Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

One Week Later

I placed the note down on the bedside table leaving the pen next to it. I couldn't leave the ring though. It was like something in my body was blocking me from laying it down on the table.

I had it placed on it's own necklace chain where it would stay for however long we would be separated. Separated. The word itself shocked me.

I placed my purse over my shoulder and lifted the handle on the suitcase. I knew that if I did not get out now I never would. I looked down at his peaceful sleeping figure.

Tears started escaping my eyes but I shook them away telling myself it would only be for a little while. I would place a kiss on his cheek but I worried it might wake him up.

To think after everything that has happened; Me breaking up with him for the first time because of what Leona and Hailey had told me, him leaving me because he was trying to protect me, Cameron getting shot, me thinking he was cheating on me with Lily....this would be what would really separate us.

I walked out of the room, closed the door, and rolled my suitcase down the hallway as quietly I could.

I held up my suitcase as I carried it down the stairs. I opened the door and walked down the patio steps to my car. Crystal had my car driven here after I asked her to. She didn't ask any questions why which I was thankful for but I knew she was suspicious.

I saw Daisal standing there with her suitcase next to her. She was staring out the house through the dark sky.

With the moon's light I could make out the tear stains on her cheeks. I opened the trunk and put our suitcases in it and then pushed it close silently.

I then wrapped my arms around Daisal and rested my had on the top of hers.

"Why does it hurt so much? I kept telling myself not to get attached! I knew we would eventually have to do this to them. I knew there was no way we could stay here. But still I got attached. I thought I only liked him, Rose. But maybe....just maybe I loved him. Now I feel so stupid that I never kissed him. He tried but, I just pushed him away. Why does this always happen to us? Why can't we just be happy? Why when I get used to something it gets ripped right out of my hands?" Daisal asked.

Tears brimmed my eyes.

"I know, Daisal. It will get better." I whispered. However, I didn't even really believe that myself.

"And if it doesn't?" She asked me.

"I will try my best to make it better. I promise that much." I told her.

When we finally proceeded into the car, I kept thinking about the note I left. Should I have said more? Did I say too much? Will he even find it?

Thousands of questions ran through my mind as I pulled out of the driveway. The car sped down the road and as Daze looked back, I only looked forward because as horrible as my past had been I knew that somewhere in my future their had to be a point in my life where everything would be worked out for me.


Cameron's POV

I reached out my arm to pull her closer to me but all I could feel were the empty sheets.

My body immediately sat up. I slipped out of bed and found the bathroom empty. She wasn't in there and all of her hair accessories, shower gels, shampoos, and assortment of make up came up missing. All that was left was my stuff.

After seeing that, my body went into panic. I walked over to the closet and saw all of her clothes gone. I could feel my muscles tense up as I walked over to the window.

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