Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

"You love him, but you're going to leave him? That doesn't make sense to me, Rose."

"It doesn't have to make sense to you Nick. It's what I have to do."

He shook his head disapprovingly at me. I playfully punched him in his shoulder and laughed.

Ever since our last date, Nick and I have became pretty close friends. I asked to meet up with him today because I had to talk to someone who wasn't close to Cameron and I think Nick is about as far away as I can get.

We were sitting in the tailgate of his pick up truck at the edge of a lake a little ways off campus. It was early in the evening and the sun was going down slowly.

I had turned my phone off after the first few calls from Cameron because I didn't want him to distract me. I knew he was probably angry and freaking out but, I had to talk to someone.

"You are seriously the only person I know who would leave their true love as much as you have. I swear your stupid."

"Hey!" I exclaimed. Nick laughed.

"I'm just joking but seriously. When I find my true love, I never leaving her." He spoke.

"Well until then you can't criticize me." I tell him.

"As a friend I'm allowed to tell you when you are being stupid."

I scoffed and looked at him. "It's not being stupid, it's protecting someone you love." I tell him.

He smiles and takes a swig of the beer that's been dangling from his hand. "Yeah well you have the weirdest way of loving someone."

I run a hand through my hair. "Everyone's different."

A low humming sound calls out from behind us and I turn around. A motorcycle pulls up from the side of the truck and I recognize it immediately.

The driver is clad in a pair of jeans and a black T-shirt that makes my knees weak at the sight of him. I can tell he's staring at me even with the helmet on and I slowly slide away from Nick but I know it's too late.

Cameron has already seen the close proximity of our bodies and it probably doesn't help that I'm wearing a crop top along with my skinny jeans and stilettos.

Cameron takes off his helmet revealing a pair of green eyes I can't seem to ever take my eyes off of. They are swirling heavily with the emotions of anger and jealousy.

"Shit." I mutter.

Cameron proceeds to walk over to us and I notice his eyes aren't trained on me but on the man behind me.

"You must have a lot of nerve to take out my girlfriend after what you guys shared!" Cameron rages at Nick.

Nick hops off the truck and approaches Cameron. "Look man, I'm innocent. You're girlfriend called me to hang out not the other way around so if I were you I'd be checking who you were yelling at."

"That's not the story that's been floating around the campus." Cameron argues. I can tell he's pissed and I flinch at his tone.

"Well maybe if you would supply her with what she wants then she wouldn't have the need call me to fulfill her wishes."

Oh my God.

Cameron's quick at the backlash and punches Nick square in the jaw sending him down to the ground. I scream and run over to his body and see he's out cold.


I walk into the Cameron's dorm room slamming the door shut behind me. After taking Nick to the hospital, the tension between Cameron and I have built up and I'm pissed.

Cameron pushes the door open and walks in shutting it behind him. He looks at me with anger in his eyes and I'm sure I'm staring at him the same way.

"So are you just going to stand there and look at me or are you going to tell me why I had to find out from a guy on the campus that a brunette girl that resembles my girlfriend hopped in Nick's truck looking ready for an evening of god knows what!" Cameron rages.

I cross my arms over my chest. "My god Cameron! You can't go around believing everything you hear."

"Well at first I was praying that it wasn't but when I pull up to the lake and see my girlfriend sitting next to said Nick it kind of hard not to believe what I heard."

"That doesn't mean you can go around knocking out every guy that gets within a two feet radius of me! Cameron I love you but you're jealousy is getting on my last nerve."

I could tell it set Cameron off because he began to breath heavily. "You're being ridiculous." He whispers trying to calm himself.

I scoff."Me? Well look at you Mr. Wreck It Ralph! You have more K-O's than John Cena! Don't you think if I wanted to cheat on you that I would've by now." I scream.

"Well it's hard to know what you would do after what happened last night." He spat.

Woah. That statement hit home.

"Cameron..." I whisper.

He walks over to me enveloping my body in his arms. "No I'm sorry that was out of line. It's just I get very possessive when it comes to you because I can not lose you Rose. I know I say this a lot but that's because it true. You're mine and I only want you to be mine."

I look up at him.

"I've never and never will cheat on you. What happened last night was the worst thing I could've ever done and I'm so sorry for bring this to you. It was stupid and immature. I never should have done it."

He closes his eyes and nods. His lips brush mine and I swear I'm losing any restraint I previously had when it comes to him. His teeth graze over my bottom lip and I know I'm done for. He's teasing me and he's doing really well at it.

His lips rub across my jaw and I find myself gripping his shirt and I swear that and his arms are the only thing keeping me up.


"Shhhh." He whispers out.

He backs me up and I feel my back collide with a wall. Cameron's eyes open and find mine.

"I love you." He whispers.

"I love you too." I say back and connect my lips with his.

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