Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Rose's POV

Three Weeks Later

I walked into the building. The party was now in full swing. I could feel the music vibrating the floors and walls of the place. The lighting was pretty dim and the place was packed with college kids. The girls were all scantily dressed and most of the people were high or drunk.

I wrapped my arms around my torso. I was already feeling uncomfortable in the dress I was wearing. The thin black material hugged my skin showing off every curve I had. There were half moon shaped cut outs starting about and inch under my bra line and ended only a little above my panty line. My stomach is only partially covered and I really wasn't a fan of it. It was Madison's choice.

The shoes were her choice too. They were gorgeous black stilettos that made my tan legs look long and everlasting. Frankly they were my favorite thing I had on.

My hair was left down and my makeup made my eyes pop. I had to admit I looked probably the best I have in a while. I mean three weeks up in my room letting all my emotions out weren't the best times and I was happy to be out of my room again.

I pushed my way through the swarms of people. It was getting really hot and I wanted to go somewhere that there wasn't as many people.

As I was walking, someone latched their arms around my waist. They were tight and I couldn't push them off. I was lifted off the floor a little and I could feel myself being carried.

"Oh my gosh. Stop! Please!" I screamed.

Suddenly, a hand latched around my mouth. I could feel it right under my nose. I started screaming but it only came out in muffled tones.

Then, I felt lips by my ear. However they weren't giving me the pleasant sensation I was used to, they were repulsing.

"I suggest you stop squirming and you be still. If you don't want to be drugged, you will do that." A voice said. It was gruff and violent.

Tears started to sting my eyes. I tried to pull them back. I was not going to cry. I could get out of this.

After a while, I felt my feet being put down. I felt cold air blowing against my body. We were outside.

I looked around as best as I could. The ground looked made out of cement and there was a brick wall on the side. There were faint traffics noises in the distance.

I realized I was on a rooftop of a building and taking in consideration
that I could still vaguely hear music, I was not far from the party.

"Sit." A buff looking guy spat at me. He pointed to a chair behind me. I was intimidated but I couldn't let him know that.

"Why? I think I would rather stand." I retorted to him. He glared at me. He walked up closer into my face.

"Look, I'm doing a job here. If I tell you to sit, you sit. If I wanted to be bossed around by a girl I would have stayed home. So sit down, bitch."

He spat to me.
I crossed my arms over my chest and stuck my hip out. I glared at him to show defiance.

"Okay, Marcus give the girl a break. Let's treat our guests nicely. For now." I heard a voice say. The voice sounded vaguely familiar like I've heard it before. I knew I had not heard it a lot but, I definitely recognized the voice. Then it clicked.

"Dad?" I said out loud.
A tall and built figure walked out of the darkness. His dark hair and green eyes gave him away. I had those eyes and I hated myself because of it.

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