Chapter 13

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It's almost time. I flip nonchalantly through the papers on my clipboard, passing a glance to the others in the room every so often. Each glance at Light is rewarded with a smile that would seem genuinely affectionate from anyone other than him. Certainly, it looks almost identical to the smile I got from Soichiro - warm, glad to lay eyes on the recipient.

"Aikurushii-chan, would you come take a look at this?" Matsuda asks. "It's a record of the messages from Kira, and the second Kira. I thought, since you've got a natural talent for it, you might be able to go through them and help me separate the two?"

"Sure thing." I say, leaning over to see his computer better. I faintly mouth the words on the screen. In a blink, the computer screen changes to black.

"My apologies for this interruption."

"What the hell is this?!" Matsuda demands as the screens monitoring the security cameras all change.

"Oh, don't worry." L says. "I was well aware in advance that this would happen. I'm rather interested in seeing if things will work out as they planned..."

"What are you talking about, Ryuzaki-san?" Light demands.

"This is a message to Kira and his supporters," the augmented voice says. "This man is called Matsuyama Senri." On screen now is a man in a hospital bed, hooked up to a heartbeat monitor and other machines, all of which are reading him as dead. In the background is an analog clock that's keeping perfect time with the clock in the room with us.

"He was accused of abusing his daughter, Matsuyama Yuri. Kira killed him, three days into his trial."

"What is this about?" Soichiro asks.

"This man was proven innocent two days ago, partially due to Matsuyama Yuri herself coming forward and finally giving a statement. It was her brother who abused her, not her father. Kira, this is the fault in your actions. You kill whatever you deem unnecessary or unwanted, without being fully aware of the truth. You've killed this man, and hundreds of other innocent men."

"I kinda doubt guilt is gonna work." Matsuda murmurs as everyone crowds in. L shushes him harshly, eyes focused on the screen as he nibbles on his cake. I discreetly slip the Eraser out from my sleeve, clinging to the clipboard in my hands. 'Matsuyama Senri' is written at the top of the page.

"I am about to rectify your mistake."

I rub out the name as quickly and quietly as possible, holding my breath. I slip the Eraser back back into my sleeve and watch.

Beep, beep, beep, beep...

Nurses rush into the scene as the man begins to awaken. The screen changes to black with the audio-visualizer line in the middle of the screen.

"This was not the first time I've cleaned up your mistakes, Kira. Perhaps you are not a truly evil person, but you are misguided. With the support of the one known as L, I have rectified your errs and saved those whom you think yourself worthy to judge. Killing is a man's power, not a god's. Think about it."

The video cuts out.

"He actually revived a man." Matsuda breathes.

"That's incredible." Mello murmurs, glancing at me with a childish grin. I can't really return it.


"Humans aren't meant to have that kind of power." I whisper. I hug my clipboard tightly. "We're not meant to play with life like that."

Scripted? Yeah. Genuinely what I'm feeling? Also yeah.

"Hey, it's okay." Light murmurs, turning me to face him. "If this new person is working with Ryuzaki-san, then he's not a threat at this moment. And if he turns out to be a bad guy, then I'll protect you from him."

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