1-The Start

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I grabbed the neck of the whiskey bottle next to me and raised it to my lips. I looked at the three men infront of me and smirked as I took a swig of the liquid, used to the burn of alcohol. I walked towards the men, swinging my hips. The lacy lingerie I wore didn't cover a damn thing, but I didn't mind. It did it's job of distracting the other two men.

"Oh boys, I haven't been in a bedroom with three guys in along time. I hope one of you can show me a good time." I grin and a blonde infront of me scowls.

"Just give us the flash drive, Stark, and no one has to get hurt." He growls put and I roll my eyes, putting a very well manicured hand on my hip. How original.

"Now, where's the fun in that handsome?" I ask, taking another swig of the amber liquid. "If you want the flash, you cany have it. Sorry. Come back later." I tell him. The blonde looks over to a brunette and nods. The brunette makes a move forward and throw the glass bottle at him. It hits him in the head and shatters, slipping the alcohol all over him. The man slumps against the bed in the room.

"Fucking bitch." The blonde growls and rushes towards me. I shove my black heel into his face, pushing him backwards. The other man, who was jet black hair, rushes towards me. I glare at him and I run towards him, my hand wrapping around his neck. My hand heats up against his skin and turns a bright red color. The smell and sound of burning flesh fills the air. He doesn't have a chance to fight back.

The blonde gets up and pulls me off his teammate, but it's already too late for him. His neck is badly burned and he's barely alive. The blonde man attempts to punch me in the jaw and I grab it with my still burning hot hand. He screams out in pain and I make my hand hotter. He swings at me again and I grab his other hand, heating up that hand as well.

"Now sweetie, I do love making men scream, but I want to go home and rather not deal with you." I purr and just as I'm about to kill him, the hotel room door swings open. I groan and bring my knee up into the man's crotch and let him go. He falls to the ground in pain, his hands burnt badly and his junk hurting. I turn around to see the person who had opened the door was Agent Phil Coulson. I sigh, walking over to the man with the burned neck. I grab the man's gun and I shoot him and his buddies inbetween the eyes.

"What are you doing here, Phil?" I ask as I pull on a robe that was hanging from a hook in the hotel room I was in, "Aren't you supposed to be back on base in...whatever state you were in?"

"Something has happened and we need you back immeadiately, Agent Stark." Phil says, closing the door behind him. I look over to him, raising an eye brow as I walk over to the bed. I pull out a silver flash drive and toss it to the older man. He catches it and puts it in his pocket.

"What happened?" I ask, sitting on the bed and crossing my legs. He sighs and pulls out a tablet, holding it out for me to take. I stand up and quickly walk over, taking it from his hand.

"A man named Loki has taken the Tesseract and Doctor Selvig and Agent Barton. That's why we are assembling the team. We cannot have the Tesseract falling into the wrong hands, and these are definitely the wrong hands." Phil says as I start to go though the Avengers Initiative file. I bit my lip as he mentioned Clint, but I let it go, burying the emotions that were threatening to come out.

"Let's see: Tasha, Clint, Doctor Banner, Captain Rogers, Tony and, ah, me." I smirk as I flip through the different members and I take a moment to read the information listed:

Name: Peyton Annemaire Stark
Gender: Female
Rank: Agent (level restricted)
Skills/Abilities: Pyrokinesis, Flying, Skilled Martial Artist, Genius level-intellect, Expert in Hand to Hand Combat, (see more)
Affiliations: Anthony Stark (see Anthony Stark), SHIELD, Stark Industries

It wasn't everything, but it was enough. I looked up at Phil, "It must be bad. You have Tony on here again." I joke, but when he nods I know it's true. I sigh as well, "I'm in, since I don't think I have much of a choice."

"You don't. Get dressed. We need to be out in ten minutes." He smiles at me as he walks back towards the door. "We're getting the Captain next."

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