Chapter 26: I've Created A Monster, A Hell Within My Head

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Dean dropped me off a block away, which was his idea, and I walked up to the house. Several people were hanging out outside the house and music was playing. It was what you would see watching a movie.
"Scarlett!" Lizzie ran down all decked out in a Belle outfit but it was like a little kids Belle outfit. She was wearing a bright yellow dress with a sweet heart neckline that hugged her upper body and pooofed out at the waist and fell just above her knees, she had sparkly gold eyeshadow, she was wearing a brown wig, and sparkly gold flats. The dress was obviously a Belle dress. Then Riley came up. Her dress was blue know her upper body and pooofed out sleeves, it had a bow at the top center, and. It pooofed out into gold at the waist. She had on red gloves and gold high heels. Her makeup was done fabulously with long fake eyelashes and sparkly eyeshadow. (sorry I sucked at explaining the outfits. They're in the media.)
"Look at us! Sexy Snow White, Belle, and Ariel!" Ricky squealed.
"Do not call it sexy!" Lizzie begged in a way to where I could tell she had already told Riley this several times. I rolled my eyes chuckling.
"Leader her alone Riley." I laughed.
"What! It's true! We look hot." this caused me to laugh harder and Lizzie to blush.
"I should have worn a long does swith long sleeves then you wouldn't be able to do this to me." She said. Riley laughed at her.
"Don't worry about it Lizzie you look fine and modest trust me if we were truly "sexy Disney princesses" we'd be showing a lot more skin and cleavage and we'd be at a club. This is nothing." I reassured her. Riley nodded.
"Yeah, she's totally right I was just messing with you." Riley nudged Lizzie.
"Good." Lizzie seemed reassured.
"So? Come on let's go get our party started!" Riley squealed and ran up the steps. Lizzie and I shared a look and passed a ton of people with red solo cups. I really hope that's soda. Dude. You need to chill out if it's beer it's not big deal. Get a couple of drinks. It wouldn't be the first time. I rolled my eyes at Bee and followed my friends over to the refreshments.
"So if I were you I wouldn't drink the punch and stuck to the soda. Alcohol always ends up in the punch by someone!" Lizzie shouted over the music. I grabbed a can of soda out of an ice chest and opened it.
"Thanks for the warning." I laughed.
"Scarlett?" I heard someone call from behind me. I turned around.
"Shado?!" I asked.
"What are you doing here?!" we asked in unison.
"I'm Lizzie's cousin. I never miss her Halloween parties. They're legit." Shado explained.
"So I've heard." I muttered.
"Well I'm here because I just started going to the same school as Lizzie." I said.
"Do you still hunt?" She asked.
"Dude, you hunt? Like deer?" Riley cut in I laughed.
"Yeah. I did and still am hunting. I actually did some around here the other day." I said hinting to Shado. She nodded understanding.
Shado is an old friend of mine. She hunted with Jason and I a few times.
"Well, I'll catch ya later. I'm gonna go hang with some of the older kids." She then disappeared into the crowd of people. Right then two boys came over. They were dressed as vamps. The movie versions not the real kind.
"Wow, Scar, you look nice." Kyle said to me. I felt myself blush.
"Thanks." I muttered. Riley nudged me and winked at me. I rolled my eyes.
"Hey, uh, not to be rude or anything, but, uh, what is that on your, uh, back?" Lizzie stuttered. I could tell she felt bad about asking. I shuddered.
"Nothing." I said. The four people with me shared glances and I ignored it. They're judging you. Bee tormented me.
I didn't stay very long. I had kept talking with them while Bee tormented and eventually it all got to be to much and I left telling them I felt sick. I called Dean and sat at the driveway while a few groups of people stood closer to the door talking.
I looked at the paper in my hands. It was a tiny piece of paper with a ten digit number on it. Kyle's number. The impala pulled up and I shoved the paper in my back pocket and climbed in.
"What happened?" Dean asked as I buckled and he drove away.
"It was just boring." I shrugged. Dean glanced at me from the drivers seat and I ignored it. He's judging you too. I pulled my hair and took in deep breaths. She had been harassing me all night. Dean looked over at me.
"Are you sure okay?" he asked. I looked at him and sighed.
when we arrived at the motel I walked in to see Becca and Sam chatting about some show.
"Hey, Becs. What are you doing here?" I asked.
"I need to tell you something." She said.
