Chapter 7

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"You're wearing less makeup." L remarks.

"My eyes aren't all sunken in." I reply. "Sleep does wonders - you should try it some time."

"I'm glad that you're comfortable enough to sleep."

I look down at my hand, which L is holding. He's curled on the bench in his usual position, aside from the linked hands that rest on the bench panels.

"The campus is really pretty in spring." I comment, gazing up at the sky.

"I'm sorry, Ai."

"Huh? For what?"

"I told you that we wouldn't need more than a few months."

"Hey, don't beat yourself up about this." I tell L firmly. "There's no hard evidence. It's a difficult situation to be in, and I'd rather stay by your side until we've got this nailed than be in danger."

"That's rather nice to hear." L murmurs. "That you feel safe with me."

"Well, I do." I mumble, averting my eyes.

"Hey, Light-kun!" L calls, raising our linked hands. I lose my balance and fall against L's shoulder. He glances at me, looking a little mortified, but then I begin to giggle. L smiles when he realizes that I'm not uncomfortable or hurt, then looks back to Light.

"How's it going?"

Light talks to the girl at his side, politely asking her to leave. She's reasonably good-looking, but I don't like the gleam in her eyes. Wasn't her name Kiyomi Takada? Right, she's not good.

Why is my protective instinct kicking in over Light?

"I'm doing well." Light says coolly. "How are you and Kinobori-chan?"

"You still haven't told him?" I ask L softly.

"It didn't seem pertinent." L shrugs. "Light-kun, Uta-chan is my partner, under the alias Aikurushii."

"Cute and sweet?" Light repeats, crinkling his nose. His eyes linger on my newest piercing, an eyebrow stud. "Where was she every time we met before?"

"Researching." I smirk. "Also, we're well and truly convinced of something."

"What would that be?" Light asks, frowning.

"If I die in the next few days, Light-kun is Kira." L states simply. Light balks at the declaration, then glares at me.

"And this doesn't affect you at all?" he demands. "Your partner just said I'm the reason he'll die."

"Of course, you won't do it." I smirk. "Because we'll know it was you. But then again, if you don't, we'll have more and more time to gain on you."

I raise my free hand and draw a little box in the air, grinning.

"Uta-chan, he'll act if you goad him." L reminds me.

"But it's fun." I pout.


Cue the Misa-bomb! I jump as she arrives, loud and intense. I look up from my new position in L's arms to find him suppressing a smirk. I shove him away and lightly punch his arm. We both stand, glancing at Misa. L places his finger to his lips, giggling softly. The look on Light's face is damn near priceless.

L nudges my shoulder. When I look at him, his eyes silently beg my permission. I roll my own eyes.

"You're a lucky guy, Light-kun."

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