Chapter 16: I Don't Care If the World Knows What MY Secrets Are

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"So I can go to your house but my dad's gonna drop me off so he can meet Oliver." I said sitting down next to Megan in History. "He wants to meet Oliver?" She asked confused. "Yeah my dad's really paranoid he wants to make sure your not murders." I replied bending the truth a bit. "Does he know how long we've known each other?" She asked. "Yeah he's just paranoid." I repeated.
After school I hopped into the impala and gave Dean her address. I didn't tell him Oliver Queen was her dad because I can't wait to see his reaction. Oliver Queen is a billionaire or at least he was then he lost his company but then his sister found out Malcolm Merlin was her dad and Malcolm Merlin is a super rich evil dead guy so she got his money and now they're rich again.
When we got there Dean rang the doorbell and Oliver answered. "Wha- but you're- uh hi." Dean stuttered shaking Olivers hand I had back laughter. "Hey." Oliver said smiling "Come in." We followed him inside and Megan came over and hugged me. "Dean this is Megan." I said. "Hello Megan." Dean said. "Hey." She waved. "So..." Dean said trailing off. Both him and Oliver looked really awkward Megan and I glanced at each other and held back giggles. We both knew they were bad at the whole father thing. Then, to my horror, Dean pulled out his flask of Holy water and pretended to spill it on Oliver. I turned red. He promised. "Oh I'm so sorry!" He said. "Uh, it's fine, is this Water?" Oliver asked probably wondering why in the world there was water in a flask instead of beer or something. "Uh yeah gotta stay hydrated." Dean replied. "Okay then dad why don't you pick me up at 7:30?"i asked. He nodded "Yeah bye." he said hugging me and leaving.
I then went up to Megan in her room and she busted out laughing. After a second so did I. "You're *gasp* dad *gasp* is so *gasp* strange." She said through fits of laughter. "I'm so so so sorry." I said laughing with her. She took in a breath and calmed down "It's fine Oliver isn't exactly dad material either." She said. I rolled my eyes. The we hung out for a while.
In Starling city (I know Bobby lives in Sioux Falls in South Dakota or something but just pretend it's Starling) there are vigilantes yes plural they have several masked heroes running around this city. There's the arrow the girl arrow the black Canary arsenal. The arrow is the lead guy and the girl has super speed. Not even kidding. Megan happens to be SUPER strong so I think she's the young girl arrow. I know sounds like a big accusation based on her strongest but you know what ever let me accuse! "So, Starling city has a vigilante, the arrow." I said. We were both laying on our stomachs with our hands in our chins and Carry On My Wayward Son was playing. She laughed "Yup very strange city." She stated. "So what are your thoughts on the vigilante?" She asked. "Which one? The Arrow, the girl arrow, arsenal, the random guy that helps, or the Black Canary?" I asked. Yeah there were a lot of vigilantes and the girl arrow had super speed just like the flash in Central City that's right next to Starling. She laughed "All of them I guess." She replied. "I think it's cool what they do saving your city." I said still not thinking of it as my city. I then sat up "and I think you know who they are." I stated. I hadn't meant for it to come out I wasn't even going to ask her because I had secrets to. She then also sat up. "Why would you think that?!" it was clear on her face that I was correct. "First if all your reaction juts have it away second your really string so I figured you were the girl arrow." I said. After a second she sighed "I am hut I can't tell you who are the others are it's not my secret." She said. "Olivers the arrow." I said. I had actually known that for a long time. I put it together there was so much evidence proving Oliver Queen was the arrow. Her said it all I didn't need her to verbally confirm it "I knew it!" I exlaimed. "You can't tell anyone." She said. I held up three fingers in the girl scout symbol "Scouts honor." I said. "What about you? I'm not an idiot I know you've been hiding something." She smugly stated. I sighed "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I said. "Uh hello? Girl with super speed sitting right in front of you!" She stated gesturing to herself. I leaned in and so did she. "Do you believe in monsters?" I whispered. She sat back "I-uh-what?" She asked confused. "My dad and uncle hunt them. Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, demons, demonic clowns that eat people, you name it they kill it." I stated. The disbelief and uncertainty showed on her face. "I-" She began but I stopped her "It's okay it's understandable you don't believe me but why do you think my dad "accidentally" spilt that flask on Oliver?" I asked moving my fingers in quotation marks when I said accidentally. "It obviously wasn't an accident it was holy water." I finished. "Oh... Wow...." he said. I sighed "You don't believe me." I said. "Actually I do it'd just a lot to take in." She said. When I realized she really believed me I smiled. "Scarlett your dad's here." we heard Oliver call. "Well I gotta go. Don't say anything to my dad he'll kill me." I said standing up. She stood up too "If you don't say anything to Oliver I won't say anything to Dean." She laughed. "Deal." I agreed locking pinkys with her.
Then Dean and I went out to the impala. The moment the car started moving I turned to Dean. "I am going to kill you! You promised!" I yelled at him. "Scarlett I was just checking! The Queens aren't exactly the best people in the world I wouldn't be surprised if Oliver was a demon." Dean stated. "Thats rude Oliver actually really nice." I said. "Everyone thought he was dead for 5 years then he randomly comes back. Is that not suspicious to you?" Dean asked. About 7 or 8 years ago Oliver went on a yacht and it sunk in a storm. Some fishers found Oliver on an island 5 years later. "Oh my gosh Dean he was ship wrecked! People get ship wrecked it happens!" I shouted. "I was just trying to be safe! That's my job to keep you and then the rest of the world safe!" Dean yelled. I sighed "Yeah I know sorry I'm just mad it was embarrassing." I said. He chuckled "Hey that's only one time most kids fathers embarrass them a lot more often." be said. I rolled my eyes and laughed "I guess so." I replied.

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