"What?" I asked raising an eyebrow and looking from her to Sam. He just shrugged.
"I had been debating on telling you guys and I finally talked myself into it so I was just waiting on you guys to get back." She said.
"Okay..." I said suspiciously.
"You know how my dad was a hunter?" She asked. I nodded. She took in a breath.
"Well he was the only human parent I had. My mom was a demon." everyone gasped.
"On the night of the fire the human part of me died and became a ghost so I'm half connected to the locket you have and half of me isn't. That's why that night at the police station when all of those demons were exercised I wasn't. Because that exorcism was for full demons it doesn't work on half demon half ghosts." She said.
"That's confusing." Dean said.
"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.
"I didn't know how." She sighed. It was silent other than Bee's torments. Do you see? Everyone lies to you. Just like everyone leaves you. No one cares about you and your ugly, fa-
"Would you shut up!? That's not even true!" Becca snapped. She gasped and put a hand over her mouth. Sam and Dean looked at her confused. I did to just I was confused for different reasons.
"Becca, can you see her?" I asked. Becca sighed and nodded.
"Yes. All demons can see her." She said.
"How?!" I asked.
"Hold on. What's going on here?" Dean asked. Becca looked at him.
"Scarlett has an inner demon." She said.
"A what?" Sam, Dean, and I asked.
"Come on. You know what an inner demon is." Becca said.
"Yeah but still..." I trailed off.
Dean's POV: (I know weird place to change POVS. Sorry.)
"Scarlett has an inner demon."
"A what?"
"Come on. You know what an inner demon is."
"Yeah but still..."
"Please explain." I said. Becca snapped her fingers and a girl that could be Scarlett's twin appeared.
"What the hell?" I asked.
"Who is she?" Sam asked.
"You guys can see her?!?" Scarlett asked. The girl smirked.
"Hey, I'm Bee. The better Scarlett." She said. I was too flustered to speak.
"An inner demon is a special kind of demon that is created when I person hates themselves enough. Other demons can see them but they never say anything to the person that accidentally created them. It's not aloud. When the creator, in this case Scarlett, stops hating themselves the inner demon dies. Same thing for if the creator dies then the inner demon will die. Sometimes if a person gets comfortable enough or starts to love themselves and the inner demon dies it comes back later when something happens making the creator go back to their old feelings. In order to stay alive inner demons not only protect the creator from dying but they constantly put them down. Everything that comes from inner demons is just something that the creator already thought." Becca explained all of this and I realized Scarlett was beginning to cry. That was awful. What horrible things did Scarlett think about herself? How much was she like me?
"Quit being a baby your embarrassing yourself. Stop showing weakness." Bee ordered Scarlett. Scarlett took in a breath and straightened up.
"Leave her alone." I ordered her. Bee just rolled her eyes and ignored me. Becca snapped her fingers and the girl disappeared.
"How do we kill it?" Sam asked.
"We don't to anything Scarlett has to do it herself." Becca said.
"I can't do this. I'm going to bed." Scarlett grabbed some pajamas and went to the bathroom to change. I looked over at Becca.
"It's going to take a lot to destroy Bee. Most especially with how strong Bee is. She pretty much controls Scarlett. Her opening up will help you help her a lot." Becca said frowning. I ran a hand through my hair. Scarlett walked back out.
"Why didn't you tell us about her?" I asked. Scarlett shrugged.
"I didn't think it was anything. I thought it was just me." She said.
"Okay. You need to start telling Sam and I everything. Okay? You need to open up." I said. She nodded and took in a breath.
"How about I start with the scar?" She asked. I nodded.
"My step father got really mad and he was really drunk so he came at me with a knife. He almost killed me with how deep he cut and I screamed so loudly the neighbors heard and called the cops. That was the night he got arrested." Scarlett explained with no emotion in her voice. She looked from me to Sam.
"He's done so much worse to me. My life, everything you don't know about it you want to keep that way. My past is terrible. It could be made into a horror movie. You don't want me to open up." She explained angrily.
"Yeah. Yeah, Scarlett we do. Because no matter what that bitch attached to you says, we care about you." i said. She frowned.
"You believe me right?" I asked. When she didn't answer I was surprised. After all this time she never knew. I sat next to her on her bed.
"Scarlett, we care. Okay?" I asked. She looked up at me and hugged me.
I got no sleep that night. All I could think about was Scarlett. Sam and I thought we had had it the worst. Boy, we're we wrong.

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