Chapter 13: What's the Worst I Could Say?

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"Scarlett you need to start going to school." Dean said. It was the day after he came back. I hadn't said a single word to Sam since I told him I hated him. He tried but I ignored him. We were at Bobby's place he was going to take us to see a psychic tomorrow. "What?!" I exlaimed. "What's wrong with online classes?" I asked. That's what I had been doing. "Regular school is better. That's what Sam and I did." Dean said. "Bu-." he cut me off "You can stay here with bobby and go to the high school there." he said. "Nuh Uh. No Way." I said. "Scarlett you have to its not up for discussion." he said. I raised an eyebrow. He was never like this. I could tell he was serious. "Fine whatever!" I yelled stomping into the living room.
The next day.
"Do you want me to go in with you?" Dean asked as we pulled up to the school. Sam wasn't here so I was in shot gun. "Uh. No." I said with a duh tone to my voice. "Bye." I said getting out of the car. I took in a breath and walked to the school. I got my schedule and walked to my locker. After about a thousand times I got my locker open and put in what I didn't need for the next to classes and I rushed to find my first class. When I walked in I looked around. Kids were laughing and chatting about their weekend and girls were flirting with boys. After I talked to the teacher he said to get any empty desk. I made my way to the back of the class and sat down. The class was a bore and the teacher lectures some kids about not having some bug project turned in. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful until I got to lunch. I got my tray and kind of hovered looking for a place to sit. No one called me over and I didn't know anyone so I sat at an empty table and ate alone. I could feel people staring at me as I picked at my food. I didn't eat a single thing.
After Sam left me at the orphanage all of my old habits came back. Starving myself, purging, cutting and no Dean doesn't know. The bell finally rang and I dumped the contents of my tray in the trash. After school I was putting books in my locker and my hands were shaking. I ignored it and tried to keep going but eventually everything went black.
I know way way way way way to short sorry the next one will be longer I just needed this chapter to get the next one going.

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