Chapter 26

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It's cold, and dark, and it smells of metal and dust and death. Even with my leather jacket zipped up to guard me and jeans wrapped around my legs, the crisp air of the late autumn evening nips at my face and hands. The Yellow Box Warehouse is full of the long sunset shadows. Huddled next to me, one hand tightly wrapped around my own, is Misa. We're perched on one of the balconies that were once crowded with supervisors who watched and took notes for each box stored and removed.

"Misa-chan, stay up here." I tell her softly. "No matter what happens."

"Ellen-chan, don't make me do this." Misa whispers.

"I'm pissed enough that you're here. You're gonna stay up here, safe. No fucking arguments."

"Ellen-chan... I need to tell you something."

"I know you're the second Kira." I cut in smoothly. "And I know you did it of your own free will, not out of manipulation or Stockholm syndrome. But if you say it out loud, I have to put you on death row. Don't put me through that, Misa-nee."

Misa's eyes widen in shock. I smile very slightly. Misa pulls something from inside her jacket - her Death Note. The cover is patchwork leather, the letters only half-formed. It's much more... tatty, than in the anime, but at the same time it has a certain beauty to it.

"I want you to meet my Shinigami," she tells me. "Masahiko-kun and Norio-san introduced me to Kayo-sama. I want to do the same."

I smile very faintly, resting my hand on the cover of Misa's Death Note. For a moment, a patch of air appears to crack like glass, and suddenly Rem appears to me. I bow my head in greeting.

"I am Rem. Ellen-san, I thank you for your efforts in protecting Misa."

"It's what you do for family." I say. Misa squeezes my hand at his comment.

The final light of sunset fades away, promising the morbid end to our case at last. Misa grabs my arm, holding onto me tightly. I gently lead her to lay on her front beside me, making ourselves smaller while allowing us to watch the events that unfold. Rem stands far back to keep from being seen by Light when he arrives.

"I don't know who has our Death Note." I whisper to Misa. "Ryuu decided that."

"You know you can use his real name with me."

"I know. But I can't let Light hear it."

"Doesn't Teru have the Eyes?"

"He's not gonna have time to use them."

We both stop talking. My senses go into hyper-alert as I mentally map out where each of my allies is hidden. L is off to the right of the staircase, hidden just outside the building. Mello is crouched behind an old heating unit that's off to the left of the entrance (from my position). Matt is with Watari, watching from a building far away enough that they're safe, but close enough that they can act if something goes to shit. Matsuda is on the balcony above the entrance.

Near is playing bait. The first Anjer.

"Misa-nee, sweetie... Don't drop it." I whisper, pressing the Eraser into her hand. Her eyes widen as she realizes that this is the thing I use to revive those killed by the Death Note. I slip her a folded piece of paper, with each of our names written twice, save her own.

"I trust you."

Misa tears up, nodding. I gently rest my forehead against her temple in a sisterly manner.

Footsteps. I look over the edge of the balcony. Light and Mikami both walk in slowly, staring at Near. The boy is, as usual, playing with his toys.

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