14-Bad Moon Rising

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I woke up when they through a bucket of ice cold water on me. My eyes shot open, quickly looking around. The room I was in had concrete walls, a concrete ceiling, and a concrete floor. I was on that said concrete floor, still dressed in my silk robe. There was gold metal cuffs around my wrists and my ankles, both engraved with delicate patterns. Attached to the golden cuffs were chains. The chain from the ankle cuffs attached to the ground while the ones for my hands were attached to the wall.

"Good morning, darlin'!" A man spoke loudly. I looked up at the man who had spoke, pressing my lips together. The man had short blonde hair and was wearing an all black dressy outfit. He looked almost ready for a business meeting, if it wasn't for the huge phoenix tattoo on his neck. He grinned at me and brought his hands together. Beside him was a woman-the woman who had come to my door as a child-and another man.

"Sorry for havin' to sedate you. We didn't know if you were going to come willingly or not so we had to play safe. You understand, don't you?" The main man asks, his grin growing. The woman shifted slightly. She had the phoenix tattoo as well, but it was on her shoulder.

"I really don't. Who are you?" My voice was hoarse as I shifted. The chains rattled as I moved. The woman looked at the other man for a moment.

"Well, I'm Aiden, that is Kenna." Aiden says, motioning to the woman before pointing to the other man, "And down there is Kai." Kai also had the tattoo, but his was peaking out on his chest. Oh my God it's a cult! Who still has cults?

"Okay then. Why did you decide to kidnap me, Aiden?" I ask, trying to keep the situation calm. Aiden smiles and walks towards me

"Because you're like us, Peyton. You're actually a lot more like us than you think. You know who Elda Bennett is, right?" Aiden asks, smirking at me. My blood runs cold and I swallow hard. I look down at my ankles and nod. Of course I know who she is. Elda Bennett was my mother, my birth mother. I shut my eyes for a moment before looking up at Aiden.

"Yeah I do, what a small world." I smile at him and he chuckles, but it's humorless. Shit.

"Elda was our mother too. She gave all three of us her flame as well, but you-you took all of it! But that's okay, that's what she wanted." Aiden smiles at me again, this time like a mad man, "You took everything that she had and turned her to dust. You were her last chance and the Flame smiled down at you, sister. You see, I was the first one so she named me after the Celtic god of the sun, hoping that maybe I would be more powerful. Then she had Kenna, born of the fire. Then it was Kai, fire." The other two glare at me.

"Well thank you for the exposition, but that doesn't fully explain why I am here." I respond, letting the information soak in. Siblings with fucking fire names. Sounds like lazy writing. Kenna looks pissed at my comment and moves forward, but Kai holds her back. Aiden grins, his green eyes ablaze.

"You see, Kenna is infertile so she cannot continue our linage. If she wasn't, we would have left you alone. At first, we thought you were infertile too but thank the Flame, your assistant announced to the world that you had miscarried. And it would be best if the strongest of us continued on the linage." Oh shit. I can taste the bile rising in my throat, but I swallow it, looking at him in the eye.

"Incest? Isn't that a little cult-y?" I ask with a smile. Aiden frowns and I guess Kenna was angry at my comment. She broke free of Kai's hold and before Aiden can stop her, she sends her foot flying into my face. The back of my head hits the concrete wall behind me and I'm out.


Tony had promised his parents when they had first brought Peyton home that he would always protect his adopted baby sister. They would be pissed at him right now.

Peyton had been missing three days.


He gotten there as soon as JARVIS alerted him. By the time Tony had arrived, his sister was gone and her cottage-the cottage he bought for her and she had loved-was up in flames. He didn't move until firetrucks came. Tony watched as they doused her house until the framework remained. Once they were done, he flew back to Manhattan, pissed. Tony called Fury on his way there and told him that he needed help.

That was three days ago.

Steve watched as Tony poured himself a glass of whiskey. The Captain looked over to Natasha. She was also watching Tony as he drank the whiskey in one go, setting the glass aside. The billionaire kept his back to them.

"Romanoff, you know my sister. Guess what she was listening to a couple of hours before they took her." Tony says, his voice slightly rough. Steve shifted in his sheet and Natasha looked over to the blonde man.

"It was something Stevie Nicks, wasn't it?" She speaks after a few moments. Tony nods and turns around, looking at the two people seated at the table in front of him.

"Fleetwood Mac, actually. Rhiannon. You know she liked her witchy music." Tony says, a small smile appears momentarily but it soon disappears, "We got nothing. It would be easier to find Amelia Earhart."

"Tony, we will find her. Y'know this how she acted when you went missing." Natasha tells him and Tony snorts. Steve looks in between the two, pretty lost. The Russian spy turns to the Captain, mouthing "I'll explain later".


My head was pounding when I came to again. The lights were too bright. Everything was too much-

"I'm sorry Kenna lost control of her temper, but you have to watch what you say." Aiden speaks and I scoff, rolling my eyes. Ow, my fucking head. I squint as I look up at Aiden, smirking.

"I'm not going to watch what I say, fuckface. I want no part of this fucking cult and I'm not going to pump out babies for you." I say in a sugar sweet voice. Aiden sighs and shakes his head.

"You can make this easy for yourself, you know." He tells me before grabbing me by my hair and lifting me up. I bite my cheek to keep from crying out. My chains rattle as he lifts me up. I am not a Bennett, I am a Stark. And us Starks, well we can never take anything seriously, now can we?

"I could, but where is the fun in that, asshole?" I grin and he clenches his jaw. This isn't the Peyton that let Clint Barton punch her in the face, this is the Peyton that Tony and Peggy Carter raised. The other Peyton wouldn't be saying this shit, but I guess both versions of myself have a very hittable face because Aiden punches me hard. Pain erupts across my face and I taste iron in mouth. Aiden yanks hard on my face, forcing me to look at him. If my head already didn't hurt before...Jesus I have to have a concussion at this point.

"Make it easy for yourself, sister." He growls and I smirk again. I spit my blood and spit onto his face. Why would I do that? There's no fun in that!

"I'm not your fucking sister." I purr and he drops me into the ground. I whimper when my head hits the wall. He pulls out a handkerchief and whips his face, grimacing.

"You're going to regret that." He snaps at me before turning on his heel to walk out of the room, moving towards a door at the far end of the room.

"Do you promise?" I call back out to him as I slid to lay on the ground. He doesn't look back at me and knocks on the door. It swings open and he walks through it before it slams shut. I slowly look around. There's no windows and only one door. I'm still weak from the Burning so I couldn't fight off all three of them at the moment. And the cuffs I was wearing were more than they seem because I can't draw any flame at all.


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