Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

The plane was high in the sky. We argued and argued, but in the end Crystal bought us a private jet. I told her that spending that money was unnecessary but she insisted because of the situation.

I sat in the main quarters on a couch. Cameron had his head rested in my lap and was shirtless. I told him to put on a shirt and he claimed he was drying off from the shower he took after we boarded the plane this morning. He wore a pair of his dark blue jeans that rested on low on his hips exposing much of his V-line and giving my eyes a festival.

Anthony (who was also shirtless) and Madison were sitting across from us on another couch. Madison was sitting in between Anthony's legs with her legs crossed.

Lily and David came along with us and were back in the sleeping quarters with doing God knows what.

The day after Anthony saw Jeremy at the boardwalk we all started packing. We had to get out of there. The original plans of Reed and Seth coming with us had ended when we told them we had to leave unexpectedly. We were now on a plane to our hometown.

I looked down at Cameron but, my eyes met with his chest. I quickly looked away and trailed my eyes back to his face.

He was in a deep conversation with Anthony. I looked over at Madison and saw she was highly invested in her phone.

Cameron laughed at something Anthony said and I looked down at him.

His eyes were trained on Anthony and I watched as he lifted his hand up to rake it through his hair.

When he did that, the muscles in his arm flexed. I didn't know what was happening to me. It was like everything he did turned me on. It resembled a heightening in the senses only it was a sense that only activated for Cameron.

I shifted my legs uncomfortably which in hand made Cameron readjust his head. I then closed my eyes and faced my head towards the window. Five minutes later, I hear something that captures my attention.

"I think we should prohibit Rose from having any contact with the outside world. Therefore, Jeremy won't know where she is." Anthony said.

"It's not like she's a social butterfly anyway. She's only comfortable when she talks to us." Madison told him.

"I don't care what we do as long as she is safe. If she gets hurt, I will not be able to forgive myself and you know that. If one of us has to die, I want it to be me." Cameron whispered.

I guess he figured I was sleep. As protective and incredibly sexy I knew what he said was, this was my problem and no one but me should be put on the line because of it. I had to do this by myself.

I felt Cameron's head move off my lap.

"Guys, I think she's sleep and it's 2 am. I'm going to take her to bed. Will you guys be okay?" I heard Cameron ask.

"Dude, go. We will be fine." Anthony said.

"Okay. Goodnight." Cam said.

I then felt myself being lifted up bridal style. My cheek came in contact with his hard chest and I found my body snuggling up to it.

I felt movement underneath me and realized that Cam was walking.

Before I knew it, my skin came in contact with a cool mattress. When I didn't feel Cameron lay by me after a while, I fluttered my eyes open.

He was standing by the bedroom wall. His eyes were faced down as was his head. He had a fist up against the wall and it was clenched tightly. His back muscles were also strained and tight.

I just stared up at his large stature in confusion. I quietly slipped out of the bed and walked over until I was standing right behind him.

I spread my palm out and pressed it lightly against his back in a loving way.

His body softened noticeably and I heard him take a deep breath. He turned his body around and leaned his back against the wall.

"You're awake." Cameron whispered.

"You didn't come to lay by me. It made me worry." I told him.

He pressed his lips firmly to my forehead and nodded.

"Baby, go back to bed. I'll be there." He promised me.

I looked at him with worry and seeing this he intertwined his fingers with mine.


"Don't worry so much. I'm fine. Please go back to bed." Cam said softly.

I looked up at him. Begrudgingly, I let go of his hand. I backed away from him a little bit. But the worrisome part of my brain bugged me.

"Is there a reason why you can't tell me?" I asked him a little loudly.

"I just....don't want to worry you more than you already are."

"Well you're doing a really bad job." I scoffed.

I then slipped into the covers not wanting to speak anymore if he wasn't going to tell me what was wrong. Sure I knew that he did not have to tell me everything but, this just seemed too important to me.

If something was bothering him, did it make me a bad person to want to know what was going on? I understood his motives but, I wanted to know regardless of the outcome. I don't think I could get more worried than I already was.

When Cameron finally came to bed, he tried to pull me to him but I slapped his hand away. I knew that if I was looking at him than I would see his amused smile.

I didn't move toward him in the middle of the night nor did I drape my leg over the bottom half of his body like I normally did.

I kept my back facing him the entire night and the only thing I remembered was falling asleep for a little while and a light tap on my shoulder when we landed the plane.

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