Chapter 27

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"Are you okay with what I did?"

"Yeah. I get it." Matt tells me. I sit next to his wheelchair and hide my face in my hands. He reaches out and pats my hair.

"I'm sorry, sweetie. It was the only thing I thought would work at the time. We lost Kira, and we couldn't just end it without proving to the public that Kira's not what he thinks he is."

"Why won't you call him Light anymore?"

"Because the Light I knew is gone."

I feel tears slip down my cheeks without my permission. Matt shifts, tugging on my shoulder.

"Hey, come here."

Matt pulls me up to rest my head on his shoulder. I hug him tightly, crying into his shoulder.

Clink, clink, clink.

"You better not be doing what I think you're doing, Ryuu." I mumble.

"What else was I supposed to do?"

I stand up, folding my arms and glaring. Yep, L's gone and handcuffed himself to Mikami. The now-mute prosecutor has a notebook and pen in hand in order to communicate. He looks at Matt and I with wide eyes. He immediately begins to write on his notepad. I watch him turn the page to face me.

'I know I can never fully apologize for what I've done, but I promise I regret it, Goddess.'

"Don't call me Goddess." I mutter darkly. "I'm no such thing. That was just Kira's idea."

The corners of Mikami's lips turn down at this remark.

"You've lost faith in him?" I ask. Mikami writes something else down for me to read.

'A god has no need for retreat. A god does not fail.'

"And if I were a goddess, I wouldn't have had to revive you." I tell him. "We would have succeeded in capturing Kira at the warehouse."

Mikami nods slowly, seemingly mulling it over like some great revelation. I sigh heavily, sitting down next to Matt again. Mikami writes on his notepad once more before offering the words to Matt.

"I can't exactly forgive you for fucking up my leg." Matt scowls. "There's a moral event horizon or some shit, and you've crossed it."

Mikami nods. He then turns to me again, writing on his notepad.

'I have one small request. I understand that you are the one who revived me. I ask that you are also the one who executes me when I am punished for my misguided deeds.'

I jerk back, eyes widening. I shake my head violently.

"I haven't used the Death Note and I don't intend to." I state. Mikami makes a gesture with his hand, as though shooting a bullet into his head.

"And I've never shot with intent to kill. I don't... have the right to take a life. Not even yours. You've tortured me, and I'm the one who brought you back nonetheless, but I don't have the right to kill you."

'I am only alive because you required my service. In other words, I currently live to serve you. I will be executed when I am no longer of any use, and I wish that you are the one who ends me for good.'

I stand up again, sighing heavily as I move past he and L. I go into the elevator and head down to the last place they'll expect me.

Light's room.

I enter the suite he used to occupy, back when Misa and I were the only ones who knew he was Kira. Now, the whole world knows. Literally - his face is on every TV screen, every computer screen. Some people might try to help him, but it's likely that more people are wanting his presence gone at this point. 

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