Chapter 6

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"Excuse me!" I chirp, slipping between the men at the door.


"Miss, you can't go in there!"

"Hey, Ryuu!" I call. "I duck out to satisfy your cake craving and you thank me by starting the party without me?"

"I did ask you three times before you actually left to get the cake." L says as I once again slip between police officers. "Would you all please stop trying to apprehend my partner?"

"This is your partner?"

"You have a partner?"

"Are we talking teammate partner, or..."

Ahh, Matsuda. One day you will prove to the world that you are more than a goofy fanboy.

"Aikurushii is my assistant and my lover, yes." L states calmly.

"And your maid." I add, setting a small box of cupcakes in front of L and taking the rest to the kitchen. "Can you fill me in on what I missed?"

"Kira broadcast a message to the public. We lost one of our teammates because of it."

As I turn back to the room, I cast my gaze across the police team laid out before me.

"I'm sorry for your loss." I say solemnly. "I understand that this might sound cheap and heartless, considering I'm a detective of the same line as Ryuu. I've seen this before, yes, and I've had to say those words dozens of times. But the man you lost today is still a man who didn't deserve to die today, not by the hand of some maniac."

I sit down next to L, taking a chocolate cupcake and nibbling on it.

"Can you give me the details?" I ask.

"I'll be able to show you the full videos soon." L states. "Yagami-san managed to get into Sakura TV's headquarters and retrieve them."

"That's good. But I want to start analyzing them now."

"Of course you do." L mutters, the corner of his mouth twitching upwards as he speaks. "Kira opened by killing two TV presenters on separate channels before laying out his demands. He ordered the police's co-operation with him and for me to appear on television."

"Oh, fan-fucking-tastic." I grumble. "Imitators make me sick."

"Imitators?" one of the policemen repeats with a scowl.

"Let me explain to you the train of thought of the criminal known as Kira." I begin, holding up my finger in a 'shoosh and pay attention' gesture. "'I am Kira. I am god. You will do as I say and if you refuse, I will kill you.' Kira doesn't need to prove that he's Kira. He knows what he is, and he believes more than anything that he deserves to be respected. Anyone who doesn't fall to the ground and kiss his feet deserves death. He doesn't have to kill people to prove what he knows."

I take a bite out of my cupcake, quickly swallowing it.

"On top of that, Kira believes he is a god because of his 'moral standards'. He kills criminals and those who oppose him. This person killed two people who are presumably innocent, considering that even being found out as drug addicts would cause enough controversy to have these people removed from their positions on television. That doesn't sound like someone who believes he's dealing out justice."

"That... kinda makes sense."

"Ryuu, was there any reference to 'the Goddess'?" I ask.

"Num whushueber." L mumbles around a mouthful of cupcake - actually, more like an entire cupcake.

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