9-Rain Keeps Falling

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"Oh God!" Clint heard Laura cry out from where he was in the laundry room. He ran out to the living room, growing very worried until he notices she is just watching some celebrity drama show.

"Jesus, Laura, you scared the shit out of me." Clint told her and she shushed him, her attention on the TV.

"Today, Pepper Potts gave a statement regarding why Peyton Stark was in the hospital." The female host announced with a sad smile on her face. Clint swallowed hard, his jaw clenching slightly. Suddenly, Pepper appeared on screen, looking as professional as ever as she walked out of a hospital.

"Can you tell us why Peyton Stark is in the hospital?" A reporter questioned as others snapped pictures of Pepper. The strawberry blonde stopped, looking at the camera.

"Peyton is in the hospital after suffering a miscarriage. She, her brother, as well I would greatly appreciate it if we had some privacy during this difficult time. Thank you." After Pepper made her little speech, Laura gasped. Clint frowned as paparazzi asked for the child's father's name. He turned to look at Laura, who had put her hand on her stomach.

"Did you know she was pregnant?" Laura asked, looking at her husband. He shook his head. "Well you should send her flowers. Tell her your condolences. You're friends, aren't you?"


I sat in front of the window, wrapped up in a big soft blanket. I had pushed my couch so it was right in front of the window just so I could watch the clouds empty their rain over New York. The sky was a beautiful dark dry and the glass, whenever I touched it, was cold. I had some memory of Mom telling me that if you're sad and it starts to rain, the world was crying with me. If that was true,-well I didn't know the earth cared so much for me.

I'm sorry, Mom. I know you knew I was considering getting rid of the.....I'm sorry. Even though I didn't know her long, I knew Mom, Tony's mother, would've wanted me to keep the baby. I know she would've helped me in every way she could. I wish she could've been a grandmother. Dad, well I don't know how'd he react. Tony has told me that he was extremely protective of me. Part of me thinks that he'd kick Clint's ass. I smile. I would love to see that.

"Hey kiddo. Thought you'd be watching the rain." Tony says as walks in from the elevator. I sit up slightly as he moves to sit down, carrying a file in his hands. Ever since I've came home from the hospital, he's been checking up on me. Tony doesn't want me to be alone. You can't fault him on wanting to be a good brother.

"Well you know me, Tones." I look at him and give him a small smile. He smiles back.

"I remember when you were little, you'd yell at me to move the couch or bed so you could watch the rain. You'd make Jarvis and I both sit with you." Tony reminiscences, the smile on his face. I move closer to him, leaning against his shoulder.

"Well I didn't want to be alone watching the rain. The thunder is scary." I respond and Tony chuckles.

"Is it still scary?" He asks, trying to be serious, but failing. I grin.

"Of course not. Thor's pretty cute." I joke and Tony rolls his eyes.

"I'm not here discuss our fellow superhero boy band mates. After...what happened, I went through some files that Dad had left in his will." Tony says, actually serious now. I straighten up and swallow slightly, looking at him.

"Why?" I ask and he sighs, running a hand through his hair. He opens the file and pulls out a copy of what looks like the will.

"Well, when the lawyer sat down with Peggy, Jarvis, Obadiah, and I to go over the will, I remembered something about the mansion upstate and who it was left to." He explains, turning towards me, "And Dad left it to you."

"What?" I exclaim, my eyes slightly widening, "Why have you never told me this before?" Tony holds up a hand to silence me, looking down at the will.

" 'The Mansion in Upstate New York is left to my daughter, Peyton Annemarie Stark, if and when she has children. If she does not have children, the estate is left to my son, Anthony Edward Stark to duct up amongst the two of them.'. It's a weird, I know, but that's Howard  for you. Even though he only knew you a year, he knew how much you loved the mansion upstate-"

"What are you getting at here, Tony?" I ask. He looks at me, the serious look still on his face.

"I want you to have it. You practically grew up there and you love it so much. You love being there-" I cut him off, scooting away from him slightly. I shut my eyes for a second, letting out a sigh.

"Tony, I'm not ready to have kids. I'm not trying to have kids. The father-It was a stupid one night stand and I-" I stop talking. There's a lump in my throat and I open my eyes. I look out at New York instead of looking at him. Clint's words ring out in my head. We both know it's a mistake. It would be better for kid, sweetheart, if it wasn't born. Tears roll down my cheeks and I know Tony is staring at me.

"....You...you loved him, didn't you?" Tony asks, his voice is quiet and tight. I want to say no. I want to say I didn't love Clint. It'd be a lie. So I just nodded my head and he sighed.

"And he...he told you to get rid of it, didn't he?" Tony says, almost carefully. I sniffle as more tears roll down my cheeks. My heart hurts and I feel empty.

"He told that it was a mistake and-and it would be better for the baby if it wasn't born...'said that we'd both be unfit parents, especially since I'm a recovering addict and an alcoholic." I let I slip out, my voice very soft. That's when I break and the tears flow faster. I cover my face as sob comes out of my mouth. Fuck you, Clint Barton. Fuck you and fuck what you did to me.

"Jesus Christ." Tony says as he pulls me into his arms, kissing my forehead, "You don't know if you would be an unfit mother, Pey. You just wouldn't know."

"I think he was right. I can't even take care of myself." I murmur into his chest in between sobs. Tony pulls away and holds onto my shoulders, forcing me to look to look at him.

"He wasn't right. You'd be a damn good mother. I've seen you with snot nosed kids and you're great with them. Whenever there has been a baby in room, you immediately go to it. No jackass can tell you otherwise." He says, giving me a smile. I laugh a very ugly watery laugh and he kisses my forehead, "And if you chose to have kids, you have the mansion to take your spawn to, but you don't have kids, you still have the mansion."

"Thank you, Tony. You'd be a great uncle." I smile at him and he grins, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. He pulls me close and rubs my shoulder.

"Uncle and Godfather. Uncle and Godfather." He says happily and I roll my eyes. I lay my head on his shoulder and look back out, watching the rain fall onto New York City.

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