Chapter 5

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-Chapter 5-

"Madison?" I said as I knocked on her door.

I could still here the crying from inside the door. I could understand what she was going through. My ex-boyfriend, Kole, cheated on me. It hurt a lot but, now I have Cam.

"What do you want, Rose!?" Madison yelled from inside the door. Her voice was covered in sobs.

"Please let me in. I want to talk to you." I told her. I then heard footsteps and then the door flew open.

I gasped at what I saw. Madison stood there with running mascara and tears streaming down her face.

"Aww Madison you look horrible." I said sadly.

"Do you think I don't know that? Come in." Madison said and walked over to her bed and sat down. I followed her and sat down next to her. She looked at me.

"Why? Why would he do something like that to me? What is a relationship if not built on trust? He betrayed me and he lied about it." Madison said through her crying.

"He didn't lie to you Madison. He just didnt tell you what he did. Please take some time to think about this." I told her.

"I have taken some time to think about this and I have made up my mind. Rose, I need a break from Anthony. I can't trust him anymore. I need some space." She said.

"What? No Madison! Don't do this. Anthony loves you and you love him. Just give him another chance." I told her.

"I- I can't, Rose. I love him but, I need some time and if he loves me he will understand and he will prove that to me in our time out." Madison said. I realized that I could not change her mind. She was serious about going through with this. It hurt me to see her like this but, if she thinks a break up will make her better then I'll let her learn on her own.

"I'm going to call him right now and tell him." Madison said. I looked at her in shock as I saw her pull out her phone and call the first name in her favorites list.


-Anthony's POV-

I was on the living room floor leaning my back against the couch in Cam and I's dorm. I had my knees pulled up and my head in my hands.

Oh lord... What have I done?

I probably just lost the one girl who got me to love her for the rest of my life. I know I was wrong and I would do anything to have Madison give me another chance.

I had been here thinking and listening to Camoren talk to me.

"How are you feeling now, man?" Cam asked me.

"How do you think I'm feeling? Madison is crying because of me! She's probably never gonna forgive me but, I would do anything for another chance. I just can't lose her." I told him.

"I understand. I feel the same way about Rose." Cam said.

Just then my phone started ringing.

I picked it up and saw the one name on the Caller I.D that I had hoped for.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Hi Anthony..." Madison's beautiful voice rang out through the phone. Her voice sounded broken and it tore through my heart.

"Madison. I'm so sorry for what I did and I never should have hurt you. I promise this will never happen again and if you give me another chance I promi-"

" I can't. We can't. I just need some time Anthony. This isn't going to work out right now. I'm sorry. Just please understand." Madison said sadly.

"I do understand. I understand that I can't give you up and I understand that I love you. I understand that we are meant for eachother. I understand that what I did was wrong. Please Madison!" I pleaded.

"Anthony just understand me. If we are meant to be together then I'm sure that we will be together later on in life. Just for now, I'm through. Let us take a break." She said. I could feel my tears almost coming. Madison is probably the only thing that could get me to act like a wimp.

"I can't. I won't give up on you Madison. I can't let anyone else have you. I love you." I told her honestly.

"I love you too and that's why it hurts me to have to do this. However, I know I have to do this and you need to understand." She said.

"You don't have to do this." I told her.

"I do. Goodbye Anthony." She said and hung up the phone.

I through my phone full force across the room. I didn't care what would happen to my phone at this moment. All I cared about was Madison. At least my phone would be just like my heart. Broken.


Author's Note

This chapter almost pulls me to tears. :(

"I do. Goodbye Anthony." ...And then we cry and tears pour like rain down our face.

I will probably be updating a little faster now. It's almost been a whole year since the first book.

ALSO, please help me on my cast list!!!! How do you guys like Shay Mitchell for Rose. It's a thought.







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