Chapter 11: Though You're Dead And Gone Your Memory Will Carry On

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A few months after the last chapter. (I'm not going to do the all of it exact dialog like normal for this chapter and I'm probably going to summarize some of this episode and only put details in certain places because I really don't want to write this part I want to write what happens after but I have to write this part so sorry :/)
Scarlett's POV:
Being in the car with your dad who's due to die in only a little over a day and your uncle who has never left your dad without coming back in the end is hard. The last few hours had been horrific. Everyone was in edge. Bobby found a way to find Lilith, who holds Dean's deal, and then Dean didn't want Bobby or me to come so we all got into a huge argument and finally Dean had no choice but to give in, Bobby and I make a good obstinate team.
Anyways what makes this car ride even more weird is the fact that dead or alive is playing and Sam and Dean are singing at the top of their lungs like it's a party and everything is fine. Well no, every thing is so incredibly not at all fine! For the first time since I was nine I had allowed myself to hope. To hope things would get better. To open up even if it was just a little. I told Sam and Dean things that no one but Becca knew. Now Dean was dying and there was only a one percent chance we could stop that from happening. Sam is very optimistic he thinks he can get Dean out and I'm pretty sure there's a small part of Dean that thinks that to. Me? I stopped hoping and pretending the moment I found out. Dean's dead already. I know that. I have known that. So why does it hurt so much? I should have known. I should have known it was to good to last. When you hope for things you get disappointed, let down, hurt. I hate my life. You're an idiot of you ever really thought this would go well. After months after getting more comfortable than I've ever been around men she was still here. I'm here to stay because now you really really need me. To cope with monsters and the deaths of at least one person a hunt. She wasn't wrong.
We got pulled over by a cop. Dean stopped the car and the cop told us we had a busted tail light. Dean looked up at him and something flashed in his eyes. He opened the door quickly hitting the cop. "Dean!" Sam and I yelled in unison hopping out of the car. Sam tried to stop him but I knew Dean, even with hallucinations, knew what he was doing. He thrust the demon killing knife into the officer and it lit up and we realized Dean had just killed a demon. "What the hell just happened?" Bobby asked. "Dean killed a demon. How'd you know, Dean?" I asked. "I just knew." Dean replied.
We arrived at the house Lilith was supposed to be at and we were looking in hiding it in the impala. Since Dean was able to see who was and wasn't a demon he was supposed to tell us which one was Lilith. "It's the little girl." He said putting down his binoculars.
Sam tried to leave but Dean stopped him. "Look would at all of those people." Dean said pointing to specific ones "They're demons." he said. "So we sneak past them." Sam said. "And then what kill a ten year old little girl?" Dean asked. "This isn't just about saving you, Dean. This is about saving everybody." Sam stated. "She's gotta be stopped son." Bobby agreed. "What do you think Scarlett?" Dean asked me. "Don't ask me it won't make a difference!" I snapped. I know it wasn't fair. Dean didn't really do anything wrong but I was angry and I didn't know who to spit it out at. Dean looked taken back "Okay then." he said. Then he looked back in out window. "Damn it." Dean said.
Sam, Dean, and I killed some of the demons and Bobby made the water in the piped holy water. Then Ruby showed up and yelling happened because Dean had tied her up and put her under a Devils trap and stole her knife. Then a bunch of demons came out and saw us and we had to run and fight then the sprinklers came on finally. Then we got into the house Lilith was in.
There was a rotting dead body surrounded by flies right in front of the door. Eww.
We found the dad and he refused to go down to the basement and make a salt line without his wife, so Dean punched him so hard he got knocked out and we moved him there. Then we went to the bedroom of the little girl that was being possessed.
It was a canopy bed. We moved the canopy to find the girl sleeping on her mother's chest. When the mom saw Sam with the knife ready to stab she whisper screamed "Do it." She did this several times because Sam was hesitating obviously not wanting to kill the child. Finally Sam lifted his arm to stab the little girl and she woke up screaming. Dean grabbed Sam's hand "It's not her." he said. Little did any of us know it was because Ruby was now Lilith.
Later Sam almost gave the knife to Ruby/Lilith because there was a hell Hound and she said she could fight it off. "It's not Ruby!" Dean yelled. It all came together as Sam and I got pinned to a wall and Dean to a table. Dean tried asking questions but she called him puppy chow and didn't answer. The it happened.
It all happened so fast. Deans body getting ripped apart by the invisible dogs. Dean taking his last breath. Me screaming. Lilith trying to kill Sam but nothing happening. Lilith leaving Ruby's body. Ruby collapsed to the floor next to Dean. "Dean!" I screamed dropping the the floor. "Dean no." Sam said blending down next to me and picking up his body. "No Dean no." I cried. I was sobbing uncontrollably now. Bee was no where to be seen. I was shaking. "Dad." I choked out unable to hold back the words "No, daddy, no." I sobbed.
Sorry really crappy Chapter I know I'm just super super excited for the next few because I've been planning those since the very beginning of the book! Plus it was hard to watch but writing in in his daughters point of view? Heartbreaking... I'm like really ready for the next chapter you guys are going to LOVE it. Or at least I think so. Sorry for the sappiness lol the next chapters are probs going to be a little sappy also Lol...

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