Chapter 25

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"Oh, Ellen-chan is so pretty!" Misa beams as I finish my make-up. I let my hair sit in its natural, unruly state of curls. I dyed it back to the rich brown shade I've had my whole life, though it will be even darker for a few days. For the first time in nearly six months, I haven't had to transform into someone else. Just a bit of mascara, a hint of colour to my eyelids, and a red shade to my lips because I love red lipstick. It's me.

"Thank you, Misa-chan." I smile. "That means alot, coming from an idol like you."

"Oh, right, I needed to tell you something." Misa says, tapping the side of her head as though to dislodge a hiding thought. "Ryuzaki-san wants to spend the day out with you. He said that, since the message was recorded in advance, he wanted to take this chance to go on an actual date with you. Isn't that cute?!"

"An actual date?" I repeat, feeling heat crawl up the back of my neck. "Oh, wow. This is... Gonna be interesting..."

"Wait, was that silly, would-be double date... the closest thing you've ever had to a real date?" Misa asks, gaping. I nod nervously.

"Oh my GAWWWWWWD! You two are so adorable! It's like you're young, nerdy social outcasts in a film! OTP! I ship so much!"

"Misa-chan, please calm down!"

"How can I be calm when you're so CUUUTE?!"

"Think of your baby!"

"Baby's gonna be just as cute! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!"

I grab Misa's shoulders and hold her in place.

"Misa-chan, sweetie, please, calm down."

"But I'm watching my precious imoto go on her first date!"

"Precious imoto?" I repeat curiously.

"Yep!" Misa smiles, grabbing my hands. "That's who you are to me, Ellen-chan. And I do hope you will come to know me as your aneki, whom you can rely on at whatever point!"

I can't help the weak, dizzy little giggle as I rest my forehead against Misa's.

"I didn't think it could happen." I murmur. "After everything the two of us have been through... After I betrayed your trust like that..."

"You spend too much time hating yourself." Misa pouts, poking my cheek. She pokes me again, giggling about the squishiness.

"Okay, quit that!" I giggle, swatting her hand away.

"Think about it this way; if there was as much to hate about you as you see in yourself, would anyone in this building like you?" Misa asks me. "Would Ryuzaki-san actually open up and want to go on a real date with you - probably his first?"

"Everyone needs a cheerleader like Misa-chan." I smile. Misa smiles back.

"Alright, time to go!" she grins, looping her arm through mine. "Ryuzaki-san's jaw's gonna hit the basement floor when he sees you!"

She pulls me into the elevator, humming cheerfully. I play with my fringe as we descend. In the console room, L, Touta and Matt are all examining computers while Near and Mello go over papers. My eyes widen when I see Mello sitting in the space of a square metre with Near and not attempting to rip his throat out.

"Alright, here she is!" Misa cries, leading me out into the main room. "Now, Ryuzaki-san, I hereby order you to take Ellen-chan on a date!"

"You lied to me!" I exclaim, shoving Misa playfully.

"No I didn't." Misa grins. "Ryuzaki-san did say he wanted to go on a date with you! He just didn't send me up to get you, heeheehee. Actually, he kinda told me not to tell you. But in my ultimate romantic wisdom, I knew better!"

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