Chapter 10: Break My Bones So I Can Feel Them Healing

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I'm going to lay out the setting before writing in Scarlett POV because it's easier: There are a bunch of bowls on the counter along with knives. Sam and Dean are tied to chairs back to back Scarlett's back is facing both of them from the middle (if that makes sense).
Scarlett's POV:
I woke up in a chair facing the living room of the house. I twisted and saw part of Sam and twisted the other way seeing Dean. "Scarlett, Dean you guys okay?" Sam asked. "Yeah I think so." I said. "So I guess we're dealing either Mr. and Mrs. God. Nice to know." Sam sighed. "Yeah." Dean stated. The Carrigans came into the kitchen. "Oh and here we thought you lazy bones were gonna sleep through all of the fun stuff." Madge said in her sweet little tone. "Miss all this? Nah were partiers." Dean spat sarcastically. Mr.Carrigan smoked his pipe "Isn't he a kick in the pants honey? You're hunters is what you are." he stated. "Just let us go." Sam requested. "What, so you can bring more hunters and kill us?" Mrs.Carrigan (AKA Madge) laughed. "Maybe you should have thought about that before you went snacking on humans now, huh?" Sam asked. "Oh now don't get all wet." Mr. Carrigan stated. "Now we used to take over a hundred tributes a year and that's a fact." Mrs. Carrigan began, putting napkins on each of our laps "Now what do we take? Two? Three?" She said. "Hardy kids here make six." Mr.Carrigan stated. "Now, that's not so bad, is it?" She tried to reason. "Well you say it like that I guess you guys are the Cunninghams." Dean said sarcastically. "You mister better show us a little respect." Mr.Carrigan ordered. "Or what you'll eat us?" Sam asked.
"Not so fast! There are rituals to be followed first." Mr.Carrigan exclaimed excitedly. "You know what kicks off the whole shebang?" He asked. "Let me guess meadow sweet." I guessed. "Oh!" Madge cried. "Oh shucks your all our of wreaths guess we'll have to cancel the sacrifice, huh?" Dean asked. "Oh don't be such a gloomy gus." he said. Then she put wreaths around each of our necks. "I don't they just look darling?!" She asked happily. "Good enough to eat." Mr.Carrigan said licking his lips. He then pulled out a knife "Step two." he said with a wicked grin. He came over to me with it and a bowl. He held it under my arm and was about to cut me "Scarlett? Scarlett?!" Dean asked. Mr.Carrigan sliced my arm "D-dont!" I yelled. It felt just like I was cutting. "Leave her alone you son of a bitch!" Dean yelled. "It's not like this is the first cut her body's consumed." Mr. Carrigan said. I gasped as he said my rubber bracelets off revealing some of my many scars. "What are you talking about?" Dean asked not able to see me. I shook my head and pleaded with my eyes to Mr. Carrigan not to say anything. "Self harm." Mr.Carrigan said grinning. "What!?" Dean asked upset. "You son of a bitch!" I yelled. "Hear how they talk to us? To Gods?" Madge asked. I then started to zone her out as she talked about not complaining and trying to blend in with everyone else. "Your not blending in as smooth as you think, lady!" I yelled. She ignored me and stood over Dean. "This might pinch a bit dear." I assume she cut him because he cried out in pain and yelled "You bitch." Madge gasped "Oh my goodness me someone owes a nickel to the swear jar. You know what I say when I feel like swearing? Fudge." She stated. I held back a laugh. "I'll try and remember that." Dean said sarcastically. Behind me I heard Mr. Carrigan talk about how lucky we are... Something about kids coming to sit right where we are. Pathetic. "What do you think your doing with those?!" I heard Sam ask panicked. Then I heard Dean say "You fudging touch me again I'll fudging kill you!" I held back another laugh. "Very good." Madge said. Then Dean groaned SP I assumed he was cut again. "No. No don't!" Sam yelled. Then he cried out in pain. Mr.carrigan held up a bloody finger nail "Oh we got a winner." I shivered thinking about the pain Sam probably just went through. "Oh I forgot the tooth!" Mr. Carrigan exclaimed. "Oh dear!" Madge exclaimed. "Merry Christmas, guys." Dean said. Sam and I groaned. "Open wide and say ahh." Mr.Carrigan said to Dean. Then the doorbell ring and I heard Dean say "Somebody gonna get that?" and it was very obvious there were pliers in his mouth. "You should get that." Dean stated after a moment of silence. I watched as the couple walked away.
Dean Sam and I quickly mare our way out of the chairs and hid behind the doors, Sam and I behind one and Dean behind the other. Once they walked in the kitchen we slammed the doors shut. Dean opened a drawer to hold his closed and he came over and helped Sam and I.
"What do we do now the evergreen stakes are in the basement!" Dean yelled. "Well we need more evergreen." Sam said. I spotted the Christmas tree "Found some." I said pointing to it. We pushed a huge cabinet in front of the door we were holding and ran over to the tree. We began braking off branches. We walked over to the doors and realized it was silent.
Then Mr.Carrigan tackled Dean and Madge ran over "You little- I loved that tree!" She yelled. Suddenly Sam tried to stab her with the stake and she talked him and while Sam and Madge were resting and Mr.Carrigan and Dean were resting they forgot about me. I stabbed the stake through Madge's back. "Madge!" Mr. Carrigan shouted. Dean hit him with the branches and I dug the stake in deeper as Sam rolled out from under her. We all stood up as the couple layer dead on the floor. "Good job, Scarlett." Dean said sighing in relief. "Thanks." I said quietly trying to steady my heavy breathing. Then Dean saw my wrists remembering the conversation he grabbed it and frowned. "Scarlett." I pulled away. "Don't worry I've barely done it since I started hunting with you. I've been trying to stop." I said. He nodded and him and Sam were frowning. "You shouldn't- you shouldn't do that to yourself." Dean said. I just nodded and we left.
Dean was out getting stuff and Sam told me he wanted to surprise Dean with a Christmas I gave in and helped him get it ready sind it would be Deans last year after all. When Dean walked in he looked surprised. "What's all this?" Dean asked. "What do you think it is? It's Christmas!" Sam said. "What made you change your mind?" Dean asked. Sam didn't answer "Here try the eggnog let me know if it needs more kick." Sam said holding up a bottle of whisky. Dean coughed and I laughed "No were good." he said. "Yeah?" Sam asked happily. "Yeah." Dean replied smiling. "Well have a seat let's do this Christmas stuff or whatever." Sam said. "Alright well first things first." Dean said pulling out four packages wrapped in brown paper and handing us each two. "Where'd you get these?" I asked. "Someplace special." he said. I raised an eyebrow "The gas mart down the street now open up." Dean said. "Well great minds think a lot Dean." Sam said and we both pulled out four packages. I gave two to Sam and two to Dean and Sam gave me two and Dean two.
I smiled and opened up the small package, it was little box. I opened it and inside was a beautiful locket. I gasped "You got this from a gas station?" I asked surprised. "Well not that one. That one was our moms." Dean replied. "It's beautiful." I said putting it on and pulling my hair out of the chain. "I thought that looked familiar." Sam said. He also gave me pie. I laughed. Sam gave me root beer and a chocolate bar. Dean got gasoline and a candy bar from Sam. I gave him porn magazines and some fancy beer stuff. Sam got shaving cream and porn magazines from Dean. I got him a flash drive and a book. After presents we got on the couch and watched a Christmas movie. It was the best Christmas I had had in years.

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