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"You idiot!" I shout at Tony, hands on my hips as I look at my brother and Bruce. They both looked like kicked puppies as I continue my rant, "You shouldn't have messed with the scepter especially since it contains the Mind Stone! We had agreed that Ultron was a no go."

"We wouldn't have another chance to create it, Pey. That technology-help me out, Bruce." Tony says, turning to his partner in crime. I turn my glare's attention onto Bruce. He raised his hands as the room grew hotter because of my anger.

"It was mainly your idea, Tony." The doctor responds and Tony sighs. I pinch the bridge of my nose, trying to contain my anger. The other members of our team shuffled in, minus Thor. I grabbed a hoodie off a chair, putting on over my lacy top, suddenly feeling very naked. I grab a rubber band off the counter, pulling my hair up. The members of my team patch each other up and I press a rag to my head.

"All our work is gone." Bruce says suddenly after a patch of silence, "Ultron cleared it out, used the internet as an escape." I sigh, shutting my eyes for a moment as I sit down.

"He's been in everything: files, surveillance. He probably knows more about us than we know about each other." Natasha says as she looks away from a screen. She had changed out of her formal attire by this moment in time. Rhodey pushes off the wall next to her, holding his arm.

"He's been in your files, in your internet. What if he decides he wants to access something a little more exciting." He says as he walks around. I try to keep my anger in check.

"Nuclear codes." Hill says suddenly as she holds her foot. Rhodey nods.

"Nuclear codes. Look we need to make some calls, assuming we still can." Rhodey responds, of course being the voice of reason in a situation like this. I stay quiet.

"Nukes? He said he wanted the Avengers dead, but-" Natasha's voice almost has a joking tone to it, but she's cut off by Steve.

"He didn't say dead, he said extinct." The blond man says as he leans on the counter I'm sitting near.

"He also said he killed someone." Clint mentions and I sit up a bit straighter.

"No one else was here. It was just us." I say, reminding everyone. Tony pulls out a remote, breaking his own silence.

"Yes there was." He clicks a button and a hologram of JARVIS appears. I swallow hard and stand, walking towards it. My chest feels tight, just like it did when the actual Jarvis died.

"This is insane." Bruce says, standing almost in the hologram. 

"Jarvis was the first line of defense in shutting Ultron down. That makes sense." Steve says, crossing his arms over his chest. I'm still distracted by the slight pain.

"No, Ultron could've assimilated Jarvis. This isn't strategy-this is rage." Bruce retorts and before I can speak, the sound of heavy boots walking into the room cuts me off. I turn my head, watching as Thor stomps into the room. He's angry at Tony, all of us are.

"It's going around." Clint says from his spot as Thor angrily picks up my brother by his neck. I immediately jump into action at the sight.

"Come on, use your words, buddy." Tony chokes out, his hands wrapping around Thor's arm. My hands automatically light up.

"I have more than enough words to describe you, Stark." Thor almost snaps at my brother. It's the first time I have seen the god angry and it is truly something else. The flames disappear from my hands as I move to stand next to my brother.

"Thor, put him down." I beg and the god does as I say. His eyes soften slightly when they meet mine but it doesn't last.

"Trail went cold about one hundred miles out and it's headed north. And it has the scepter. Now we have to retrieve it. Again." Thor is pissed by the way he is speaking and my anger towards my brother returns.

"Genie is out of the bottle. Clear and present is Ultron." Natasha says just as Bruce presses my phone into my hand. I mouth thank you and tuck it away.

"I don't understand. You built this program. Why is it trying to kill us?" Cho asks the million dollar question and that's when my brother starts laughing. I am going to kill him.

"This isn't funny, Anthony." I snap at my brother and he shakes his head, grinning.

"No, it's probably not, is it?" It is? Is it? It is so terrible." Tony says, still giggling. Thor moves towards him, unamused like the rest of us.

"This could have been avoided if you didn't have played with something you don't understand." Thor speaks as if he is speaking to a child. Apparently he is. My brother walks over to Thor.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Its funny. It's a hoot because you don't get why we need this." Tony gets into the god's face and suddenly I'm okay with being an only child.

"Tony, maybe this isn't the time." Bruce warns my brother, but my brother just turns to look at him, annoyed.

"Really? That's it? You just roll over and show your belly whenever someone snarls?" Tony asks and I rub my temples, leaning against the wall.

"Only when I've created a murder bot." Bruce fires back and I almost laugh, if it wasn't for the severity of the situation.

"We didn't. We weren't even close. Were we even close to an interface?" Tony asks and Bruce makes a face.

"Well you did something right and you did it right here. The Avengers were supposed to be different from SHIELD." Steve speaks up, wanting to stop the petty bickering.

"Anybody remember when I carried a nuke through a worm hole?" Tony asks and I feel nauseous as memories come back from that day, "Saved New York? Recall that? A hostile alien army came charging through a hole in space? We are standing three hundred feet below it. We're the Avengers. We can bust arms dealers all the live long day, but that up there? That's the end game. How were you were planning on doing it?"

"Together." Steve speaks, his Captain voice coming out strong and clear. Tony looks at Steve, pressing his lips together.

"We'll lose." Tony responds and Steve does not budge.

"And we'll do that together too. Thor's right. Ultron is calling us out and I'd like to find him before he's ready for us. The world's a big place. Start making it smaller." Steve says as he turns away from the group. I sigh and pull my phone out, just wanting to check it. I get a sense of relief when I see the missed message from Matt saying that he mad it home safely and he isn't too badly banged up. I sigh again, this time a bit happier. That happiness slips away when Tony walks over to me.

"You can go over to him. We'll be okay." He says to me, almost in a whisper. I press my lips together as I look around the room as my teammates get to work. I glance at Steve, raising an eyebrow. He nods in agreement and I almost groan, but I'm thankful. I can feel Clint's eyes on me as I get up and leave the room. I can still feel them on me when I eventually land outside Matt's apartment.

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