Chapter 14: Fighting To Make the Mirror Happy

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Scarlett's POV:
I woke up with a pending headache. I was connected to some times and I wanted so badly to rip them off. I looked around and realized I was in a hospital. When the doctor saw I was awake he smiled and walked over right as Sam and Dean came in. "Scarlett! Are you okay what happened?" Dean asked. "Uh, I'm not really sure." I answered. "She passed out from lack of food." The doctor cut in. "What?!" Dean asked confused looking over at me. "She's also very underweight so I assume you haven't been eating right for a while now." he said directing the comment at me. I looked down. "What does that mean? You haven't been eating?" Dean asked. I didn't answer. I didn't know how. The doctor took my silence as his cue "Scarlett I'm going to ask you some questions and the boys are not going to cut in pretend like they're not here. I have seen this in many girls your age, so don't try to lie to me. Have you been starving yourself?" he asked calmly. I sighed and nodded. He nodded and he wrote something down on a clip board. "Have you been doing anything else to yourself that you shouldn't? Like purging or self harm?" He asked. "Both." I whispered. I looked up at Dean who looked really disappointed and upset.
"Okay how's your mood been? Have you been feeling guilty? angry? Have you been having any mood swings? I know your depressed from the pills your dad says you take." He said. "Why does it matter?" I asked. "I have to see what's wrong with you." he replied. "Nothings wrong with me!" I snapped. "Besides you already know I don't eat." I said calmer that time. "Okay but I need to diagnose you. You do have mood swings from what I can tell what about the others?" he asked. I sighed and gave in "I guess I've felt a little guilty. Something happened to my boyfriend that was my fault and it ways in me a lot." I said I left out the part about feeling like I'm the reason we couldn't stop Lilith and I keep getting in the way of things. "And what about anger?" he asked. "I'm angry all the time." u replied. "Just on general or at someone or something specific." He asked. "Both. I'm angry just in general but I get more angry when I think about certain things." I said looking at Sam. He looked down guiltily. "Okay and this next question might be a little awkward for you to answer but it's the last one I promise." he said. I nodded. "How's your period been? Has it been irregular like never on the right time?" He asked. My eyes widened. I was mortified. Dean and Sam had grossed out looks in their faces. "Seriously?" I asked. "Right in front of them?" the doctor chuckled. "Sorry." he said. I sighed. "Yeah it has been." he nodded. "Okay I have a diagnosis." he said. "And what is that?" I asked. "You have bulimia." He said. I groaned. After about two hours they let me take the stupid tubes out and go home.
Dean was really upset. Not angry. Upset. "Scarlett. I thought you stopped doing that." He said once we got home. "I started about a week after I arrived at the orphanage. The most depressing places are orphanages." I glared at Sam so did Dean. "Damn it Sam this is your fault." he said. "I'm sorry Scarlett." Sam said. I didn't answer I just walked outside. Bobby was gone on a case do he wasn't home, just in case you're wondering. Suddenly my phone started ringing. It was an iPhone 4 because the orphanage that I was at had a lot of money and they let me keep getting phone. It said Shado (not the Shado from arrow, sorry lol) on the screen. "Hey Shado." I said answering. "Hey, listen I need some help on this case I'm working on. You mind asking Sam and Dean if you guys could come down here?" She asked. "Nows really not a good time I'm sorry." I replied. She sighed "It's fine I'll just call Jason." I felt a pang in my stomach he had less than 9 years, which was a lot but still not fair. "Oh my gosh I'm such and idiot, Scarlett I'm so sorry!" She explained remembering what happened "It's okay Shado. I just wish he would let me see him." She sighed. "I know he just wants you to get over him and you can't do that by watching him die." She said. "I can't move on no matter what! It's my fault he made the stupid deal in the first place!" I shouted. "No its not, Red, you know that's not true." She said using my nickname. "He made the deal so I didn't have cancer." I said. "Yeah and he knew you could possibly still live! It was his mistake." She was staying very calm with me while I was shouting. She knew how I got on the subject "I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you you know how sensitive I am on that subject." I said. "Yeah its my fault I'm sorry." She said. "I've gotta go." I said. "Okay bye." I sighed and turned around to go back in. Dean was standing there. "How much of that did you hear?" I asked. "All of your half... Cancer?" he asked. I nodded "The doctors said it might be terminal and that was enough for him. He felt responsible for me so he felt it was his job." I said. "Why did he feel so responsible over you?"
"Because I was his fiancè."
"You're not even 16 yet!"
"That's what I said. He told me he would wait for me."
I nodded. "He was perfect. I loved him." Dean nodded. "I'm sorry." he said. "Not your fault." I replied. "So you know we're gonna have to make you eat now right?" he said. I sighed and nodded. "Just a little but at a time. I can't start with full meals. That's not how it works." I informed him knowing he doesn't know how recovery works. He nodded "I talked to a nurse who knows a lot about it she gave me some information." He stated. "Okay." I said. "So we go eat dinner and tomorrow you go back to school." I groaned at this. "Please don't make me go... Please dad please." I over exaggerated my words. He chuckled and went back inside ignoring me. I huffed and followed.
Please read!
My friend just posted the first chapter to her spin off: Demons. It's about Becca and it starts off before she dies!!! I highly recommend it! Her user is: @5secondsofwholock

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