Chapter 34

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Smells like chemicals. Feels like paper. Sounds like a computer lab.

I open the one eye that will open and find Yiru staring down at me. He hops off of my bed, placing a bony hand on my cheek.

"They have paid," he says. "I allowed the police to do what they would and dealt with the escapees of my own accord. Kayo-san and Rem-san were more than willing to help."

"Didn't count as extending our lifespans?" I rasp. Yiru shakes his head, smiling. I offer him a weak smile, despite the way my muscles protest the strain.


I jolt upright, only to feel agony. A pair of warm hands press into my shoulders. L makes me lay back down, even though I want to get up and hold him tight.

"We've already though of that, Ellen-chan," he assures me. "Kira's plan collapsed upon itself – you asked out loud whether he was calling to ask for your name and I deduced that whomever escaped from the building could expect a visit from one of Kira's eyes. The doctors and nurses are the only ones who know that we're here, and they've been paid to keep our presence a secret."

"How long was I out?"

"A little over eight hours."


L doesn't respond immediately. I try to curl my hands into fists, but both are too tightly bandaged.

"Ryuu. Tell me."

"Second degree burns. At least parts of them will result in lifelong scarring. He's on so much medicine that he's not gonna wake up for at least another day, probably more while his body heals."

"Is he gonna live?"

"The doctors... won't tell me, explicitly. They claim they're uncertain."

I press my head back into my pillow and clench my teeth, eye squeezing shut. I feel the tears run over my cheeks, even without the sobs to shake them free.

"And Misa? Her baby?"

"It's going to be a boy."

"I was asking if they were okay, but... That's good, too..."

"Cherry, don't cry." L murmurs. I feel him dab at my wet cheeks with his sleeve. I turn and look at him.

"When can I get out of here?"

"The doctors say you need at least a week."

"Fuck that." I hiss. "We have to move. Kira's... desperate, right? That's why that happened. Because he can't use the Dea-..."

The blood drains from my cheeks.

"Where's the Eraser?"

"You didn't have it?"

"It was in the computer room."

L pulls out his phone. I let out a blue streak as he makes a call. Yiru grasps my hand gently, but that doesn't do much to calm me.

"Touta-san? Do you have that artefact?"

There's a pause. L's shoulders slump with relief.

"Good. That's all."

He hangs up, looking back to me.

"Touta saw that you'd left the Eraser on the desks. He picked it up and pocketed it so that it wouldn't be abandoned. He was waiting for you to ask for it, but then we had to evacuate."

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