Chapter 55: Everything Is Falling Down, We're Suffering

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The past few weeks have been hellish. I'm still mourning for Alex like never before, things got worse when Castiel told me that the reason I fell so easily for him and was so into him was because we were legit soulmates. What the hell? Apparently you can even have more then one soulmate but I don't know if i'll ever be over Alex enough to find the other. Cas still hasn't found Mary. Bobby asked every hunter he knew but no one knew where she was. How could it be so hard to find a damn baby? I need her back. I need to know she's safe.

On top of all that the apocalypse is right around the corner. Zach is dead, Dean almost agreed to be Micheal's vessel, thank God he didn't. Last night he did agree to something I never saw coming. He agreed to let Sam say yes to Lucifer so Sam could try and take over and jump in the pit. I'm scared, this whole plan is probably going to go south and I don't want to lose my uncle. Which, I will either way.

I stood there chewing my bottom lip next to Dean. We were watching as Castiel and Sam drained demons of their blood. Apparently the only way for Lucifer to be able and take over Sam is if Sam drinks loads of demons blood which makes me even more wary. Isn't he demon blood what started this whole mess in the first place? The men took the bucket of blood out the the impala that was already full of other buckets of blood.

"I still can't get used to you at eye level." Dean said to Bobby as we walked out. Bobby made a deal to where he can stand and walk now.

"So, was I right?" Bobby asked ignoring Dean's comment.

"As always, Yoda. Two stunt demons inside, just like you said." Dean said.

"Did you get it?" Bobby asked.

"Yeah, all the "go juice" Sammy can drink." I replied glancing at all the demon blood.

"You okay?" Bobby asked the both of us.

"Not really." Dean answered for us. "What do you got?" He asked.

"Not much. These look like omens to you?" Bobby asked handing Dean a piece of paper. I read as Dean held it.

"Cyclone in Florida, temperature drop in Detroit, wildfires in L.A." I read aloud. I glanced at Dean. Detroit?

"Wait. What about Detroit?" Dean asked looking at Booby.

"Temp's dropped about 20 degrees, but only in a five-block radius of downtown Motown." He said.

"That's the one. Devil's in Detroit." Dean said.

"Really? As far as foreboding goes, it's a little light in the loafers. You sure?" Bobby asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure." Dean said looking at me. I nodded. I then walked over to Angel who was watching us nervously. She had been such a help with the whole Alex situation. Alessya had found out and instantly took of too Stars Hollow to get her mind of things. She still kept in touch with me though and apparently now she's dating Jess.

"Don't go." Angel said.

"What?" I asked taken back at the fear in her voice. In just those two words she portrayed a frightened, worried, fragile, little girl.

"Please don't go Scarlett, I can't lose you." She said tears brimming her blue green eyes. I sighed and hugged her.

"Don't worry. You're not gonna lose me." I assured her as we stood hugging each other. She pulled away.

"Promise?" She asked. I swallowed.

"I promise I will do everything I can to make sure you don't lose Dean and I." I said. She didn't seem to like that answer but that's not what she addressed.

"Sam?" She asked. I sighed.

"Sammy Is either going to fail and live with the devil controlling him, or he will succeed and get stuck in hell. There's not much I can do." I said sadly glancing over at him. This isn't fair.

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