34-The Aftermath

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I wake up to some beeping in my ear and my waist feeling stiff. There's a dull ache everywhere, mainly in my abdomen. I open my eyes. The lights are off but I know I'm in a hospital room. I turn my head, seeing my brother sleeping in a chair. I carefully pull back my blanket and my hospital gown, seeing thick bandages wrapped around me. I drop my gown and blankets as footsteps near my room, the lights switching on. I wince, squinting as I try to get adjusted to the light.

"Oh you're awake." Dr. Cho says, a grin smile on her face. Tony stirs in his seat, waking up.  She walks over, messing with my IVs, seeing the look of discomfort on my face. Pain killers fill my veins, taking away the discomfort. It's a safe high. Her eyes meet Tony's, both of them not looking happy. I sigh and drink the water that Tony holds for me. I feel empty and sad as I lay back against the pillow. I feel absolutely idiotic for chasing after Ultron like that. I know that's not why they're not happy. It can't be the only reason. The memories of what happen fill my mind and I finally know what the elephant in the room is.

"Just tell me." I say hoarsely after I can actually speak. Cho sighs and looks at me. She looks pained, like this is somehow her fault.

"We stitched you up the best we can, but we don't have the cradle anymore." She explains, looking at Tony again. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see him nod so she continues, "You had great damage to many organs and for the most part we were able to fix some things."

"Stop dancing around it. Just tell me." I practically snap. I knew what she was going to say from what Ultron had said. She nodded, pressing her lips together. It can't be easy for her to say it and I'm not helping at all.

"After your fight with Ultron, you suffered from a lot of internal bleeding. In the process of that, your uterus ruptured." Cho speaks and Tony reaches to hold my hand. I understand completely what she meant, pressing my hand to my bandaged abdomen. Tears brim on my eyelids and I don't want to cry, but a tear slips out. I don't know why I was crying. Ultron had told me what he wanted to take away from me.

"So you removed it?" I ask, my voice small and tiny. Tony squeezes my hand as Cho nods. My hearing becomes muffled, as if I'm underwater. I pull my hand away from Tony, wrapping both arms around myself. With this and the vision from Maximoff, my hard and carefree exterior was ripped away. My hands down rest on my stomach, like I was pregnant. I remember when I was pregnant, I would rest my hand on my stomach without even thinking of it. I would pretend like I could feel the baby's heart beat.

"That wasn't the only thing, Peyton. We did some blood tests, just to make sure if anything was out of the ordinary." Cho's voice brings me back and I look up at her, my cheeks wet with tears. She isn't looking at me, neither is Tony.  I put two and two together and my heart shatters even further.

"I was pregnant, wasn't I?" My voice is barely audible. The two other people in the room nod. I choke out a sob. That's why Ultron said what he said. It wasn't just to take away any chance, but he knew I was pregnant. I shake my head, pressing my hands into my stomach.

"No no no, please tell me this is just some sort of sick joke." I spit out, looking at my brother and Cho. Matt and I were careful. We were always careful. Oh my God, I didn't know. How the fuck did Ultron know?

"Wanda Maximoff told us that she found out when she first entered your head. She said that she sensed it and told Ultron. Ultron told her that he wouldn't go after you and try to let you survive. She didn't realize, Pey." Tony speaks softly, his hands once again seeking mine. I feel sick. Tony tells me later that I had let out a scream.

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