can I help you?" he asked as Sam and Dean pulled out their badges.
"Sure hope so, we're agents DeYoung and Shaw. She's just an intern who's assisting us today." Dean gestured to me.
"We just need to ask you a few questions." he said.
"Notice anything strange in the building?" Sam asked.
"I don't think so why?" he asked. Sam answered with another question.
"What about noises? Like the sound of rats?" he asked.
"The FBI is investigating a rodent problem?" the man asked.
"What about cold spots feel any sudden drop in temperature?" Sam asked. The man grinned.
"I knew it! You guys are LARPing aren't you?" he asked.
"What would we be LARPing for?" I asked squinting my eyes.
"What does that even mean?" Dean asked.
"Like you don't know!" the guy grinned. He looked from the two men and I sighed.
"Live action role playing." I muttered.
"Excuse me?" Dean asked.
"LARPing, L A R P Live Action Role Playing. I don't know what for but I know that's LARPing." I said.
"I don't know how you know that or what you are talking about." Dean said.
There you go now he knows you're a true nerd. Slow clap headed your way! Bee taunted me. Sam and Dean had been trying to get me to open up more and they've asked about her but I just closed up more the more they asked so they gave up.
"You're asking questions like the building's haunted. Like those guys from the books. What are they called? Uh... "Supernatural." Two guys, use fake IDs with rock aliases, hunt down ghosts, demons, vampires. Along the way they find out one of them had a daughter with a dark past and she goes around with them. What are their names? Uh... Steve and Dirk and Violet? Uh, Sal and Dane and Sally?" the man started to explain. I got a weird feeling in my chest.
"Sam, Dean, and Scarlett?" I asked. He snapped his fingers.
"That's it."
"So you're saying this is a book?" Dean asked.
" Books. It was a series. Didn't sell a lot of copies, though. Kind of had more of an underground cult following." He went over to a table labeled Bargain Bin. We followed him and looked at all the books.
"Okay, let's see. Um... Ah. Yeah." He pulled out a book and handed it to Dean. Dean began to read the cover.
"This is the first one." he said. He then grabbed another book and showed it to us.
"This one is a spin off he wrote. It's all about Scarlett before she met her father." he said.
"What?!" I asked grabbing it from him. Before I could look over it Dean vegan reading the one he had and I focused my attention on him.
"Supernatural by Carver Edlund." he flipped it over.
"Along a lonely California highway, a mysterious woman in white lures men to their deaths." he read. Sam took it from him and looked over it then back up at the man.
"We're gonna need all the copies of Supernatural you've got." he said.
Books were sprawled put over one of the motel beds. Sam was sitting next to the window on his laptop (I swear he would marry that thing if he could) and Dean and I were on our beds flipping through books. I had avoided the one all about me and flipped through all the ones the man had said I was in. As I was on the ghost ship one I glanced at my book. I shivered. That was a book full of my secrets.
"This is freakin' insane how's this guy know all this stuff?" Dean asked.
"You got me." Sam said.
" Everything is in here. I mean everything. From the racist truck to - to me having sex. I'm full-frontal in here, dude." Dean said.
"Eew shut up now!" I said covering my ears.
"LA LA LA LA LA!" I screamed. Dean smirked and I took my hands down.
"How come we haven't heard of these before?" Dean asked
" They're pretty obscure. I mean, almost zero circulation. Uh, started in '05. The publisher put out a couple dozen before going bankrupt. And, uh, the last one-" he turned his laptop to us
"Ended with you going to hell." he said. Dean grabbed the computer and started scrolling through the website.
"There are actually fans. Not many of them but still... Did you read this?" Dean asked.
"Yeah." Sam replied.
"Although for fans, they sure do complain a lot. Listen to this - Simpatico says 'the demon story line is trite, clichéd, and overall crap tactic. ' Yeah, well, screw you, Simpatico. We lived it." Dean complained.
"It gets better keep reading." Sam said.
"There are Sam girls and Dean girls and even Scarlett girls and... What's a slash fan?" he asked.
"As in Sam slash Dean. Together." Sam explained. I made a gagging noise.
"As in together." Dean asked clearly disgusted. Sam nodded.
"They do know we're brothers right?" Dean asked.
