Chapter 30

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I watch as Matt fumbles over his crutches and prosthetic, cursing madly. Mello and Near both snicker a little at his fury over the wooden aids.

Yiru's been gone for two days, and though we've still had an eye on Kira, we're not comfortable with making a move until we have the information from him. Until that point, we're just biding our time. Part of that means helping Matt get used to his new method of walking.

"Come on, Matt, it's not that difficult!" Mello exclaims.

"You're not the one missing half his fucking leg, Mells." Matt grumbles. I stand up, smoothing out my jacket as I do.

"Sweetie, let's try something different." I say. "Put the crutches down."

"But I can't balance yet!" Matt exclaims.

"That's why I'm gonna hold you up." I tell him calmly. Matt looks at me for a moment, sits down, and lays the crutches on the ground. He holds his hands up to me. I take hold of them and pull him upright.

"Okay, now you just have to follow my lead." I murmur. I take a step back with my left leg - Matt follows with his right leg, the one still in tact. I smile, stepping back on my right leg. Matt follows stiffly.

"You're not relying on the knee joint." I tell him.

"It's fucking metal and plastic, no nerves or control or anything."

"Aren't game controllers made out of the same things? Here, mirror my movements." I say, raising my right leg onto the ball of my feet to move the knee joint. Matt attempts to follow, but he ends up just lifting his leg.

"Don't lift it up, push forward. I'm not teaching you something critical, I'm just helping you to get used to the new joints."

Matt mimics my movements, cringing slightly.

"It's so weird."

"You just need to get used to it. Now, follow my lead."

My left leg back, Matt's left leg forward. My right leg back, Matt's shaky leg forward. And we follow the cycle a few more times. I smile encouragingly.

"There you go, you're getting it now."

"It looks like you're doing better than with the crutches." Near comments.

"I told you it wasn't difficult!" Mello grins.

"And I told you that you weren't the one missing half your fucking leg, you dickhead." Matt glares.

"Matt, I will slap your foul mouth." I threaten him playfully. "Come on, you're doing really well."

Matt follows me closely. It feels almost like I'm dancing with him, rather childishly at that. Matt's eyes are focused on his feet as his motions grow smoother. I begin to take larger steps back. Matt squeaks a few protests, but I just giggle.

"Come on, you're not gonna get better without pushing yours limits."

"Go for the Paralympic Gold!" Mello cheers.

"I will fucking throttle you!" Matt snaps.

"But he's being so supportive." I say, continuing our arrhythmic dance. Matt manages to keep up with my widening steps.

"Stop staring at your feet and look at me." I murmur. Matt looks up, clearly fighting to keep his gaze on me. I ease up on the wide steps, giving him a chance to get used to the feeling of walking again.

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