Chapter 15

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I wasn't particularly fond of the idea of facing anyone. However, rather than being in my room (where I was expected), I elected to work in one of the quieter rooms on the work floor, mostly sorting information. Mello has been, unsurprisingly at this point, at my side through the entire day.

The other individual who I have to be thankful for is Matsuda, who immediately recognised that something was wrong and, over the course of many hours, somehow eased me into admitting the truth. He's snuck into the back room with chocolate and coffee at least three times now, never demanding anything of us, not even any thanks.

So I sincerely doubt he sent Light here.

"Ellen. Why did you slip away?"


Damn the squeak in my voice. Damn the stutter. Damn the way I reach up and tug my turtleneck to make sure the marks don't show. Damn the display of weakness that makes Mello step between me and Light.

"Is something wrong?" Light asks, scowling impatiently.

"You need to leave." Mello growls. "Now. Neechan doesn't want to see you."

"I don't think that's for you to decide." Light retorts. "Ellen, why don't we-"

"You aren't coming anywhere near Neechan!" Mello snarls. "Not after what you did to her!"

"I'm not certain I know what you mean." Light says through gritted teeth. "Ellen, could you maybe calm your friend down? I know he's protective of you, but I think he might be taking things to a new level."

"Hey, guys, I got some more-"

Matsuda stops when he sees Light. He glances to Mello, then me.


The whole room has been put on 'pause' as we try to figure out what's the best response. Matsuda shuffles his feet nervously. Mello glares at Light, ready to kill. Light seems to be on the fast track to punching one of the two males.

"Hey, you two have been cooped up in here since, what, four in the morning?" Matsuda breaks the silence with his signature grin. "Come on. You need a break before you blow a fuse."

"Matsuda-san is right." Mello says through clenched teeth. "Come on, Neechan. I wanna go to the roof with you again."

"Alright." I murmur. Mello takes my hand, leading me to the door. He tosses a glance at Matsuda that almost seems to be thankful. But before we get out, Light grabs my shoulder.

It's not a harsh grab. But it's not a hand I want to feel ever again.

"Ellen, please let me speak with you first." Light asks softly. I pull away from his grasp, allowing Mello to create a space between myself and Light.


"We shouldn't have... I wasn't ready." I mumble. Mello and I hurry from the room to the elevator, slapping the button for the roof. I can see Light hurrying after us, but the door closes before he can reach us.

"I wasn't ready." I mumble again.

"I know, sestra." Mello whispers. I pull him into my arms and rest my cheek on his hair. Mello hugs me back, carefully avoiding the areas that I've already proven to be sensitive about.

The elevator door opens, revealing that the roof isn't as empty as we'd hoped. The second person on my list of 'please don't see me ever again' is leaning against the wall, glancing over her shoulder as she hears us.

"Hey, Aikurushii-chan."

"M-Misa-chan, I... We'll leave you to it-"

"No. Please let me talk to you." Misa murmurs. I gnaw on my thumb, glancing at Mello.

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