"Doesn't seem to matter." Sam replied. (So I was actually looking up Supernatural ships and daddycest or whatever was actually a thing it was Sam/ John and Dean/John and I about nearly threw up like Wincest was bad enough but Daddycest? Come on! Ewwww! Anyways carry on.)
"We have to find this guy." Dean said.
"That's gonna be hard. There's like no information on this guy. Carver Edlund is a pic name." Sam said.
"Well, somebody's gotta know he is." Dean said.
We met with the publisher and after a lot of persuasion are finally gave us the name Chuck Shirley, the real name of the author of the books. We talked her and headed to his house.
Dean rang the guy doorbell and he opened up.
"You the guy that writes the Supernatural books?" Sam asked.
"Maybe, why?" Chuck asked.
"I'm Dean. This is Sam and Scarlett. The actual people you've been writing about." Chuck instantly shut the door. Dean just rang the doorbell again.
"Look, uh... I appreciate your enthusiasm. Really, I do. It's, uh, it's always nice to hear from the fans. But, uh, for your own good, I strongly suggest you get a life." Chuck said. He tried to shut the door but I put my foot in the way.
"See, here's the thing. We have a life and you've been using it to write your books." I said. Dean helped me shoved the door open and Chuck backed up.
"Now, wait a moment, now this isn't funny." Chuck said.
"No. You're right it's not funny." I said.
"Look, we just want to know how your doing it." mister good cop Sam said. Normally I wouldn't be as harsh I'd be more with Sam on the nicer side but this man published a book with all of my secrets and past. I was beyond angry.
Just wait till Dean gets to the book. You'll be ruined. You'll be left
'no. Dean said they cared about me.' I said back to her.
He only said it because he thinks it will get rid of me. He's a hunter it's his job to be rid of things like me
I just ignored her and focused on the task at hand.
"I'm not doing anything." Chuck said.
"Are you a hunter?" Dean asked.
"What? No. I'm a writer." Chuck said.
"Then how do you know so much about demons?" he walked closer to Chuck causing Chuck to back up and fall onto the couch.
"and Tulpas and Changelings?" Dean asked.
"What do you guys want?!" he asked.
"We're the real Sam, Dean, and Scarlett." Sam said.
"Those are fictional characters! I made them up!" Chuck shouted. Dean hugged and grabbed Chuck's shirt hoisting him to his feet.
"Follow me. I'll show you." Dean said. We all went to the impala and Dean showed him the hidden compartment with guns.
"Are those real?" Chuck asked. We nodded.
"Wow. You guys really are my number 1 fans I think I have some posters in the house." Chuck said nervously.
"Stop." I ordered harshly. He stopped. Dean looked at me confused with my actions. He had now settled down some buy I was still a ball of firey rage.
"How much do you know? Do you know about the angels? Or Lilith breaking the seals?" Sam asked.
"Wait how do you know about that?" Chuck asked.
"The point is how do you?" I asked.
"Because I wrote it?" he asked.
"You kept writing?!" I asked angrily. Dean put a hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah, even after the publisher went bankrupt, but those books never came out. Okay, wait a minute. This is some kind of joke, right? Did that - Did Phil put you up to this?" Chuck asked. Instead of answering I said:
"No. I am Scarlett Winchester. This is my father Dean an my uncle Sam." I said.
"The last names were never in the books. I never told anybody about that. I never even wrote that down." he said. He sighed.
"I can't believe this. Come with me." he led us into his house.
After pouring and then chugging down a large glass of whiskey he turned back to my family and I.
"Oh. You're still here." Chuck said disappointed.
"Yup." Dean said
"You're not a hallucination." he said.
"Nope." Dean said.
"Well, there's only one explanation. I'm a god." Chuck said. I laughed.
"You're not a god." I said.
"How else do you explain it? I write things and then they come to life. Yeah, no, I'm definitely a god. A cruel, cruel, capricious god. The things I put you through - The physical beatings alone." Chuck was freaking out. Feeling guilty about something he couldn't prevent. I sighed no longer feeling angry. He had no idea he was putting real stuff out there.
"We're still in one piece." Dean said.
"I killed your father. I burned your mother alive. And then you had to go through the whole horrific deal again with Jessica."
"Chuck." Sam tied to stop him. He kept going as if Sam hadn't spoken.
