Chapter 5: You Made Me Hate My Own Reflection

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You idiot why the freak out? Dean's definitely taking you back to get orphanage now. I yanked at my hair as more of this ran through my mind. What was I going to do? Becca was a demon and Sam and Dean wanted to get rid of her and I freaked it and they know I'm friends with a demon and the whole situation was very problematic. Yeah and you haven't even been with them for a whole day you idiot. I rolled my eyes and groaned. Then Dean walked outside where I was standing
"So she told us her name was Becca." I sighed. "Last year I was at her house and I still to this day don't know what happened. Her entire family other than her little sister, Gina, died. The fire had started in Gina's room and spread quickly. Becca and I found her mom on the... On the ceiling. I was older than Becca so I took over. I grabbed her little sister and ran outside but when I turned around Becca wasn't there so I layed her down in the grass hoping she would be safe and ran back in but Becca was dead." By the time I finished telling the story I was bawling. "Her mom was on getting ceiling." Dean asked. I nodded. "Don't worry the demon that did that is dead. I killed him two weeks ago." Dean said. (A/N I know last chapter I made a reference to Ruby just ignore it lol) "A demon did it?" I asked looking up. "Yeah..." I frowned. "You can't kill Becca she hasn't done anything wrong." I said. He sighed "We won't... For now..." Dean said. I smiled "Thanks..."
After than conversation we went inside and grabbed our stuff going back out to the impala. When I got in the back my home buzzed I pulled it out to see a text from Anna.
Anna: Are you guys leaving?!
Me: Anna what the hell are you watching us?!
Anna: Um.... No?
Me: For real? Goodness gracious child they are like way older than you!
Anna: I wasn't watching you because of them I was making sure you were okay!
Me: BS
Anna: lol okay I might have been lying.
Me: bye bye!
I shut my phone and put it back in my pocket. I swear one day that girl is going to get arrested for stalking some famous person like Ashton Irwin or something. Honestly she was creeping me out. She's not as creepy as you. I rolled my eyes she was being really annoying today. (she being the voice in her head just fyi) I'm not as annoying as you. I sighed and put in headphones turning on Carry On My Wayward Son by Kansas. I swear it has the longest intro ever after the first few lyrics.
I must have fallen asleep because later Dean was telling me to wake up. We had just arrived at a motel. "How in the world did you find a room with three beds?" I asked when we walked in. Dean just shrugged and I through my bags in the first bed and plopped down next to it.
I grabbed my guitar and began tuning it. It had been a few weeks since I got a chance to play. Once it was tuned I sang a much slower cover of King for a day (A/N: I have to change the cuss words because I would get in trouble for adding in the cuss words, and yeah my parents will read it and find out lol)
"Dare me jump off this dirty bridge?
I bet you never had a Friday night like this
keep it up keep it up let us raise our hands look up to the sky and I see
red for cancer
red for the wealthy
red for the drink that's mixed with suicide everything's red
please won't you push me for the last time
scream until there's nothing left
so sick of playing I don't want this anymore
the thought of you's been no fun
you want a martyr I'll be one
Because enough enough were done
You told me think about it well I did
Now I don't wanna Feel a thing anymore
I'm tired of begin for the things that I want
I'm over sleepin' like a dog in the floor
imagine living like a kind someday
A single night without a ghost in the wall
We are the shadow screaming take us now
we're tired of living to rust on the ground
(A/N:sorry if I got the lyrics wrong!!!)
When I was done I looked up and realized Dean and Sam were watching me with wide eyes. "Whoah... That was good..." Dean said. I blushed. "Thanks." I muttered putting my guitar back in the case. They turned back to what they were doing and I walked over to my suit case grabbing clothes and walking into the bathroom.
I had been in these same clothes for over a day in the car so I decided I would change into something clean before we left the hotel. We were California and it's Summer time so I decided to go with a different style then normal.
I put on my pineapple crop top, denim/bleached shorts, a bunch of bracelets to cover my wrists, and brown high heels. I left my belly button ring in. I did my makeup in natural colors and then came back out.
"Well that's different from what you've been wearing." Dean stated. I shrugged "Not only do I have a wide music variety I also have a wide style variety I just where whatever I feel like wearing." I replied. With such a 'Wide variety' of style you think you'd at least be able to pull one outfit. I held back a groan as I saw her. Yeah sometimes I literally see me sitting next to me and criticizing me. She's prettier than me every time, wearing expensive clothing and her makeup done just right the color in her hair brighter and prettier with it flowing gorgeously around her. She's the me I want to be.
I think Dean noticed because he looked over where she was trying to see what I was looking at. I quickly looked down and ignored her as she stood up and walked next to Dean. All three of the people on the room were looking at me curiously... Well the "Better me" wasn't looking curiously she was just smirking at me. "Okayyy well Sam and I have to do more research you should go shopping or something." Dean said. "Okay cool." I said grabbing a message bag and slinging it around my body. "Need some money?" Dean asked holding out a lot of cash. I turned and looked at him. "You sure?" I asked. "Yeah." he said. I took it from him and saw it was a hundred dollars. "Wow for a hunter you get paid well." I said laughed. "I'm good at poker." he said. I smiled "See ya!" I said walking out the door. Oh boy now we're going into public. Please don't embarrass me! I looked over at "Better me" (B.M. for short) and rolled my eyes ignoring her.
I got to a board walk and began looking around at all the jewelry and swimsuits. I picked up a bikini and began examining it.
Don't bother you would not look good in that. You would be better off putting a swimsuit on under a t-shirt in shorts besides what would you do about you're thighs? I ignored the question and asked my own "Why are you here? I haven't actually seen you in forever." I said calmly. She laughed. Be honest with yourself you're uncomfortable with these men. Not only are they new and you're afraid of screwing up but you haven't lived with just men since your step dad. She said. My mom did die when I was nine but I lived with my step dad until I turned twelve and he got arrested. I'm going to let you guess what he did and who he did it to. I shivered thinking about all the things he did to me. "That still doesn't answer my question." I'm back because you're uncomfortable. You need me to help you through the way. There's no one who's more honest with you than me. Not Becca not Kennedy not Anna not Jason not anybody. I looked over at the gorgeous model walking beside me aka B.M. It hurt because she was right and that's what scared me the most.
So I would just like to point out that this is taking place in the third season but I might out in a few things from other seasons just because it works with the book. I have tons of ideas buzzing in my head for this story but I have to set it up the right way so just give it time and this book is going to get really interesting (or at least I think so) alright well in the media is her outfit. Love you guys! Bye!

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