8-Life and Death

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I woke up with a wetness in between my legs and a pain in my abdomen. I didn't realize I had fallen asleep. I was about to ask JARVIS to turn on the lights when the strong scent of iron hit my nose.

I threw off my blankets and even in the faint light coming in from the windows, I could see a dark liquid covering my legs and sheets. Tears filled my eyes, my heart beating quickly as my arms went around my stomach. A whimper came out of my mouth before I started screaming.


Hours away, Clint sat next to his wife, both of them waiting for the doctor in the small room. Laura was reading some magazine that had Peyton's face plastered to the cover. He didn't notice what she was reading until Laura sighed and looked at him.

"She's ridiculously beautiful. I mean come on," Laura told him, pointing at a picture of Peyton on the arm of some celebrity. Clint's jaw clenched at the picture. Peyton smirking her famous smirk, eyes full of mischief as the celebrity held her close.

"She's alright. I think you're far more beautiful." Clint says, pushing away the feeling of jealousy. He smirked at his wife and she blushed, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah yeah. She only looks like this." Laura closed the magazine, revealing the cover to him. It was from that photoshoot before their mission. Peyton was sultrily looking at the camera, yanking on the tie of the male model sitting in the chair. The model was looking at her almost hungrily. Clint was about to say something, but the doctor decided to walk in. Laura tossed the magazine into his lap. His eyes were on the heiress's image as the doctor talked to him and Laura. Within moments, the lights were turned off and a loud noise filled the room.

"Clint, look! It's our baby!" Laura exclaimed as she touched his shoulder and turned to look at her husband, who quickly looked away from the magazine. It dawned on him what the loud noise was as his eyes landed on the fetus in the monitor.


Tony was the one who had found me in bed, covered in my own blood.

Tony was the one who picked me up and carried me to the elevator and down the garage, trying to calm me down as I started to sob, still holding my stomach.

Tony was the one who drove me to the hospital, holding my hand as blood got over his expensive car seats. He listened to me as I cried about my baby.

Tony was the one who held me as I cried when the doctor told me I had miscarried. 

And that's where we were now.

"Who was the Dad, sis?" Tony asks, still holding onto my hand. I was laying on the hospital bed, turning my head to look at my brother.

"He isn't around...it doesn't matter." I tell him and he sighs, scooting a bit closer to the bed.

"He didn't want it, did he?" He asks carefully and I sigh, nodding. Suddenly, tears start to roll down my cheeks. Tony sighs and runs his fingers soothingly through my hair.

"You can't cry because then I'm going to cry." He says and I give him a watery smile , "Also Pepper is on a flight back to New York. We....we are both going to take some time off, okay?"

"You don't need to, Tones. You two shouldn't drop everything just for me-"

"Kid, we are going to take care of you okay? Just let us be here for you. This shit is tough and I wish you would've told me you were pregnant, but it's okay. I just-I want to make sure you're okay." Tony murmured. There was was dark circles under his eyes. He probably wasn't sleeping after what he had experienced during what the world is calling "The Incident".

"The world loves shitting on the Starks, doesn't it?" I ask, trying to lighten up the mood. Tony chuckles and and nods.


Clint was watching Laura put the sonogram on the fridge when he got the call from Natasha. He excused himself before walking outside to answer the call.

"Nat, whats wrong-" He was immediately cut off by the Russian red head.

"She lost the baby, you fucking asshole." She snapped at him through the phone. Clint's heart dropped and a lump fired in his throat, "Tony was the one who found her."


"She's done so much for you! She made you special hearing aids! She even made them incredibly cheap just so any me who needs them can get them! How many donations has she made to different charities for deaf kids because you inched your way into her heart." Natasha continued on. Clint walked a little further from the farmhouse, rubbing the bridge of his nose.


"I swear to God, if Pey goes off the deep end again, because of you-"

"Laura is pregnant." Clint slipped out and he shut his eyes as Natasha let out a string of Russian curse words.

"You sick son of a bitch! So you knock up two different women and when it's your little plaything it's okay to just leave her-"

"Peyton agreed that neither of us could raise the child and she wasn't going to keep it." Clint knew it was a half lie. While he sat with with his wife, seeing the new life grow inside of her, Peyton watched as the live inside her died.

"You're a piece of shit."

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