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Lilith watched as her younger siblings played in the backyard, making sure that they didn't use their powers out in the open. She was the oldest and because of that, she was left to clean up her siblings's messes. The ten year old didn't want to face the wrath of their mother, who was even more irritable because she was pregnant. Their kind hearted father didn't speak out against her anger-he was way too in love with Elda. No one saw the real Elda but the children. It was definitely clear she was some sort of spawn of Satan.

Kenna, Kai, and Aiden were running around, shouting and laughing. They were acting like regular kids, big smiles on their faces. When Elda was pregnant with Kenna, she thought that little baby girl was going to be the one. Lilith was so damn jealous of it that she had prayed to Satan himself that Kenna wouldn't be blessed with the Flame. Oh, Elda was so pissed off when she gave birth to Kenna and the flames didn't consume her. After that, Kenna was treated like the other siblings-like they were lesser than Elda. She wasn't special because she had the powers they all had. She was nothing new. It took a few years for Elda to get pregnant again, but she was knocked up again, due sometime in the summer.

Kenna, Kai, and Aiden were too young to realize what it meant if this baby that was inside of their mother got the flame, but Lilith knew. It meant that child was destined to everything that Lucifer had in store for her. She would carry on the family line and she would most likely kill her siblings. That's what the book said to do. Lilith hated her unborn sibling with a passion. All of those things should have been hers, but Lucifer didn't choose her. She should have been the only one, the one to carry on the family-

"Damn it, Lilith! I told you to keep an eye on the siblings!" Elda shouted at her as she walked out of the screen door, moving towards Kai. Lilith blinked and watched as her mother struck the four year old across his face. The flame that was covering his hands disappeared and he started crying. Lilith nervously stood as Elda turned back to look at her, those green eyes they all had narrowing at her. Lilith's eyes lowered to rest on the growing stomach of her mother. She wondered if she prayed hard enough to the Dark Lord the child would be just like Kenna.

The anger inside of her towards the unborn child didn't disappear. No, it only got compacted tightly inside of her as Lilith held her tongue and prepared herself for what her mom had in store for her.


The next day, my living room was filled with what was left of the Avengers (sans Clint and Thor). Wanda, Rhodey, Peter, Bruce, Bucky and Sam were squished onto the grey couches, talking amongst themselves. My stomach was in knots as I gathered drinks for them. As soon as I had gotten home last night, I texted all of them. I had told them that there was something I needed to tell them, something really important. God, I wanted to vomit. I tried to push all of that down as I picked up the tray of drinks and carried them into the room.

"There, I think that is everything." I say, trying not to let the nerves slip into my voice, but they do anyway. Wanda's eyes narrow on me slightly.

"Are you alright, Pey? You seem off." She questions, studying me. I stand up a little straighter. Shit.

"Uh, I'm fine. I just-There's something really important I need to talk to you guys about." My voice wavers slightly as I sit down on the ottoman. I shut my eyes for a moment, trying to gather my emotions and thoughts. I let out a shaky breath.

"Pey, I'm sure whatever you're going to say is okay." Rhodey tries to calm me down as my eyes open. The six people in front of me all look worried and they really have every right to be. I look down to my hands, down to my wedding rings. There's no easy way to tell them what I need to tell them. You're screwed.

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