49-Wakanda Forever

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One of the only things I grabbed from my room was the small key necklace that Frigga had made for me and given to Thor, which Thor gave to me before we located Loki's scepter. Even though the Goddess Of Fertility was long gone, I hoped that her charm helped my baby survive. The necklace joined the dog tags around my neck.

I stared at my husband as he talked to Bruce, my hand resting on my stomach. If we fought today, God I hope he stays safe. I love Steve way too damn much. Also I couldn't do this whole parenting shit by myself. I needed him probably way more than he needed me. Rhodey got up and walked over to me, sitting down beside me.

"So how'd you tell him?" My family friend asks, motioning to Steve. I grin, turning my attention to Rhodey.

"Couple of months ago, I started throwing up all the time and I wasn't sick so Natasha, jokingly, said "It's like your pregnant.". So I stole a car and drove myself to the nearest woman's clinic and turns out I was. So I stopped off at a store and told my lovely husband via tiny Captain America onesie." I say with a smile, "After he was over being pissed at me for just leaving the group and realized what I meant-I've never seen him so happy. He wouldn't stop kissing me and talking to the baby."

"What about you? Are you happy about the baby?" Rhodey asks, his voice must as quiet as mine. I look down at my stomach, where my hand as been absentmindedly rubbing my stomach.

"I am, I'm just worried." I respond, looking back up at my friend. He nods, as a smile appears on his face.

"You and your brother have done some serious growing up. I'm proud of you two." Rhodey tells me and I chuckle, standing as I realize we are getting closer. I walked towards the cockpit, my necklaces jingling as they hit each other.

"Drop to 2600, heading 0-3-0." Steve tells Sam as he walks into the cockpit. Steve and I are the only ones that have flown to Wakanda. The others have never been.

"I hope you're right about this. Or we're gonna land a lot faster than you want to." Sam says, doing what my husband told him to. I walk to stand beside Steve, lightly holding onto Natasha's seat. I grin as we fly through the protection shield and into the beauty that is Wakanda.

"Nothing to be frightened of, Bird Brain." I tease as we grow near the palace, landing soon after that. T'Challa, Okoye, and the rest of the King's guards are waiting for us as soon as the door opens. I walk side by side with Steve, the rest of team following us.

"Seems like I'm always thanking you for something." Steve greets the king, shaking his hand. I smile at both T'Challa and Okoye. Bruce clears his throat behind me and I turn to see him bowing.

"What are you doing?" Rhodey asks, obviously playing a joke on Bruce.

"Uh, we don't do that here." T'Challa tells Bruce before turning back to Steve and I, "So how big of an assault should we expect?" We start to walk into the palace.

"Uh, sir--sir, I think you should expect a quite big assault." Bruce says, trying to move between Steve and I.

"How are we looking so far?" I ask, growing slightly worried and vaguely nauseous. Don't be an asshole right now, baby.

"You will have my Kingsguard, the Border Tribe, the Dora Milaje, and-" T'Challa motions to Bucky whose striding up to us, new arm and all. The super soldier has a huge smile on his face, his eyes mainly on Steve but somewhat on me as well.

"And a semi-stable 100-year-old man." Bucky says, walking up to Steve and I. Steve immediately gives him a big hug, which of course makes me happy because a happy husband is a happy life.

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