"And you Scarlett! That was so much for a child and now dragging you into all of this! All for what? All for the sake of literary symmetry. I toyed with your lives, your emotions, for... entertainment."
"You didn't toy with us, Chuck, okay? You didn't create us." Dean said firmly. Chuck then went on to ask about some of the weird cases and If they had actually happened.
" I am so sorry. I mean, horror is one thing, but to be forced to live bad writing... if I would have known it was real, I would have done another pass." Chuck said.
"Dude. You are not a god. Sheesh." I said.
"We think you're psychic. Somehow just Lazer focused on our lives. Are you working on anything write now?" Sam asked.
"Oh my gosh." Chuck said.
"What?" I asked.
"The recent book. It's uh, it's kinda weird." he said.
"Weird how?" Dean asked.
"I wrote myself into it. I wrote myself, at my house... confronted by my characters." he said. The guys and I shared a look.
"Chuck. We're going to need anything new you have." Dean said. Chuck handed over a bunch of thick packets of papers. As we went to leave Sam and Dean were way ahead of me and Chuck stopped me.
"Scarlett." he said. I turned to him.
"What?" I asked.
"You need to open up to Sam and Dean. Most especially if you want Bee dead." Chuck said.
"Chuck, I would appreciate it if you didn't tell me how to handle my problems. You weren't supposed to know about them. All of those people that read the book want supposed to know about them. So please, stay out of it and don't tell Sam and Dean." without waiting for a response I turned back around and walked to the Impala.
That night we were at a laundromat Sam was doing his and Dean's laundry and I was doing mine while Dean was reading Chuck's most recent unpublished writing.
"I'm sitting in a laundromat, reading about myself sitting in a laundromat reading about myself. My head hurts." Dean said.
"There's got to be something this guy's not telling us." Sam said throwing his darks into the machine.
"Sam tossed his gigantic darks into the machine. He was starting to have doubts about Chuck, about whether he was telling the whole truth." Dean read aloud.
"Stop it." Sam ordered. Dean read again.
"'Stop it,' Sam said." Guess what you do next." Dean asked.
Sam ignored him and turned back to the laundry machine.
"Sam turned his back on Dean, his face brooding and pensive." I mean, I don't know how he's doing it, but this guy is doing it. I can't see your face, but those are definitely your "brooding and pensive" shoulders." Dean said. Sam ignored him and sighed.
"You just thought I was a disk and Scarlett find this all very amusing." Dean said. Sam turned around looking impressed and so did I.
"This guy's good." Sam said.
Dean's POV:
Scarlett was asleep in her bed Sam was in his laptop. I had pulled Scarlett's book out from under my pillow. Sam saw it.
"Why was that under your pillow?" he asked.
"I saw Scarlett put it under her mattress and I grabbed it when she wasn't looking." I said.
"You really shouldn't read that."
"Why not?"
"Because it's none of your business."
"She's my daughter. And she hasn't been opening up to us. This is everything."
"You know what, Dean, do whatever you want. If she finds out and get mad don't say I didn't warn you." Sam said.
I ignored him and opened it up. It started the day her mom died. After that it was downhill from there. Horrible stuff that I couldn't believe she went through. was one horror story after another. Only a few chapters into the book I slammed it shut unable to read anymore.
"Regret reading that?" Sam asked. I glared at him.
"Sam, she went through some really awful stuff." I said. He frowned.
Scarlett's POV:
So we went to Chuck's house the next day because he called and apparently he had a vision of Sam "getting it on" with Lilith so Deans plan was to get out of town so that couldn't happen but the way out was blocked off so we found a sleezy motel that charges by the hour because Dean wanted to do the opposite of Chucks writing so yeah.
"Dean what are you doing?" I asked as Dean put bags around the rooms.
"Couple of hex bags ought to Lilith proof the room.
"So what I'm just supposed to hole up here all night?" Sam asked clearly agitated.
"That's exactly what you're gonna do, okay? And no research. I don't care what you do - use the Magic Fingers or watch Casa Erotica on Pay-Per-View." Dean said. Then he took Sam's lap top out of his bag.
"Oh dude come on." Sam whined.
"Just call it a little insurance."
"What are you gonna do?" Sam asked.
