19- So This is Love

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"I just don't understand why you guys have to go to Malibu." I told Tony and Pepper over coffee in the morning. I had probably gotten back from Matt's a few hours ago and I was quickly coming down from happiness high that I got from being around him. They had just told me that they were going to spend their time in Malibu for Christmas and the first part of the New Year. Pepper holds Tony's hand as he drinks his cup of coffee. They're still mending their relationship after the Incident and I don't think what had happened with me had helped them at all. To sum it up, they're stressed, well dressed, and maybe depressed.

"You can come with us, Pey. I mean, you shouldn't be alone. Especially in December." Tony says and I freeze, my mug of coffee midway in the air. I lower the mug back down onto the table.

"I'll be fine in New York. I'm guessing Bruce is staying here?" I keep my eyes on the coffee in front of me. I know I should go to Malibu and spend Christmas with Tony and Pepper, especially with the year we've had. Tony and I needed each other, especially with what this month included, but I didn't want to leave New York.

"Yeah he is. Are you sure that you don't want to come?" Pepper asks and I shake my head, plastering a smile on my face.

"I'll be okay. Don't worry about me." I drink the rest of my coffee and get up, walking over to the sink. My blouse and pencil skirt felt too tight all of a sudden. I swallowed hard and closed my eyes.  I forced myself to calm down and smiled at my brother and his girlfriend. It would be best to not worry them. It would be best if they had time away from me.

"You see, when you say things like that, you worry me." Tony says, looking very worried. I walk over to the two of them, kissing my brother's temple. The two of them look up at me, still looking worried.

"Well you always worry me so it's only fair." I smile and pat Pepper on the back, "And you two have to have some much needed alone time. Protected alone time. Use condoms please."

"You're disgusting." Tony shakes his head as Pepper chokes on her coffee. I snort and make my way to the elevators, waving goodbye even though I know both of them are turned away from me. As soon as I'm inside the elevator, a hollow feeling fills me.


"A Shirley Temple, please." I tell Josie as I sit down at the bar next to Matt. He ordered a whiskey as he settled into his seat. I had my hair tucked into a beanie and I was wearing glasses instead of my contacts to try to conceal my identity somewhat. I really didn't care though. Matt took away that empty feeling I had felt all day after Tony informed me that he was leaving and I was incredibly grateful for that. He distracted me from the conversation that I had earlier with my brother and Pepper.

"You know, we could've gone somewhere nicer if you want." Matt says and I chuckle. I needed to be around people. Needed to feel less lonely.

"It's fine, Matt. I enjoy this." I respond, smiling. Josie puts the drinks down in front of us. I thank her and take a sip of the sugary drink. I might be pissed and sad, but I wasn't going to break my sobriety. Fuck that shit.

"Well I'm glad to hear that." Matt smiles and drinks his whiskey. I put my drink back down onto the bar.

"I'm glad that you aren't busy tonight." I say and he chuckles, turning his body towards me more. He's about to say something when he gets cut off by a blonde man.

"Matt! I didn't know you were going to be here tonight!" The man says enthusiastically, slapping Matt on the back. I turn my attention back to my drink, really hoping I don't get recognized.

"Hey Foggy." Matt responds. Out of the corner of my eye I can see him turn his head towards 'Foggy' and smiles. I know Foggy is looking at me and I know exactly what he's going to do.

"Holy shit, you're Peyton Stark!" He exclaims and both Matt and I wince. I sigh and turn to look at Foggy, plastering a smile on my face.

"Yeah I am and I rather not alert this entire bar's attention to the fact that I'm here." I tell him sweetly. Matt's face practically screams "I'm sorry". Foggy nods happily.

"Oh okay I understand." Foggy lowers his voice, smiling at me, "Will you excuse me and my sweet blind friend for a moment?"

"Go ahead." I say and turn my full attention back to my drink. My ears catches snippets of Foggy and Matt's whispers, smiling as I stir my drink with the little red straw.

"Shit dude is she the reason why you've been coming into work all happy? You've been fu-" Foggy whispers, getting quickly cut off by Matt. I try to keep in my laughter.

"Foggy. You need to calm down. Please." Matt whispers back and he clears his throat. I turn in my seat to look at both men, drinking my Shirley Temple.

"Yes Foggy, we've been fucking." I say, my voice sugary sweet as I lean forward slightly, "And I swear to God, if any mention of that gets out to any media, you'll regret it." I smile and look at him innocently as take a sip of my drink. Foggy gulps, his eyes widening a little bit. Matt is trying not to smirk next to me, his hand moving to rest on my back.

"Yes ma'am." He responds, his skin a little paler now. I lean into Matt's hand as he rubs circles with his thumb.

"Glad we are on the same page. Now tell me how you met Matt." I give him a genuine smile and he lets out a nervous breath.


After a maybe a couple of hours of talking with Foggy, Matt and I said goodbye and goodnight. We walked back to his apartment, his arm wrapped around my waist. The only noise coming from the clicking of his cane (well the only noise other than the usual New York City symphony).

"Thanks for being so nice to Foggy. Sorry he acted like that." Matt speaks suddenly. I smile, leaning against him slightly.

"It's fine and it was...interesting to talk to him." I respond and he chuckles. Matt holds me a little tighter.

"He likes you. He had a huge crush on you when we were in college." He informs me and I laugh.

"Foggy isn't the first person I've met who has had a crush on me at one point or another." I grin and he chuckles, shaking his head.

"You know people who casually sleep together don't usually meet each other's friends. Or perform minor surgery and take care of them after that." Matt says suddenly. I raise an eyebrow as we continue to walk.

"And they don't usually go on dates and take nightly strolls." I say, smiling. I'd be dumb to not realize the feelings that Matt made me feel. No one had made me feel this good since Clint and Matt made me feel even better. There wasn't any hiding and sneaking around with Matt. He didn't close off his feelings after a fuck like Clint did. Matt stopped walking and I stopped as well. He turned towards me, his head inclined down towards me.

"Look, I can't ever match your lifestyle and it's a lot different from mine, but I sure as hell can try to keep up with you." He smiles. I smile up at him, my heart beating a bit faster than normal.

"Matt Murdock, are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" I ask and he laughs softly, a blush tinging his cheeks. His nose was red, both of our breathes

"Well you did say you were Catholic." He murmurs and I laugh, cupping his cheek and kissing him. He kisses me back, pulling me close. Every part of me said that I was probably rushing to fast into relationship, but at the same time I was tired of just fucking around with people instead of being in a relationship. I pull away, my hand resting on his chest as the other continues to cup his cheek. I deserve to be happy, God Damn it. I deserve to have someone.

"I've been hurt a lot, Matt, and I haven't been in an actual relationship in a while. I don't trust a lot of people and I'm just letting you know now I don't like being fucked with. And I'm not the easiest person to be around and I come with a lot of emotional baggage." I tell him, being honest with him. He nods, smiling.

"I understand completely and I want you anyway." Matt says softly, barely audible over the noise of New York City. My heart is beating fast and I slam my lips against his. Everyone else is happy around me and God Damn it I deserve my rom-com moment. I've given so much in my life and I fucking deserve something. If my brother can be in a loving relationship I can too.

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