18- Jackson

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I laughed as Matt pulled me into his arms even more as I tried to get out of bed. He kissed my bare shoulders as I attempted to squirm out of his grip. The window next to the bed let in plenty of morning light, letting me see Matthew Murdock in all of his glory. Matt and I had been seeing each other for a couple of weeks now, which means I kept waking up in his Hell's Kitchen apartment.

"I have to get going, Matt. You're going to make me late." I protest as his scruffy face scratches my skin. The smile doesn't leave my face as I turn in his arms, looking at his face. His brown unfocused eyes are wide open and he's smiling.

"You've never cared before, especially when I was the one that was going to be late." There's humor in his rough morning voice and that's almost enough to make me stay in bed and make me miss my mission.



I lift my knee up high, slamming it into the man's jaw as I bring his face down onto my knee. He drops to the ground, incapacitated got the time being as Cap runs past me and into the warehouse I grin and run to catch up with him before jumping into the air, my hands on fire. Out of the corner of my eye I can see him shake his head. I grin and fly past him, grabbing two guys as I go, lifting them up and dropping them to the ground. They cried out as they hit the ground with a thud.

"Who's left, Cap?" I ask, landing on the ground so he could catch up with me. He reached me within seconds. He looks around, his shield on his arm. Steve's blue eyes narrow on something behind me, so I drop low and Steve launches his shield at the oncoming attackers. I move, quickly rotating so I could launch a fireball at the men as well. I stay low as the shield comes back to Steve. The warehouse we are in at the moment is dark and dirty, but it is apparently clean enough to house a huge arms dealing operation.

"We still have one-" Bullets rained down on us and Steve quickly covered us with his shield. My hands quickly extinguished as I let him cover me. His arm was wrapped around me so he could have the shield in front of us. We were extremely close. Not that I'm complaining-I mean, you've seen Steve Rogers, right?

"Look dickhead, it's over. You've been caught. Just give up so we can go home." I call out to him. The man chuckles dryly. Steve gives me a "Well you know that wasn't going to work, right?" type of look and I sigh.

"I think it's fitting that they sent an arms dealer to take down an arms dealer, don't you Miss Stark? My collection would make you proud!" The man called out, which made me roll my eyes. I put my hand on Steve's shield and Steve nods, knowing what I was getting at.

"Well obviously you don't know me all too well because my brother and father were the arms dealers. Not me, buddy." I say and I grab Steve's shield. I swing it hard and let it go flying into the arms dealer. It knocks him against the wall, knocking him out. Steve stands, lifting his arm so the shield returns to him. I fly up and grab the man before dropping him at Steve's feet.

"I really wish you would've gotten a video of me using the shield. It's been my dream since I was a little girl." I say as I turn to Steve, wiping my hands on my dark red suit. He sighs and looks around the warehouse as more SHIELD agents file in, rounding up the injured enemy.

"I want to be mad at you but then you say things like that." Steve sighs as he puts his shield on the harness on his back before he takes off his helmet. I start to walk out of the warehouse and he follows me

"People find it very hard to be mad at me, Cap." I say, looking over my should to smile at him. He snorts and shakes his head, a smile gracing his face.


I found myself standing outside of Matt's apartment, showered and bundled up that night. It was starting to get very cold in New York and I didn't want to draw any attention to myself by using my powers to heat myself up to wear less layers so I wrapped my scarf around my neck, put on a big coat and a beanie. My heeled boots made a little noise as I moved to knock on the door to give him a warning that I was coming in. I used the key he gave me to open the door and walked in, shutting the door behind me. I locked the door and started to take off my layers when I heard someone fall down the stairs, the ones that lead to the roof.

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