"Well, the pages say that I spend all day riding around in the Impala. So I'm gonna go park her. Behave yourself, would you? No homework. Watch some porn." Dean said. He smiled and then walked out of the motel.
"What is it with him and porn?" I asked. Sam just rolled his eyes. I was reading when there was a knock at the door. I looked at Sam who got up to answer it.
"You wanted to see me?" Chuck asked when Sam answered the door.
"Yeah." Sam said letting Chuck in.
"Scarlett, could you give us a second?" Sam asked.
"What are you hiding Sam?" I asked.
"Nothing." he said. I looked at him then sighed.
"You know what I don't even want to know. That way when Dean finds out he won't get mad at me. I'm going for a walk." I said standing up. I walked out of the motel room and closed the door. I then put in my headphones and began walking.
My girlfriends bitchen cause I always sleep in
she's always scremin' when she callin' her friends
she's kinda hot though
yeah she's kinda hot though
my shrink is telling me I got crazy dreams
she's also saying I got low self esteem she's kinda hot though
yeah she's kinda hot though
She out me in meds
she won't get out of my head
she's kinda hot hot though
My friend left college cause it felt like a job
His mom and dad both think he's a slob
he's gotta a shot though
Yeah he's gotta a shot though
When you got bigger plans that no one else understands you got a shot though
they say we're losers and we're all right with that
We are the leaders of the not coming backs
were alright though
yeah we're all right though
We are the Kings and the Queens of the new broken scene were alright though
I sang along with the music as I walked then I bumped into someone.
"Scarlett?" he asked. I pulled out a headphone.
"Oh my gosh! Hey! What are you doing here?" I asked him.
"I'm doing business with my brother." he said.
"Oh cool." I said.
"What are you doing here?" he asked.
"Well I told you I travel with my dad and uncle because of their job." I said. "Oh yeah." he remembered.
"Wow, Kyle, I can't believe I seriously ran into you again that pretty much never happens." I said.
"Yeah well you know there's a first time for everything." he smiled.
"Yeah. Come walk with me." I said. Pausing my iPod and taking out my other headphone.
"Okay." he said.
We began walking and talking. We talked about bands, and TV shows, and movies, and just everything. I even told him some about the orphanage and how I met Dean. He was easy to talk to. We stopped at an ice cream parlor and I shot a text to Sam who was asking where I was just telling him I would be back later and that I was fine.
"Your life sounds like a movie." he laughed as we sat down with our ice cream.
"Tell me about it." I said rolling my eyes.
"Sometimes I wish my life were easier. My life's been a horror story since my mom died." I said.
"I thought you lived with your step dad till you were a little over fifteen." he said.
"Yeah well he wasn't the best man in the world. He got arrested." I said.
"I'm sorry." he said. I shrugged. Then he leaned over the table and kissed me. At first I was surprised but then I relaxed and kissed back. When we pulled away I grinned. Then my phone started to ring. I sighed.
"I'm sorry give me a sec." I said. I answered it.
"Scarlett, Dean will be back soon you need to come back." he said.
"Okay I'm on my way." I said. I hung up and looked at Kyle apologetically.
"I have to go." I frowned at him.
"It's fine, you have my number we should really get together some time." he said. I nodded.
"Definitely." I smiled
"Yeah, well, I'll see ya." I smiled.
"Bye." he said. I got up and tossed my ice cream in the trash. As I walked back I wondered if I should tell Dean.
No. Don't tell him it's not that big of a deal quit being so paranoid it's so annoying. I sighed annoyed at Bee and made my way back to the motel.
The moment I walked through the door and closed it Dean opened it.
"Come on were getting out of here." he said to us. He started packing.
"What? Where?" Sam asked.
"Anywhere, okay? Out of this motel, out of this town. I don't care if we got to swim, we are getting out." Dean said. He then looked around.
"Where are the hex bags?" Dean asked.
"I burned them." Sam said.
"You what?!" he looked from Sam to me. I raised my hands.
"Don't look at me I'm not the boss of Sam." I didn't tell Dean I wasn't at the motel because if Dean asked why Sam would have to tell Dean why Chuck was here and although I think Dean and I both deserve to know whatever it is that Sam is hiding I didn't want to deal with drama. Dean looked over at Sam for an explanation.
