Chapter 17

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"Alright, hair somewhat fixed." I murmur, ruffling the new wig. It's a rusty red colour, collar-length with no fringe. Piercings have been removed, covered and changed however possible. The use of make-up has filled out my cheeks, thinned my lips and enlarged my eyes. I almost look like a different woman.

"Here. this might help." Matt says, placing a two-part container on the bench. I pop open one compartment and find a hazel coloured contact lense.

"So we'll look like brother and sister." Matt explains. "And we moved here with our grandfather because we were orphaned by our parents being in a car crash, the other driver being a complete and utter piece of trash who drove drunk and high regularly, and he wanted to move back here. Also, officially, I'm wheelchair-bound because I was in the crash, too."

"So, do we have names organized yet?" I ask.

"Watari is Ryota Matsukaze, I'm Madoka Matsukaze and you're Miki Matsukaze."

"Alright. You do know that there's a difference between the way we introduce ourselves in Japanese and English, right?"

"There is?"

"Yes. In Japan, it's surname first, then given name."

"Why?" Matt whines.

"Also, you have to refer to me as big sister at all times because that's how it works in Japan."


"Ancient tradition. Deal with it."

Matt lets out a string of curses, turning back to his laptop.

"I've already contacted L to let him know the plan is going smoothly," he sighs, changing the topic as he hoists himself to sit on the bathroom counter. "So, we now have options; spook the task force and Light Yagami, or investigate Teru Mikami."

I roll my lower lip beneath my pointer finger, thinking it through.

"Well, my dear Madoka, it might be time to find Kira-sama's most inspiring disciple."

Matt cosk his head, grinning.

"I like the way you think, aneki."

"It's actually meant to be 'oneesan', 'neesan' or 'neechan'. Aneki is the distant form, while those three are used to address the person."

"I'm not interested in languages. Shoot me."


"So, this is the place?" I ask.

"Uh-huh." Matt replies, not looking up from his DS. I lean on the back of his wheelchair, watching the doors.

"Any minute now, we're in the game." I murmur. "Let me do most of the talking, okay?"

I hum quietly. Matt's head begins to bop with the beat of 'Mr Brightside', making me smile. I drum on the handle of his wheelchair.

"Hey, stop that! It feels weird!" Matt huffs, batting at me with one hand. "And I'm trying to play!"

"Jinx, jinx, jinx." I tease, continuing to drum on the wheelchair's back. Matt gives a cry of horror as his character falls into a pit.

"Oh, he's here!" I hiss, straightening up and beginning to move Matt's wheelchair. "Teru-san! Excuse me, please wait!"

The tall, black-haired man pauses as I call out to him. He turns back with a look of surprise. I wheel Matt and myself close to him, smiling brightly.

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