31-The Other Woman

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Wasn't going to post this today because I had just updated last night but fuck it. I've had this finished for weeks. It's been a lot time coming guys. I want to hear how you felt about this chapter below.


"Peyton, you need to calm down." Natasha called out to me in an hushed tone as I quickly walked away from Clint's farmhouse. I stopped and turned to look at her. She knew. She knew this whole fucking time. He had three kids. Three fucking kids. And a wife. Three kids, well two kids and one on the way. A little fucking baby boy. My heeled boots dug into his stupid lawn. I swallowed the bile in my throat. My hair blew around my face, loose from its ponytail.

"Fuck you, Natasha! Fuck you! You knew this entire fucking time didn't you?" I snap at her. She looks guilty. She didn't have to say anything, her face said it all. She knew about it this the whole times. Jesus fucking Christ I wanted to kick her ass.

"It wasn't my place to tell you. I didn't approve of Clint's affair with you." She says softly, trying to calm me down. It was an affair. I was the other woman. I had been involved in an affair. I was the woman I most despised. Home-wrecker. Home-wrecker. Home-wrecker.

"Was he already married when it started?" I asked, my voice small and tiny. Tears filled my eyes. Natalia shook her head. That didn't make me feel better, but I needed to know. I wanted to vomit. I was sick of the situation I was in. I hated cheaters.

"He was going to propose to her when you guys first started.."She trails off. The empty feeling fills my stomach and I feel sick, but I step forward anyway. Tears brimmed my eyes and I looked at her. We were a while away from the house, but my voice is almost a whisper. I doubt anyone could hear me. Not even Clint with those damn hearing aids I had made by hand would hear what I had to say.

"When was his first child born, Natalia?" I ask and she looks away, pressing her lips together. I ask again this time a little louder, "When, Natasha?"

"He found out Laura was pregnant a few weeks before you found out about..." She tells me, her eyes looking at my stomach. The blood. My baby. My baby. I choke out a sob, tears running down my face. That's why he wanted me to get rid of it. His wife was already pregnant. I was just his side piece. I couldn't be pregnant. Oh my God. Oh my God.

I step away from Natasha, pressing a hand to stomach. A hundred feet away stood Clint's house that had his little family inside and Natasha had known the whole time. I was horrified that she had kept all of this from me. I wanted to puke. I wanted to kill her. I wanted to kill Clint. I wanted to die. Whore. Whore. Whore. I was nothing more than those women that Howard had slept around with. Women who had made my mother Maria cry and hurt intensively.

"I-I'm leaving. I can't be here." I tell her, not caring to wipe the tears off my face. She steps forward, her mouth opening to protest, "No. You stay the fuck away from me. I'm leaving. I can't be here." With this and visions that Wanda Maximoff had put me through-it was all too much. Thor and Steve came out of the farmhouse just as I fly off. I felt dirty. I felt like garbage.


It doesn't take long for me to land in front of the mansion upstate. I let myself in, locking the door behind me. Tears are still pouring down my face, covering my dirty cheeks. Glimpses of the vision that Wanda Maximoff gave me hit me, of me on that night. The blood, me clutching my stomach and screaming "My baby!" Over and over and over. My hand moves down to my stomach again as I walk through the grand home. My footsteps echo. It was just me in this big big house. I've never felt more alone. I could've gone to Matt's and not be alone, but I needed to be alone.

I deserved it.

I walk to the great fireplace that's in the living area, carefully stacking wood inside before lighting it. I grabbed a blanket off a couch, ignoring the dust and sat down in front of the fireplace. I stripped myself of my suit and wrapped the blanket around me. I felt so empty and numb as my tears dried. I shut my eyes and wrapped my arms around myself. I sit like that for a moment before getting up and walking over to liquor cabinet. I open it up and grab a bottle of wine. Within a second, I broke my more than three years of sobriety. I needed to not feel. Today had too many feelings.

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