"Look, if Lilith is coming, which is a big, if-" Sam was cut off.
"No, no, no. It's more than an if. Chuck is not a psychic. He's a prophet." Dean said.
"What?" I asked confused.
"Cas showed up, and apparently Chuck is writing the gospel of us." he said. With that I started packing.
"Okay." Sam said.
"Okay. Let's get the hell out of here." Dean said.
"No." Sam said.
"Lilith is gonna slaughter you."
Sam "maybe she will, maybe she won't."
"So what? You think you can take her?"
"Only one way to find out, Dean, and I say bring her on."
"You think I'll do it, don't you? You think I'll go dark side."
"Yes! Okay? Yes. The way you've been acting lately? The things you've been doing?"
I stopped packing and looked at Dean confused. The things he's been doing?
Look who's out of the loop
Sam was also confused which confused me even more.
"Oh, I know. How you ripped Alastair apart like it was nothing, like you were swatting a fly. Cas told me, okay?" Dean said. Oh that made since. Sam had powers because he was fed demon blood when he was a baby. I knew that. I didn't know about Alastair though.
"What else did he tell you?" Sam asked.
"Nothing I don't already know. That you've been using your psychic crap, and you've been getting stronger. We just don't know why, and we don't know how." Dean said. That must have been what Sam was talking to Chuck about.
Look who finally caught on
"It's not what you think." Sam said.
"Then what is it, Sam? 'Cause I'm at a total loss." Dean said he grabbed his bag and walked towards the door and I followed him.
"Are you coming or not?" Dean asked looking back.
"No." Sam said. Dean turned back to the door and I kind of waited seeing what he would do. He dropped his bag by the door and walked out of the motel room. I passed unsure of whether or not to stay in the motel or go talk to Dean. I chose the second and asked outside.
"So we're just gonna stay here and wait for Lilith?" I asked. He looked at me and sighed.
"Nope." he then turned around.
"Well, I feel stupid doing this. But... I am fresh out of options. So please. I need some help. I'm praying, okay? Come on. Please." I watched Dean pray. Castiel appeared.
"Prayer is a sign of faith. This is a good thing, Dean." I stepped back and just watched the two converse.
"So does that mean you'll help me?"
"I'm not sure what I can do."
"Drag Sam out of here, now. Before Lilith shows up."
"It's a prophecy. I can't interfere."
"You have tested me and thrown me every which way. And I have never asked for anything. Not a damn thing. But now I'm asking. I need your help. Please."
"What you're asking, it's... not within my power to do."
"Why? 'Cause it's "divine prophecy"?"
"So, what - We're just supposed to sit around and, and wait for it to happen?"
"I'm sorry."
"Screw you. You and your mission. Your God. If you don't help me now, then when the time comes and you need me... don't bother knocking."
"You must understand why I can't intercede. Prophets are very special. They're protected."
"I get that."
"If anything threatens a prophet, anything at all, an archangel will appear to destroy that threat. Archangels are fierce. They're absolute. They're heaven's most terrifying weapon."
"And these archangels, they're tied to prophets?"
"So if a prophet was in the same room as a demon-"
"Then the most fearsome wrath of heaven would rain down on that demon. Just so you understand... why I can't help." Castiel was hinting. I love this angel.
"Thanks Cas." he said.
"Good luck." he said. Then Dean and I headed to Chucks house.
We went and collected Chuck explaining the arch angel and how if Chuck is in the same room as Lilith then she will be destroyed.
We then busted into the motel where Lilith was about to kill Sam.
"I am the prophet Chuck!" Chuck shouted.
"You've got to be joking." She said. She walked towards Chuck and the room started to rumble and the room was filled with a bright white light.
"Oh this is no joke. You see, Chuck here's got an archangel on his shoulder. You've got about 10 seconds before this room is full of wrath and you're a piece of charcoal. You sure you want to tangle with that?" Dean asked. Lilith looked at Sam and then opened her mouth and black smoke came out of her and dissolved into the air.
Authors note:
Longest Chapter put of any of my books.... Which would be more impressive had it all been mine and not based off of an episode but it well. PLEASE PLEASE go ask questions on my character ask I would really love it if you did. Anyways Night/morning/afternoon depends on where you live. Love you!

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